Daca iti doresti sa impresionezi la masa de pranz sau doar sa te bucuri de o mancare savuroasa alaturi de familie si prieteni, aceasta reteta de pui in sos de unt cu salsa de ardei este alegerea perfecta. Combinand aromele bogate si cremoase ale untului cu accentele usor picante si dulci ale unei salsa de ardei facuta in casa, acest preparat promite sa devina un favorit pentru toti cei care il gusta. Marinarea pulpelor de pui cu iaurt si condimente le face fragede si pline de savoare, iar sosul de ketchup si unt adauga o glazura delicioasa si usor caramelizata. Salsa de ardei, cu rosii proaspete, ceapa sotata si o nota subtila de dulceata de la stafide, completeaza perfect aromele bogate ale puiului, adaugand prospetime si o usoara aciditate. Prepararea este simpla, iar ingredientele sunt accesibile – ideale pentru a crea un pranz memorabil de weekend, care imbina perfect confortul cu rafinamentul.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 3 portii)
Pentru pui
- 3 pulpe de pui
- 200 grame iaurt
- 2 lingurite boia dulce
- 4 catei usturoi
- 80 grame unt
- 3 linguri ketchup de casa
- Sare
Pentru salsa de ardei:
- 1 ceapa
- 100 grame rosii
- 100 grame ardei gras rosu
- 25 grame stafide
- 20 ml ulei de masline
- 20 ml otet de vin
- 10 grame indulcitor de stevie
- Sare
Curatam pulpele de pui si, folosind un cutit bine ascutit, le crestam delicat pe diagonala, presarandu-le apoi cu sare. Le asezam intr-un bol, unde adaugam iaurtul, boiaua de ardei si usturoiul zdrobit. Masam pulpele cu acest amestec, lasandu-le la marinat in frigider pentru cateva ore sau, ideal, peste noapte.
Intindem o foaie de copt umezita intr-o tava, asezam pulpele marinate si le acoperim prin ridicarea marginilor hartiei, peste care punem o alta foaie de copt usor umezita, impachetand strans carnea. Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C pentru 20 de minute. Intre timp, topim 40 de grame de unt si il amestecam cu ketchup-ul. Dupa cele 20 de minute, desfasuram pulpele si le ungem cu sosul obtinut. Adaugam deasupra restul de unt, taiat cubulete, acoperim din nou si reintroducem la cuptor pentru inca 50 de minute. In ultimele 10 minute, descoperim tava pentru a obtine o crusta frageda si apetisanta.
In acest timp, pregatim salsa de ardei. Tocam ceapa fin si o calim in 20 ml de ulei de masline si 50 ml de apa. Adaugam otetul, rosiile taiate cuburi, ardeiul taiat fasii, sarea si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic timp de 15 minute, dupa care adaugam stafidele si indulcitorul sau zaharul, gatind inca 5 minute.
Servim pulpele de pui fragede si rumenite alaturi de salsa de ardei si cartofi prajiti, pentru un pranz de weekend desavarsit.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Pui in sos de unt cu salsa de ardei, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Chicken in Butter Sauce with Pepper Salsa
Delicious when shared with family and friends, this recipe for chicken in butter sauce with pepper salsa is the perfect choice. Combining the rich, creamy flavors of butter with the mildly spicy and sweet notes of a homemade pepper salsa, this dish is sure to become a favorite for anyone who tastes it. Marinating the chicken thighs in yogurt and spices makes them tender and flavorful, while the ketchup and butter sauce adds a delightful, slightly caramelized glaze. The pepper salsa, with fresh tomatoes, sautéed onions, and a hint of sweetness from raisins, perfectly complements the rich flavors of the chicken, adding freshness and a slight acidity. Preparation is simple, and the ingredients are accessible — ideal for creating a memorable weekend lunch that perfectly balances comfort and sophistication.
INGREDIENTs (for 3 servings)
For the chicken:
- 3 chicken thighs
- 200 grams yogurt
- 2 teaspoons sweet paprika
- 4 garlic cloves
- 80 grams butter
- 3 tablespoons homemade ketchup
- Salt
For the Pepper Salsa:
- 1 onion
- 100 grams tomatoes
- 100 grams red bell pepper
- 25 grams raisins
- 20 ml olive oil
- 20 ml wine vinegar
- 10 grams stevia sweetener
- Salt
Clean the chicken thighs and, using a sharp knife, score them gently on the diagonal, then sprinkle with salt. Place them in a bowl, adding the yogurt, paprika, and crushed garlic. Massage the thighs with this mixture, leaving them to marinate in the refrigerator for a few hours, or ideally, overnight.
Lay a damp sheet of baking paper in a baking tray, arrange the marinated thighs on it, and cover them by folding the edges of the paper, then place another lightly dampened sheet of baking paper on top, wrapping the chicken tightly. Place the tray in a preheated oven at 180°C for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, melt 40 grams of butter and mix it with the ketchup. After 20 minutes, unwrap the thighs and brush them with the sauce. Add the remaining butter on top, cut into cubes, cover again, and return to the oven for another 50 minutes. In the last 10 minutes, uncover the tray to achieve a tender, appetizing crust.
Meanwhile, prepare the pepper salsa. Finely chop the onion and sauté it in 20 ml of olive oil and 50 ml of water. Add the vinegar, diced tomatoes, sliced pepper, and salt, and let simmer on low heat for 15 minutes, then add the raisins and stevia or sugar, cooking for an additional 5 minutes.
Serve the tender, browned chicken thighs alongside the pepper salsa and fried potatoes for a perfect weekend lunch.
If you enjoyed the Chicken in Butter Sauce with Pepper Salsa recipe, I invite you to also try Roast Chicken Legs, Chicken in Vegetables Brine or Chicken with Garlic Sauce.
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