Chicken Nuggets si cartofi prajiti este una dintre cele mai faine combinatii pentru o masa de pranz. Cu un continut minim de grasimi, micile chiftelute incredibil de suculente la interior si crocante la exterior cu cartofi noi prajiti si salata de legume proaspete reprezinta o masa grozava atat pentru copii, cat si pentru adulti.
- 500 grame piept de pui / 500 grams chicken breast
- 250 grame cartofi / 250 grams potatoes
- 1/2 ceapa rosie / 1/2 red onion
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 lingurita piper / 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1/2 lingurita chilli / 1/2 teaspoon chilli
- 2 lingurite amidon / 2 teaspoons corn starch
- 1 kg cartofi noi / 1 kg potatoes
- 4 linguri ulei de masline / 4 tablespoons olive oil
Spalam bine cartofii si ii fierbem in coaja. Eu am ales sa ii fierb la abur in Tefal One Pot (functia “Steam” timp de 15 minute).
In bolul unui blender punem pieptul de pui, ceapa rosie si cartofii fierti si raciti. Mixam bine si adaugam sarea, piperul, fulgii de chilli (daca nu va place gustul picant, puteti renunta) si amidonul.
Incingem o tigaie cu 2 linguri ulei de masline si formam din aluatul de carne, nuggets mici pe care ii prajim pe ambele parti.
Intre timp, spalam cartofii noi si ii taiem. Ii tinem in apa rece timp de 10-15 minute, ii scurgem si ii stergem cu servetel absorbant. Asezam cartofii in tava de la Tefal Actifry cu 2 linguri de ulei de masline si sare. Alegem programul pentru cartofi prajiti.
Servim nuggets de pui cu cartofi prajiti si salata de rosii, castraveti si ceapa verde. Daca va plac sosurile, puteti adauga ketchup si maioneza.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta Chicken Nuggets, va invit sa incercati si un Pui Shanghai, Fajitas de pui sau o portie de Aripioare de pui cu lamaie si piper.
English version
Chicken Nuggets
Chicken Nuggets and French fries is one of the best combinations for a lunch. With a low fat content, the incredibly juicy little meatballs on the inside and crispy on the outside with fresh french fries and fresh vegetable salad are a great meal for both children and adults.
Wash the potatoes well and boil them in their skins. I chose to steam them in Tefal One Pot („Steam” function for 15 minutes).
In the bowl of a blender put the chicken breast, red onion and boiled and cooled potatoes. Mix well and add salt, pepper, chilli flakes (if you don’t like the spicy taste, you can give up) and starch.
Meanwhile, wash the potatoes and cut them. Drizzle them in cold water for 10-15 minutes, drain and wipe with an absorbent napkin. Place the potatoes in the tray from Tefal Actifry with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and salt. Choose the program for french fries and you will enjoy the best french fries with a minimum of fat.
Serve chicken nuggets with french fries and tomato salad, cucumber and green onion. If you like sauces, you can add ketchup and mayonnaise.
You can find the video details of the recipe here .
If you liked the Chicken Nuggets recipe, I invite you to try a Shanghai Chicken, Chicken Fajitas or a portion of Chicken Wings with lemon and pepper.
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