Brie & Bacon Bread Pudding sau cel mai simplu mod de a transforma un brunch intr-un eveniment decadent. Crocanta la exterior, cremoasa la interior, aceasta budinca cu paine, brie si bacon va salva cu succes cateva dintre alimentele din frigider, astfel incat sa reducem risipa.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 200 grame bacon / 200 grams bacon
- 125 grame branza brie / 125 grams brie
- 400 grame paine feliata / 400 grams sliced bread
- 100 grame unt / 100 grams butter
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- 200 ml smantana dulce / 200 ml double cream
- 100 grame crema de branza natur / 100 grams natur cream cheese
- 200 grame cascaval / 200 grams cheese
- 4 fire de ceapa verde / 4 spring onions
- Sare / Salt

Taiem baconul in felii subtiri si il prajim pana cand devine crocant. Lasam la racit.
Intr-un bol amestecam ouale, sarea, smantana dulce si crema de branza natur si ungem cu putin unt o forma termorezistenta.

Ungem feliile de paine cu unt si asezam jumatate din cantitatea de paine in forma. Acoperim primul strat de paine cu jumatate din cantitatile de bacon, branza brie taiata marunt si ceapa verde. Turnam jumatate din amestecul de smantana si oua si presaram jumatate din cantitatea de cascaval ras. Asezam apoi restul de felii de paine cu unt si repetam pasii anteriori. Incheiem cu cascaval ras, presam usor cu palmele si apoi adaugam cativa fulgi de unt.

Lasam budinca la rece timp de o ora, apoi o coacem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius timp de 30 de minute, pana cand este frumos rumenita.

Servim aceasta budinca cu ketchup dulce sau picant, dupa preferinta.
Daca v-a placut reteta Brie & Bacon Bread Pudding, va invit sa incercati si o pizza “After Party” sau o placinta cu branza sarata.
English version
Brie & Bacon Bread Pudding
Brie & Bacon Bread Pudding or the easiest way to turn a brunch into a decadent event. Crispy on the outside, creamy on the inside, this pudding with bread, brie and bacon will successfully save some of the food, in order to reduce waste.
Cut the bacon into thin slices and fry until crispy. Let cool.
In a bowl, mix eggs, salt, double cream and cream cheese.
Grease the bread slices with butter and place half the amount of bread in a heat-resistant form greased with a small quantity of butter.
Cover the first layer of bread with half the quantities of bacon, finely chopped brie cheese and green onions. Pour half of the cream and egg mixture and sprinkle with half the amount of grated cheese. Then place the rest of the slices of bread with butter and repeat the previous steps. Finish with grated cheese, press lightly with your hands and then add a few flakes of butter.
Let the pudding cool for an hour, then bake it in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes, until it is nicely browned.
Serve this pudding with sweet or spicy ketchup, as desired.
If you liked the Brie & Bacon Bread Pudding recipe, I invite you to try an „After Party” pizza or a salted cheese pie.
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