Ieri a fost sarbatorita Ziua Internationala a Burgerului si cum puteam sarbatori mai bine decat cu un Dark Steak Burger?!? O chifla pufoasa, un sos usor dulce-picant de mustar, un muschi de vita perfect gatit si o portie generoasa de cartofi cu parmezan. Happy Burger Day! 🍔🍔🍔
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 400 grame muschi de vita / 400 grams veal tenderloin
- 1 lingurita cimbru / 1 teaspoon thyme
- 2 chifle / 2 buns
- 500 grame cartofi / 500 grams potatoes
- 25 grame parmezan / 25 grams parmesan
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespons olive oil
- 2 linguri mustar / 2 tablespoons mustard
- 2 linguri maioneza / 2 tablespoons mayo
- 2 linguri smantana / 2 tablespoons sour cream
- 1 ceapa mica rosie / 1 small red onion
- Salata verde / Lettuce
- Sare / Salt
Taiem muschiul de vita in 2 felii pe care le presaram cu sare mare si cimbru. Le lasam la rece 2-3 ore. Cu o ora inainte de preparare, scoatem carnea din frigider si asteptam 1 ora pentru a ajunge la temperatura camerei.
Incingem o tigaie si punem la prajit muschiul de vita. Pentru varianta “medium” de pregatire, il prajim cate 3 minute pe fiecare parte. Daca aveti un termometru special, trebuie sa verificati ca temperatura interna sa fie in jur de 55 grade Celsius. Mutam carnea pe o farfurie, acoperim cu o folie si lasam sa se odihneasca timp de 15 minute.
Intre timp curatam cartofii si ii taiem in felii groase. Ii lasam in apa rece timp de 10 minute, apoi ii stergem bine cu un servetel absorbant. Ii punem in Actifry Tefal cu 2 linguri ulei de masline si putina sare. Alegem programul special pentru cartofi prajiti, iar la sfarsit ii presaram cu parmezan ras.
Pana sunt gata cartofii, pregatim si sosul de mustar. Amestecam mustarul, maioneza, smantana si ceapa taiata marunt si pastram la rece pana in momentul servirii.
Pentru servire, taiem chiflele in doua. Ungem baza cu sos de mustar, adaugam salata, muschiul de vita feliat si acoperim cu cealalta jumatate de chifla.
Servim burgerul cu cartofii presarati cu parmezan si multa pofta, alaturi de un pahar de Capricii de Doamna de la Crama Stramutata, o Feteasca Neagra violet-rubiniu inchis, cu arome de prune uscate, visine negre, mure, coacaze si cu un echilibru perfect intre miros si gust. Pentru a va bucura de toate aromele ce se dezvaluie treptat, recomandam servirea acesteia intr-un pahar supradimensionat.
Daca v-a placut reteta Dark Steak Burger, va invit sa incercati si un Steak Burger, un Gyros Burger sau un Salmon Burger.
English version
Dark Steak Burger
Yesterday was the International Burger Day and how could we celebrate better than with a Dark Steak Burger. A fluffy bun, a light sweet-spicy mustard sauce, a perfectly cooked medium beef and a generous portion of Parmesan potatoes. Happy Burger Day! 🍔🍔🍔
Cut the veal into 2 slices and sprinkle with large salt and thyme. Let them cool for 2-3 hours. One hour before cooking, take the meat out of the fridge and wait 1 hour to reach room temperature.
Heat a pan and grill the veal. For the „medium” option, grill it for 3 minutes on each side. If you have a special thermometer, you should check that the internal temperature is around 55 degrees Celsius. Move the meat on a plate, cover with foil and let it rest for 15 minutes.
In the meantime, peel the potatoes and cut them into thick slices. Leave them in cold water for 10 minutes, then wipe them well with an absorbent napkin. Put them in Actifry Tefal with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and salt. Choose the special program for french fries, and at the end sprinkle them with grated Parmesan cheese.
Until the potatoes are cooked, prepare the mustard sauce. Mix the mustard, mayonnaise, sour cream and finely chopped onion and keep cold until ready to serve.
To serve, cut the buns in half. Grease the base with mustard sauce, add the salad, sliced beef and cover with the other half of the bun.
Serve the burger with potatoes sprinkled with Parmesan cheese, along with a glass of Capricii de Doamna from Crama Stamutata.
A dark purple-ruby Feteasca Neagra, with aromas of plums, black cherries, blackberries, currants and a perfect balance between smell and taste. To enjoy all the flavors that are gradually revealed, we recommend serving it in an oversized glass.
If you liked the Dark Steak Burger recipe, I invite you to try a Steak Burger, a Gyros Burger or a Salmon Burger.
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