Crama Stramutata – Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare


Cu siguranta, fiecare butuc de vie din Dealu Mare iti poate spune cate o poveste a vinului din cramele mai vechi sau mai noi de aici, insa niciuna nu este precum cea a Cramei Stramutate de la Chitorani. Si daca toate celelalte s-au intamplat deja la un anumit moment, cea de aici urmeaza sa se intample: Crama Stramutata – Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare.

Crama Stramutata - Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare

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Povestea vinului de aici incepe in anul 2019, in zona viticola Dealu Mare, odata cu prima productie obtinuta pe cele sase hectare de Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot, Syrah, Fetesta Neagra si Cabernet Sauvignon.

Crama Stramutata - Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare

Povestea Cramei urmeaza insa sa se scrie cuvant cu cuvant sau, mai bine zis, piatra cu piatra. Si cand ultima piatra dintr-o crama seculara isi va gasi locul in trupul celei noi, abia atunci Crama Stramutata de la Chitorani isi va fi dobandit pe deplin si numele.

Crama Stramutata - Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare

Procesul de stramutare de la Mizil presupune dislocarea a peste 400 de tone de piatra si reconstruirea, pastrand exact aceeasi forma pe care a capatat-o in urma cu sute de ani. Acest proiect de amploare, unic in lume, va fi realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism Ion Mincu din Bucuresti, iar povestea va prinde culoare cu ajutorul celor de la Discovery, care vor realiza un amplu documentar.

Crama Stramutata - Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare

In prezent, aici se vinifica circa 12.000 de litri de vin anual: un alb sprintar, un roze seducator si trei vinuri rosii, unul mai subtil si mai profund decat celalalt.

Crama Stramutata - Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare

O vizita la Crama Stramutata este cu siguranta o experienta in sine, care insa nu ar fi completa fara povestile despre vin si despre viata, impartasite cu foarte mult har de catre Cornel Ristache, cel care a indraznit sa viseze pentru prima data acest interesant proiect.

Fiind o afacere de familie, sarcinile se impart: povestile raman la Cornel, iar gratarele si tuciurile cu pastrama de berbecut sunt specialitatea lui Patrick!

Crama Stramutata - Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare

Activitatile de aici sunt diverse, grupate, desigur, in jurul strugurilor si al licorilor obtinute din acestia: culesul viei, degustari de vinuri, teambuilding-uri si chiar sesiuni de „scoala altfel”, pentru ca cei mai mici sa se bucure de o experienta cat mai placuta si folositoare in natura.

Crama Stramutata - Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare

Deoarece vizita mea la Crama Stramutata a avut loc intr-o superba zi de octombrie, strugurii erau deja culesi, iar vinul era in plin proces de vinificare. Am reusit insa sa iau cu mine cateva imagini de aici si, desigur, cateva mostre de struguri si vin, pentru articol!

Crama Stramutata - Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare

Fara indoiala, daca prinzi o zi senina, poti vedea Crucea de pe Caraiman din mai multe dintre cramele din Dealu Mare, insa niciuna dintre ele nu iti poate spune o poveste precum cea care urmeaza a fi depanata aici. Hai si tu la Crama Stramutata sa fii parte din ea!

Crama Stramutata - Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare

Daca v-a placut articolul Crama Stramutata – Povestea nescrisa din Dealu Mare, va invit sa incercati si:

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Timian Chalet – eleganta naturala din inima muntilor
Jelna – Amprenta Transilvaniei
Atra Doftana

English version

Crama Strămutată – The Untold Story of Dealu Mare

Certainly, each vine stock in Dealu Mare can tell you a story about the wine from the older or newer cellars here, but none is quite like the one from Crama Strămutată in Chitorani. And while all the others have already happened at some point, the one here is yet to come: Crama Strămutată – The Untold Story of Dealu Mare.

The story of the wine here begins in 2019, in the Dealu Mare wine region, with the first production obtained from the six hectares of Sauvignon Blanc, Merlot, Syrah, Fetească Neagră, and Cabernet Sauvignon.

However, the story of the Winery is yet to be written, word by word, or rather stone by stone. And when the last stone from an ancient cellar finds its place in the body of the new one, only then will Crama Strămutată from Chitorani have fully earned its name.

The relocation process from Mizil involves the removal of over 400 tons of stone and the reconstruction, keeping the exact same shape it acquired hundreds of years ago. This large-scale project, unique in the world, will be carried out in collaboration with the Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urban Planning in Bucharest, and the story will come to life with the help of Discovery, who will produce an extensive documentary.

Currently, about 12,000 liters of wine are produced annually here: a crisp white, a seductive rosé, and three red wines, each more subtle and profound than the last.

A visit to Crama Strămutată is certainly an experience in itself, which, however, would not be complete without the stories about wine and life shared with great grace by Cornel Ristache, the one who dared to dream of this fascinating project for the first time.

Being a family business, the tasks are divided: the stories stay with Cornel, while grilling and the pots with lamb pastrama are Patrick’s specialty!

The activities here are diverse, naturally grouped around the grapes and the drinks made from them: grape picking, wine tastings, team-building events, and even “alternative school” sessions so that the younger ones can enjoy a pleasant and useful experience in nature.

Since my visit to Crama Strămutată took place on a beautiful October day, the grapes had already been picked, and the wine was in the full process of fermentation. However, I managed to take a few pictures from here and, of course, some samples of grapes and wine for the article!

Without a doubt, if you catch a clear day, you can see the Cross on Caraiman from several of the wineries in Dealu Mare, but none of them can tell you a story like the one that will unfold here. Come to Crama Strămutată and be part of it!

If you liked the article Crama Strămutată – The Untold Story of Dealu Mare I invite you to also try Timian Chalet – Natural Elegance in the Heart of the Mountains, Jelna – Transylvania Imprint or Atra Doftana.


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