Atra Doftana


Cu ceva vreme in urma niste prieteni buni, care ajunsesera in zona si incercasera preparatele de la Atra Doftana, mi-au recomandat aceasta locatie. Nu as putea explica din ce motiv Atra a ramas pe lista scurta, insa dupa experienta avuta recent, nu pot spune decat ca regret nespuns aceasta amanare.

Atra Doftana

Dar sa incepem cu localizarea, asa cum este ea descrisa chiar de gazde: „intre muntii impaduriti, pe malul lacului Paltinu”. Desi in multe recenzii apare ca fiind un acces nu tocmai comod, locatia este relativ usor accesibila iar drumul pana acolo deloc istovitor sau dificil, indiferent daca pleci din Bucuresti sau Brasov.

Atra Doftana

Insa odata ce cobori din masina in parcare si faci primii pasi pe terasa barului aflata deasupra complexului simplitatea si in acelasi timp maretia peisajului iti rasplatesc pe deplin decizia luata.

Cele 10 camere ale hotelului sunt intim ascunse in panta malului si permit vederea neobstructionata spre lac, prin geamurile largi si de pe terasa privata a fiecarei camere. Suprafata vitrata mare creeaza impresia ca natura de afara se contopeste cu interiorul.

Atra Doftana

Tema naturii continua in fiecare camera printr-un design modern si un decor minimalist, care folosesc materiale naturale pentru a crea un spatiu confortabil, aerisit si relaxant – ideal pentru o evadare de weekend intr-un hotel pe Valea Doftanei.

Atra Doftana

Si ce putea sa completeze mai bine o astfel de cazare deosebita decat o experienta gourmet pe masura! Meniul sezonier a la carte este creat de Chef Ionut Gagiu folosind cele mai proaspete ingrediente, furnizate de fermierii, ciobanii si producatorii locali sau culese din padurile din imprejurimi.

Atra Doftana

Meniul restaurantului se schimba de 4 ori pe an, iar in serile de weekend aveti ocazia sa participati la cine de fine dining cu wine pairing.

Atra Doftana

Am incercat aici o serie de preparate inedite, atat prin asocierea ingredientelor cat si a plating-urilor realizate.

Atra Doftana

Fiecare masa (mic dejun, pranz, cina) a fost o experienta in sine iar deserturile pregatite iti anuleaza pe loc orice intentie de a tine vreo dieta.

Atra Doftana

Pana si expresso-ul vine acompaniat de cel mai autentic si delicios salam de biscuti!

Atra Doftana

Sauna care se poate rezerva in regim privat fara costuri si serviciile de masaj (contra-cost, la preturi decente) intregesc pachetul de servicii pentru o escapada romantica reusita. Si as puncta aici romantica, spunand ca locatia se preteaza mai degraba unei experiente „adults-only” si asta nu din prisma gazdelor care incearca sa acopere cat mai bine si acest segment al cuplurilor cu micuti plangaciosi si galagiosi…

Atra Doftana

Desi multe recenzii reclama preturile mari, eu as putea spune mai degraba ca reflecta pe deplin calitatea experientelor oferite. Nu veti gasi aici snitel cu cartofi prajiti (nici macar in meniul de copii), frigider in camera, iar cei de la Glovo nu livreaza pizza si alte bunataturi cu care ne delectam zilnic. Aici veti gasi in schimb liniste, cel mai fain verde natural, o apa linistita ce isi schimba culoarea dupa bunul plac al soarelui si niste oameni faini care se bucura ca le-ai trecut pragul.

Atra Doftana

Concluzionand, as putea spune ca DA, la Atra, orasul se intrerupe…

Daca v-a placut excursia de la Atra Doftana va recomand sa incercati si alte cateva locurie faine din Constanta, un pranz cu priveliste grozava la epava din Costinesti sau un restaurant cu preparate romanesti din Cluj Napoca.

English version

Atra Doftana

Some time ago some good friends, who had arrived in the area and tried the dishes from Atra, recommended this location to me. I could not explain why Atra remained on the short list, but after my recent experience, I can only say that I deeply regret this postponement.

But let’s start with the location, as it is described by the hosts themselves: „among forested mountains, on the shore of Lake Paltinu”. Although in many reviews it appears to be a not very convenient access, the location is relatively easily accessible and the road to get there is not exhausting or difficult, regardless of whether you leave from Bucharest or Brasov.

But once you get out of the car in the parking lot and take your first steps on the terrace of the bar above the complex, the simplicity and at the same time the grandeur of the landscape will fully reward your decision.

The 10 rooms of the hotel are intimately hidden in the slope of the bank and allow an unobstructed view of the lake, through the wide windows and from the private terrace of each room. The large glazed surface creates the impression that nature outside merges with the interior.

The theme of nature continues in each room through a modern design and a minimalist decoration, which use natural materials to create a comfortable, airy and relaxing space – ideal for a weekend getaway in a hotel in Valea Doftanei.

And what could better complete such special accommodation than a tailor-made gourmet experience! The seasonal à la carte menu is created by Chef Ionut Gagiu using the freshest ingredients, provided by farmers, shepherds and local producers or collected from the surrounding forests. The restaurant’s menu changes 4 times a year, and on weekend evenings you have the opportunity to participate in fine dining dinners with wine pairing.

I tried here a series of original dishes, both by combining the ingredients and the platings made. Each meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) was an experience in itself and the prepared desserts immediately cancel any intention to follow a diet. Even the expresso is accompanied by the most authentic and delicious biscuit salami!

The sauna that can be booked privately at no cost and the massage services (for a fee, at decent prices) complete the service package for a successful romantic getaway. And I would point out the romantic here, saying that the location lends itself rather to an „adults-only” experience, and this is not from the perspective of the hosts who try to cover as well as possible this segment of couples with whiny and noisy little ones…

Although many reviews complain about the high prices, I would rather say that it fully reflects the quality of the experiences offered. You won’t find schnitzel with fried potatoes here (not even on the children’s menu), a refrigerator in the room, and the people from Glovo don’t deliver pizza and other goodies that we enjoy every day. Here, instead, you will find peace, the finest natural green, a calm water that changes its color at the pleasure of the sun, and some fine people who are happy that you have crossed their threshold.

In conclusion, I could say that YES, in Atra, the city is interrupted…

If you liked the trip from Atra Doftana, I recommend you also try some nice places in Constanta, a lunch with a great view at the wreck in Costinesti or a restaurant with Romanian dishes in Cluj Napoca.


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