Ultimate Foccacia Bread


Aceasta Ultimate Foccacia Bread este o reteta super simplu de executat, cu o aroma extraordinara de paine calda cu ierburi! Aceasta foccacia este usoara si aerisita, cu un ulei de masline delicios, usor sarat si cu plante aromatice proaspete ce dau viata intregii paini. Foloseste aceasta minune ca si garnitura langa un platou de aperitive sau ca baza pentru niste sandvisuri delicioase!

Ultimate Foccacia Bread


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 2 cani faina pentru pizza / 2 cups pizza flour
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cana apa cada / 1 cup warm water
  • 20 grame drojdie proaspata / 20 grams fresh yeast
  • 1 lingurita zahar / 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 30 ml ulei de masline / 30 ml olive oil
  • 1/2 lingurita sare Maldon / 1/2 teaspoon Maldon salt
  • 1 lingurita oregano / 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 lingura rozmarin proaspat / 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary
Ultimate Foccacia Bread

Punem faina intr-un bol si o amestecam cu sarea. In cana cu apa calda amestecam drojdia proaspata si zaharul. Lasam drojdia sa actioneze timp 10 minute, apoi rasturnam peste faina. Framantam bine si punem aluatul intr-un bol uns cu putin ulei. Lasam la dospit la frigider timp de 8 ore sau peste noapte.

Rasturnam aluatul intr-o tava si o intindem cu ajutorul palmelor. Acoperim tava cu un prosop si lasam la dospit timp de 2 ore.

La expirarea timpului, facem cateva gropite in aluat, presand din loc in loc cu ajutorul degetelor. Turnam uleiul peste foccacia si presaram fulgii de sare Maldon, oregano si rozmarin.

Ultimate Foccacia Bread

Incalzim cuptorul la 200 grade Celsius si coacem timp de 22 – 25 de minute pana cand este frumos rumenita.

Servim alaturi de un platou mixt de aperitive italiene.

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Ultimate Foccacia Bread

Daca v-a placut reteta Ultimate Foccacia Bread, va recomand sa incercati si o Fougasse cu masline si oregano, o Capresee Flatbread sau o Bagheta cu cartofi.

English version

Ultimate Foccacia Bread

This Ultimate Foccacia Bread is a super simple recipe, with an extraordinary flavor of warm bread with herbs! This foccacia is light and airy, with a delicious, slightly salty olive oil and fresh herbs that give life to the whole bread. Use this wonder as a side dish next to a plate of appetizers or as a base for some delicious sandwiches!

Put the flour in a bowl and mix it with salt. In the cup with hot water, mix the fresh yeast and the sugar. Let the yeast for 10 minutes, then pour over the flour. Knead well and put the dough in a bowl greased with a small quantity of oil. Let it rise in the refrigerator for 8 hours or overnight.

Turn the dough into a tray and spread it out with the help of your palms. Cover the tray with a towel and leave it to rise for 2 hours.

When the time is up, make some small hole in the dough, pressing from place to place with the help of your fingers. Pour the oil over the foccacia and sprinkle Maldon salt flakes, oregano and rosemary.

Heat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius and bake for 22 – 25 minutes until it is nicely browned.

Serve with a mixed plate of Italian appetizers.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked the Ultimate Foccacia Bread recipe, I recommend you also try a Fougasse with olives and oregano, a Capresee Flatbread or a Baguette with potatoes.


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