

Focaccia, o paine plata traditionala italiana, este celebrata pentru textura sa aerata si exteriorul crocant. Aceasta reteta va va ghida prin pasi simpli pentru a crea propria dvs. focaccia acasa, folosind ingrediente proaspete si de calitate. De la alegerea fainii potrivite pana la secretul unei fermentari perfecte, veti descoperi cum sa aduceti gustul Italiei in bucataria dvs. Cu o crusta aurie si aromele bogate ale uleiului de masline si rosiilor cherry, focaccia facuta in casa este o adevarata bucurie pentru simturi si un acompaniament ideal pentru numeroase feluri de mancare. Indiferent daca o serviti ca aperitiv sau ca parte a unei mese mai elaborate, aceasta focaccia va fi cu siguranta vedeta oricarei mese. Urmariti acesti pasi simpli si bucurati-va de placerea de a face paine de la zero, o traditie care a fost perfectionata de-a lungul secolelor in Italia.


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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)

  • 500 grame faina manitoba
  • 25 grame drojdie
  • 30 grame ulei masline
  • 350 grame apa calda
  • 1 lingurita de sare
  • 10 rosii cherry

Incepem prin a unge un castron mare cu putin ulei de masline. Intr-un alt castron sau in bolul unui mixer, adaugam faina, drojdia, uleiul, apa si sarea, apoi framantam timp de 5 minute.

Transferam aluatul in castronul pregatit, il acoperim cu folie si il lasam sa creasca pana isi dubleaza volumul, aproximativ 1-2 ore.


Ungem o tava de copt, apoi rasturnam aluatul dospit si il intindem. Lasam la dospit pentru inca 30 de minute. La expirarea timpului, cu degetele unse cu ulei, facem adancituri in aluat si inseram jumatati de rosii.

Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 200 de grade Celsius si coacem timp de 20 de minute, pana cand aluatul este frumos rumenit.


Lasam sa se raceasca in tava timp de 5 minute, apoi transferam pe un gratar.

Servim calda sau rece, alaturi de un aperitiv italian si de un pahar de Sonet rose de la Crama Stramutata, un cupaj de o culoare intensa de cirese roz, balantat intre Syrahul cu un buchet bogat in arome de piper si fructe si Feteasca Neagra care evidentiaza arome de fructe de padure, visine, prune uscate, stafide negre, usor condimentat, cu adieri de violete, scortisoara, piper negru boabe, ienibahar sau vanilie. Intens, floral, condimentat, cu un final prelungit, Sonetul 2022 este un vin ce poate consuma tot timpul anului, temperatura recomandata de servire fiind de 10-12 grade Celsius.


Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut Focaccia, va invit sa incercati si:

Focaccine cu pesto si mozarella
Ultimate Foccacia Bread
Capresse Flatbread – un altfel de pizza

English version


Focaccia, a traditional Italian flatbread, is celebrated for its airy texture and crispy exterior. This recipe will guide you through the simple steps to create your own focaccia at home, using fresh and quality ingredients. From choosing the right flour to the secret of a perfect fermentation, you will discover how to bring the taste of Italy into your kitchen. With a golden crust and the rich flavors of olive oil and cherry tomatoes, homemade focaccia is a real joy for the senses and a ideal accompaniment for many types of food. Regardless of whether you serve it as an appetizer or as part of a more elaborate meal, this focaccia will definitely be the star of any meal. Follow these simple steps and enjoy the pleasure of making bread from scratch, a tradition that has been perfected over the centuries in Italy.

INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)

  • 500 grams Manitoba flour
  • 25 grams yeast
  • 30 grams olive oil
  • 350 grams warm water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 10 cherry tomatoes

Start by greasing a large bowl with a small quantity of olive oil. In another bowl or in the bowl of a mixer, add the flour, yeast, oil, water and salt, then knead for 5 minutes.

Transfer the dough to the prepared bowl, cover it with foil and let it rise until it doubles in volume, approximately 1-2 hours.

Grease a baking tray, then turn the leavened dough over and spread it out. Leave to ferment for another 30 minutes. At the end of the time, with oiled fingers, make indentations in the dough and insert tomato halves.

Place the tray in the oven preheated to 200 degrees Celsius and bake for 20 minutes, until the dough is nicely browned.

Let it cool in the tray for 5 minutes, then transfer it to a grill.

We serve hot or cold, along with an Italian aperitif and a glass of Sonet rosé from Crama Stramutata, a blend with an intense color of pink cherries, balanced between Syrah with a rich bouquet of pepper and fruit aromas and Feteasca Neagra that highlights aromas of berries, cherries, prunes, black raisins, slightly spicy, with hints of violets, cinnamon, black peppercorns, allspice or vanilla. Intense, floral, spicy, with a prolonged finish, Sonnet 2022 is a wine that can be consumed all year round, the recommended serving temperature being 10-12 degrees Celsius.

If you liked Focaccia, I invite you to try Focaccine with Pesto and Mozzarella, Ultimate Foccacia Bread or Capresse Flatbread.


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