Ficatei de pui cu usturoi si mamaliga sau gustul autentic al bucatariei romanesti. Ingrediente simple pentru un gust inconfundabil. Carne suculenta la interior aromata cu usturoi, servita cu mamaliga moale, o reteta reconfortanta care ne duce intr-o calatorie culinara in inima Romaniei, oferind o experienta de neuitat pentru orice iubitor al gastronomiei traditionale.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
Pentru ficateii de pui:
- 800 grame ficatei de pui
- 1 capatana de usturoi
- 2 linguri ulei
- Sare
Pentru mamaliga:
- 1600 ml apa
- 1 lingura sare
- 400 grame malai
- 1 lingura ulei
Intr-o cratita adanca sau un ceaun punem apa la fiert si adaugam sarea si uleiul. Cand apa fierbe adaugam malaiul in ploaie, amestecam si lasam la fiert la foc mic timp de 40 de minute amestecand ocazional.
Pentru pregatirea ficateilor, incepem prin a-i spala foarte bine si a inlatura orice urma de fiere verde. Scurgem bine ficateii si ii stergem cu un servet absorbant.
Incingem uleiul si adaugam jumatate din capatana de usturoi strivita. Calim timp de 10 secunde si adaugam ficateii. Pregatim la foc mare timp de 5 minute, acoperiti cu un capac, apoi ii intoarcem si mai gatim timp de 5 minute, Cand sunt gata ii presaram cu sare.
Intre timp pregatim un mujdei din jumatate de capatana de usturoi, sare si apa.
Servim ficateii de pui cu mamaliga calda, sosul in care s-au pregatit si evident mujdei de usturoi. Nu uitam, desigur, de muraturile asortate.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Ficatei de pui cu usturoi si mamaliga, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Chicken Livers with Garlic and Polenta
Chicken livers with garlic and polenta or the authentic taste of Romanian cuisine. Simple ingredients for a perfect taste. Juicy meat on the inside flavored with garlic, served with soft creamy polenta, a comforting recipe that takes us on a culinary journey in the heart of Romania, offering an unforgettable experience for any lover of traditional gastronomy.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
For the chicken livers:
- 800 grams of chicken liver
- 1 head of garlic
- 2 tablespoons of oil
- Salt
For polenta:
- 1600 ml water
- 1 spoon salt
- 400 grams corn flour
- 1 tablespoon oil
In a deep saucepan or cauldron, boil water and add salt and olive oil. When the water boils, add the corn flour, mix and let it cook on low heat for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
To prepare the livers, start by washing them very well and removing any traces of green bile. Drain the livers well and wipe them with an absorbent napkin.
Heat the oil and add half of the crushed head of garlic. Sauté for 10 seconds and add the livers. Cook over high heat for 5 minutes, covered with a lid, then turn them over and cook for another 5 minutes. When they are ready, sprinkle them with salt.
In the meantime, prepare the garlic sauce. Crush half a head of garlic with salt and add a small quantity of water.
Serve the chicken livers with hot polenta, sauce in which they were prepared and, of course, garlic sauce. Do not forget, of course, the assorted pickles.
If you liked the recipe for chicken livers with garlic and polenta, I invite you to try Chicken giblets and liver stew, Creamy Polenta with Beer Sautéed Mushrooms or a Romanian Inspired dishes from old time.
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