Bucate inspirate cu iz de altadata pentru un pranz romanesc plin de savoare. Muschiulet de porc fraged rumenit in cuptor, maruntaie de curcan inabusite in sos de usturoi, ciuperci de padure cu crema dulce de smantana si cimbru servite alaturi de o mamaliga aburinda pentru o masa plina de arome incantatoare numai buna de impartit cu toata familia.
(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)
Pentru muschiuletul de porc la cuptor / For the oven roasted pork loin:
- 1 muschiulet de porc (aproximativ 500 grame) / 1 pork loin (about 500 grams)
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1/2 lingurita sare / 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 lingurita cimbu / 1 teaspoon thyme
- 1/2 lingurita piper / 1/2 teaspoon pepper
Pentru maruntaiele de curcan cu sos de usturoi / For the turkey giblets with garlic sauce:
- 500 grame maruntaie curcan (pipote si inimi) / 500 grams of turkey giblets
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 200 ml apa / 200 ml water
- 1/4 lingurita piper / 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
- Sare / salt
- 1 lingura patrunjel verde / 1 tablespoon parsley
Pentru mixul de ciuperci cu sos de smantana si cimbru / For the mushrooms mix with cream and thyme sauce:
- 500 grame mix de ciuperci (galbiori si hribi) / 500 grams of mushroom mix (chanterelle and porcini mushrooms)
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 ceapa alba / 1 white onion
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 200 ml smantana dulce / 200 ml double cream
- 1/4 lingurita cimbru / 1/4 teaspoon thyme
- Sare / Salt
Scoatem muschiuletul de porc din frigider cu o ora inainte de pregatire astfel incat sa ajunga la temperatura camerei. Uscam muschiuletul de porc foarte bine cu un servetel absorbant si il presaram cu sare mare pe toate partile. ll ungem cu ulei de masline si intre timp incingem foarte bine o tigaie grill.
Prajim muschiul in tigaia incinsa cate 2 minute pe fiecare parte, in total 8 minute. Mutam muschiuletul intr-o forma de copt termorezistenta si presaram piper proaspat macinat, cimbru.
Acoperim cu feliute de unt si introducem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 20 de minute.
Scoatem tava din cuptor si o acoperim cu o folie de staniol timp de 10 minute. Asezam pe un platou si feliem muschiul de porc alaturi de sosul de unt din tava.
Spalam bine maruntaiele de curcan si le lasam in apa rece 30 de minute pentru a curata tot excesul de sange. Eu am pregatit maruntaiele la Tefal One Pot, insa putem folosi si metoda traditionala de gatit, marind timpii de preparare. Incingem in Tefal One Pot 2 linguri de ulei de masline, folosind functia „Brown”.
Adaugam inimile si pipotele de curcan si le prajim timp de 2 minute pe ficare parte. Presaram cu sare si adaugam apa. Acoperim cu capac si gatim sub presiune pentru 40 de minute. Depresurizam si continuam sa gatim folosind functia „Bake” pana cand sosul devine consistent.
Adaugam usturoiul zdrobit si mai gatim 2 minute. Rasturnam intr-un bol si presaram patrunjel tocat marunt.
Pentru garnitura de ciuperci, incalzim intr-o tigaie adanca uleiul de masline si untul. Taiem ceapa marunt si o calim 1 minut in amestecul de unt. Adaugam ciupercile, sarea si cimbrul si lasam la inabusit la foc mediu pentru 10 – 15 minute pana cand toata apa se evapora.
La expirarea timpului verificam daca ciupercile sunt gatite, iar daca este necesar mai adaugam 50 ml apa si continuam sa mai gatim. Adaugam usturoiul zdrobit si smantana dulce si gatim pana obtinem un sos consistent.
Servim muschiul de porc alaturi de maruntaiele de curcan, ciupercile cu sos de smantana alaturi de mamaliga calda cu multa pofta.
Detaliile video pentru muschiuletul de porc le gasiti aici.
Detaliile video pentru curcan le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta pentru Bucate inspirate cu iz de altadata va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Inspired dishes from old time
Inspired dishes with a touch of old time is ideal for a Romanian lunch full of flavor. Tender pork tenderloin browned in the oven, turkey giblets stewed in garlic sauce, forest mushrooms with sweet cream and thyme sauce and a hot polenta for a lunch full of delightful flavors, perfect to share with the whole family.
Take the pork loin out of the refrigerator one hour before preparation so that it reaches room temperature. Dry the pork tenderloin very well with an absorbent napkin and sprinkle it with coarse salt on all sides. Pour olive oil over it and in the meantime heat up a grill pan very well. Fry the loin in the hot pan for 2 minutes on each side, a total of 8 minutes. Place the tenderloin in a heat-resistant baking dish and sprinkle with freshly ground pepper and thyme. Cover with slices of butter and put in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven and cover it with a tin foil for 10 minutes. Place on a plate and slice the pork along with the butter sauce from the pan.
Wash the turkey giblets well and leave them in cold water for 30 minutes to clean all the excess blood. I prepared the recipe in Tefal One Pot, but we can also use the traditional cooking method, increasing the preparation time. Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in the Tefal One Pot, using the „Brown” function. Add the meat and fry them for 2 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with salt and add water. Cover with lid and cook under pressure for 40 minutes. Depressurize and continue cooking using the „Bake” function until the sauce becomes thick. Add the crushed garlic and cook for another 2 minutes. Pour into a bowl and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.
Heat the olive oil and butter in a deep pan. Finely chop the onion and saute it for 1 minute in the butter mixture. Add the mushrooms, salt and thyme and let it simmer on medium heat for 10 – 15 minutes until all the water evaporates. At the end of the time, check if the mushrooms are cooked, and if necessary, add another 50 ml of water and continue cooking. Add the crushed garlic and double cream and cook until you get a consistent sauce.
Serve the pork loin with turkey giblets, mushrooms with cream sauce with hot polenta and great appetite.
You can find the video details for the pork loin here.
You can find the video details for the turkey here.
If you liked this recipe, I invite you to try Steak with Mushroom Sauce, Veal Liver Skillet or Veal Stew with Baguette Gratin.
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