Am ajuns la Timian Chalet intr-o formula largita, la invitatia unor persoane foarte dragi, care ne-au facut o surpriza teribil de placuta, alegand, aproape in blind, o locatie pe cat de speciala, pe atat de inedita: ferma caprelor din Ciaracio, Miercurea Ciuc. Desi toamna tarzie, weekend-ul de octombrie, a fost bland si generos, vremea superba facand parca parte din pachetul rezervat pentru noi. Situata langa parau si ferma, locatia ofera un concept interesant, putin intalnit in randul unitatilor de cazare din Romania si nu numai. Timian Chalet – eleganta naturala din inima muntilor, locul unde uiti de timp si iti amintesti de tine.

Urmarind indicatiile Waze, locatia parea foarte apropiata de drumul principal, aspect care ne-a nelinistit un pic la inceput. Insa cu putin timp inainte sa ajungem, am parasit soseaua nationala si am ajuns relativ repede in fata unei porti cu insemnele locatiei. Odata deschisa, peisajul a capatat cu totul alte valente: liniste si bucurie de inceput de lume, totul nascut din dragoste si pasiune pentru natura.

Numele are o dubla semnificatie: in mitologia greaca, nimfa care l-a alaptat pe Zeus a fost reprezentata sub forma unei capre. Aceasta nimfa reprezinta calitatea remarcabila a laptelui de capra. Pe de alta parte, Timian este denumirea populara a cimbrisorului, care evoca plantele medicinale din varietatea unica a pasunilor harghitene.

Cladirea principala a complexului este amplasata pe locul fostului grajd al caprelor, iar SPA-ul ce comunica cu aceasta, este fostul hambar, ceea ce ii confera un alt element de unicitate. Insa ce diferentiaza Timian Chalet in peisajul turistic este luxul si caldura cu care esti inconjurat. Peretii si plafonul restaurantului au in componenta grinzi din sase sure vechi de peste 100 de ani, care au fost dezmembrate pentru a fi utilizate in acest scop.

Structura cladirii oglindeste ordinea naturii, incaperile fiind situate pe trei niveluri – Pajiste, Bradet si Alpin. La fel ca natura, care este atat de variata in bogatiile sale, camerele de la Timian sunt si ele diferite. Camera Comoara, de la cel mai inalt nivel, ofera un loc ideal pentru cei care doresc liniste si singuratate, camera Crang evoca zumzetul unei poienite pline de viata si de ciripitul pasarelelor.

Noi am fost acomodati in camera Zori de zi, o incapere plina de farmec, unde razele aurii ale soarelui patrund prin ferestrele largi, imbratisand fiecare colt si creand jocuri de lumina, ce transforma spatiul intr-un tablou viu, mereu in schimbare. Din aceasta camera vei fi primul care vede cum prinde viata soarele, primul care simte pulsatia lumii trezindu-se.

Sunt in total 10 camere tematice care redau maretia naturii si spiritul sau: Crang, Zori de zi, Mineral, Muschi, Con, Lichen, Frunzis, Roua, Comora si Timian, toate aflate in chalet-ul mare, alaturi de un living de 50 mp si un restaurant cu bar (ocupand impreuna 100 mp).

Restaurantul Chalet-ului ofera preparate savuroase traditionale, toate bazate pe ingrediente naturale de la ferma. Aici nu vei gasi un meniu de mancare, deoarece totul este pregatit in ziua respectiva, in urma consultarii cu oaspetii. Specialitatea casei este ied sau miel sub clopot, copt minim 3 ore – preparat pe care l-am incercat si noi in prima seara alaturi de un aperitiv format din Camembert Timian pane si salata cu dressing de miere si o delicioasa ciorba de ied cu tarhon. Pentru non-iubitorii de carne de miel/ied erau ca variante: falcuta de vita cu cartofi sau coaste de BBQ cu cartofi steak. La desert am avut Apple pie – foarte buna si aceasta.

Micul dejun de la Timian este motivul pentru care iti doresti ca ziua sa inceapa mai devreme, pentru a putea avea ragazul necesar sa apuci sa incerci toate preparatele care sunt pregatite de gazde. Pe langa branzeturile fine preparate la ferma, am primit mezeluri, slanina si preparate din carne, legume proaspete, pate, zacusca, unt, gem, ochiuri sau omleta (dupa preferinta fiecaruia), suc de portocale, ceai din plante, cafea – noi am comandat latte si cappuccino, croissante si cea mai adevarata si delicioasa paine cu cartofi tipica zonei, servita proaspat prajita, la care nu am avut cum sa ne rezumam la un singur cos! A.. era sa uit: intrebati de iaurt, iar daca este disponibil, comandati un cofer… pentru prima zi! Si unul pentru urmatoarea…! Este cel mai bun, mai natural si mai fin pe care l-am incercat vreodata!

Ne-am rostogolit cu greu dupa festinul culinar de la micul dejun pentru a face cativa pasi si cateva poze prin complex. Am dat o tura pe la animale, iar aici daca sunteti insotiti de micuti, va fi raiul lor. Am asistat apoi, pe malul iazului, la procesul de prindere a unor pastravi pentru cina.

Activitatile care pot fi facute in zona (sau la maxim 30-45 minute deplasare) sunt multiple, insa noi am preferat sa ne relaxam total la soarele pe care il comandasem in pachetul turistic, ocazie cu care am savurat niste cocktail-uri.

Pentru pranz am mai facut ceva loc in burtici pentru o supa de ceapa cu Camembert, o adevarata delicatesa pe care mi-am propus sa o reproduc ulterior si pe blog, motiv pentru care am comandat delicioasa branzica si pentru acasa.

A urmat apoi o bine-meritata sedinta de relaxare in wellness-ul de 300 mp din fostul hambar. Acesta cuprinde pe langa cele 2 camere de masaj terapeutic, 3 saune (sauna tip ferma (60-70°C), sauna finlandeza (90°C), sauna umeda Herbalsauna pentru o persoana), jacuzzi cu hidromasaj profesional pentru 6 persoane, salina, leagane, sezlonguri.

Daca meniu de preparate in restaurant nu exista, prin compensare aici avem unul pentru masaj, cu proceduri atat de variate incat cu greu te poti decide. Am ales pana la urma Ayurvedic, o terapie de vindecare ce consta intr-un masaj corporal complet, utilizand uleiuri de plante. O doamna terapeut din Sri Lanka mi-a aplicat niste miscari lente precum framantatul, frictiunea si tapotamentul pentru indepartarea oboselii si conferirea starii de bine prin drenaj limfatic. In total 50 de minute de relaxare totala!

Pentru cina am comandat cate un pastrav cu mamaliga, din cei prinsi de dimineata chiar sub ochii nostri din iaz si cate o portie de cheese cake.

Piesa de rezistenta a fost insa platoul cu branzeturi, struguri, nuci si alune pe care l-am avut la final. Produsele au fost senzationale, lucru la care ne-am asteptat oaresicum, insa surpriza a venit din partea gazdei, Doamna Ginger, care ne-a prezentat tipurile de branza, ordinea servirii acestora si cateva aspecte de la ferma. Productia a inceput dupa o specializare in Franta, intr-o laptarie ai caror proprietari se aflau la a opta generatie, fapt pentru care aici intalnim preparate cu influente frantuzesti, dar si gusturi originale, cu elemente din flora harghiteana. Un adevarat „sommelier” de branza care a transformat un platou de branzeturi intr-o adevarata degustare! Tot acum am aflat si secretul succesului acestui proiect: pasiunea cu care doamna Ginger se ocupa de el, fiind considerat un “al patrulea membru al familiei” dupa cei trei copii ai sai.

Deoarece proprietarii pensiunii detin si o fabrica de bauturi alcoolice, am incercat, la recomandarea gazdelor traditionala visinata dar si Salvator, un lichior din plante Orris, migdale, coaja de portocala, cardamom, 28 de plante medicinale si aromatice, fructe, amintind de levantica, de caramel, de tutun, cu gust fin, proaspat, caracter feminin, note vegetale. Vis si har tamaduitor, reteta monahala.
Ultima dimineata la Timian a inceput cu micul dejun, la fel de senzational, de bogat si de variat precum cel din ziua precedenta. Ne-am despartit cu greu de masa plina de preparate senzationale, de Timian si de gazde, nu inainte insa de a lua cu noi o plasuta cu ceva “mostre” de Camembert, branza maturata cu trufe, branza proaspata din lapte de capra si de vaca cu arpagic, branza din lapte de vaca cu prune uscate si nuci.

O experienta pe cinste pentru care va suntem profund recunoscatori, Timian Chalet!

Daca v-a placut articolul Timian Chalet – eleganta naturala din inima muntilor, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Timian Chalet – Natural Elegance in the Heart of the Mountains
We arrived at Timian Chalet in an extended formula, at the invitation of some very dear people, who gave us a terribly pleasant surprise, choosing, almost blindly, a location as special as it is unique: the goat farm from Ciaracio, Miercurea Ciuc. Although it was late autumn, the October weekend was gentle and generous, the gorgeous weather being part of the package reserved for us. Located near the river and the farm, the location offers an interesting concept, rarely seen among accommodation units in Romania and beyond. Timian Chalet – natural elegance in the heart of the mountains, the place where you forget time and remember yourself.
Following Waze directions, the location seemed very close to the main road, an aspect that worried us a little at first. But shortly before we arrived, we left the national road and arrived relatively quickly in front of a gate with the signs of the location. Once opened, the landscape took on completely different values: peace and joy from the beginning of the world, all born of love and passion for nature.
The name has a double meaning: in Greek mythology, the nymph who nursed Zeus was represented in the form of a goat. This nymph represents the outstanding quality of goat’s milk. On the other hand, Timian is the popular name of Thyme, which evokes the medicinal plants from the unique variety of Harghitan pastures.
The main building of the complex is located on the site of the former stable of goats, and the SPA that shares it is the former barn, which gives it another element of uniqueness. But what differentiates Timian Chalet in the tourist landscape is the luxury and warmth with which you are surrounded. The walls and ceiling of the restaurant are made up of beams made of six surahs over 100 years old, which were dismantled to be used for this purpose.
The structure of the building reflects the order of nature, the rooms being located on three levels – Pajiste, Bradet and Alpin. Just like nature, which is so varied in its riches, the rooms at Timian are also different. The Treasure room, on the highest level, offers an ideal place for those who want peace and solitude, the Crang room evokes the hum of a clearing full of life and the chirping of walkways.
We were accommodated in the Zori de zi room, a room full of charm, where the golden rays of the sun penetrate through the wide windows, hugging every corner and creating plays of light, which transform the space into a living painting, always changing. From this room you will be the first to see how the sun comes to life, the first to feel the pulsation of the world waking up.
There are a total of 10 themed rooms that reflect the greatness of nature and its spirit: Crang, Zori de zi, Mineral, Moschi, Cone, Lichen, Frunzis, Roa, Comora and Thyme, all located in the large chalet, next to a living room of 50 sqm and a restaurant with bar (occupying together 100 sqm).
The Chalet restaurant offers tasty traditional dishes, all based on natural ingredients from the farm. Here you will not find a food menu, because everything is prepared on the respective day, following consultation with the guests. The specialty of the house is goat or lamb under the bell, cooked for at least 3 hours – a dish that we also tried on the first evening, together with an appetizer consisting of Camembert Thyme bread with salad with honey dressing and a delicious goat soup with tarragon. For the non-lovers of lamb/goat meat, there were options: beef cheek with potatoes or BBQ ribs with steak potatoes. For dessert I had apple pie – very good too.
Timian’s breakfast is the reason why you want the day to start earlier, so that you can have the rest you need to try all the dishes prepared by the hosts. In addition to fine cheeses prepared at the farm, we received sausages, bacon and meat dishes, fresh vegetables, pate, zacusca, butter, jam, fried eggs or omelette (according to each person’s preference), orange juice, herbal tea, coffee – we have ordered latte and cappuccino, croissants and the most authentic and delicious bread with potatoes typical of the area, served freshly fried, which we couldn’t limit ourselves to just one basket! Oh… I forgot: ask for yogurt, and if it’s available, order a case… for the first day! And one for the next…! It’s the best, most natural and smoothest I’ve ever tried!
We rolled with difficulty after the culinary feast from breakfast to take a few steps and take a few pictures around the complex. We took a tour of the animals, and here if you are accompanied by little ones, it will be their heaven. Then, on the shore of the pond, I witnessed the process of catching some trout for dinner.
There are many activities that can be done in the area (or a maximum of 30-45 minutes away), but we preferred to relax completely in the sun that we had ordered in the tourist package, on which occasion we enjoyed some cocktails.
For lunch we tried an onion soup with Camembert, a real delicacy that I proposed to reproduce later on the blog, which is why I ordered the delicious cheese for home as well.
Then followed a well-deserved relaxation session in the 300 square meter wellness area in the former barn. It includes, in addition to the 2 therapeutic massage rooms, 3 saunas (firm sauna (60-70°C), Finnish sauna (90°C), Herbalsauna wet sauna for one person), jacuzzi with professional hydromassage for 6 people, salt , swings, sunbeds.
If there is no menu of dishes in the restaurant, by way of compensation here we have one for massage, with procedures so varied that you can hardly decide. I finally chose Ayurvedic, a healing therapy consisting of a full body massage, using plant oils. A lady therapist from Sri Lanka applied some slow movements to me, such as kneading, friction and taping to remove fatigue and confer a state of well-being through lymphatic drainage. A total of 50 minutes of total relaxation!
For dinner, we ordered a trout with polenta, from those caught in the morning right before our eyes in the pond, and a portion of cheese cake.
The piece of resistance was, however, the platter with cheeses, grapes, nuts and hazelnuts that we had at the end. The products were sensational, something we expected somewhat, but the surprise came from the hostess, Ms. Gyöngyvér, who presented us with the types of cheese, the order of their serving and some aspects of the farm. Production began after a specialization in France, in a dairy whose owners were in the eighth generation, which is why here we find dishes with French influences, but also original tastes, with elements from Harghita flora. A real cheese sommelier who transformed a cheese plate into a real tasting! Just now I also found out the secret of the success of this project: the passion with which Mrs. Gyöngy takes care of it, being considered a „fourth member of the family” after her three children.
Since the owners of the guesthouse also own an alcoholic beverage factory, I tried, on the recommendation of the hosts, the traditional sour cheery liqouer but also Salvator, a liqueur made from Orris plants, almonds, orange peel, cardamom, 28 medicinal and aromatic plants, fruits, reminiscent of lavender, of caramel, of tobacco, with a fine, fresh taste, feminine character, vegetal notes. Dream and healing grace, monastic recipe.
The last morning at Timian started with breakfast, as sensational, rich and varied as the one from the previous day. We hardly parted from the table full of sensational dishes, Thyme and the hosts, but not before taking with us a plate with some „samples” of Camembert, cheese matured with truffles, fresh goat’s milk cheese and cow with chives, cow’s milk cheese with prunes and walnuts.
An honorable experience for which we are deeply grateful, Timian Chalet!
If you liked the article Thyme Chalet – natural elegance in the heart of the mountains, I invite you to try R Box Forest – The Tree House, Jelna – Transylvania Imprint or Atra Doftana.
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