Focaccine cu pesto si mozarella


Focaccinele cu pesto si mozzarella sunt o optiune delicioasa pentru un aperitiv sau o gustare usoara. Aceste mici focaccine crocante sunt umplute cu pesto aromatic si mozzarella, creand un gust echilibrat intre aroma busuiocului si cremozitatea mozzarellei. Sunt perfecte pentru a fi savurate singure sau insotite de o portie de oua in sos de iaurt, asa cum am servit noi. Aceste focaccine sunt versatile si pot fi pregatite cu alte ingrediente precum rosii uscate, masline sau branzeturi la alegere.

Focaccine cu pesto si mozarella

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)

  • 400 grame faina
  • 220 ml apa calduta
  • 25 grame drojdie proaspata
  • 30 grame ulei masline
  • 1 lingurita zahar
  • 1 lingurita sare
  • 150 grame sos pesto
  • 75 grame mozzarella fresca
  • 12 lingurite parmezan cu busuioc
  • 6 lingurite ulei de masline
Focaccine cu pesto si mozarella

Intr-un bol punem apa calda si adaugam zaharul si drojdia. Lasam la odihnit timp de 15 minute, apoi adaugam faina, sarea, uleiul si framantam, fie cu ajutorul mixerului, fie cu mana.

Modelam aluatul sub forma de sfera si il mutam intr-un bol uns cu foarte putin ulei de masline. Lasam la dospit, acoperit cu un prosop, timp de o ora. Rasturnam aluatul pe un blat infainat si il impartim in 6 bucati egale. Formam sfere si lasam la dospit, acoperite cu un prosop, timp de 30 de minute.

Focaccine cu pesto si mozarella

Pe un blat infainat intindem fiecare bila sub forma de cerc. Punem in mijloc cate 1 lingura de sos pesto, mozarella si o lingurita de parmezan cu busuioc. Strangem marginile pana obtinem din nou o bila. Intindem usor pana obtinem o foccacina cu diametrul de aproximativ 10 cm.

Ungem placintele cu cate o lingurita de ulei de masline, presaram cu parmezan cu busuioc si introducem foccacinele in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 15 minute pana cand sunt crocante si frumos rumenite.

Focaccine cu pesto si mozarella

Pentru a obtine parmezanul cu busuioc, este nevoie sa mixati parmezanul cu frunze proaspete de busuioc intr-un blender de mare putere.

Servim foccacinele simple sau alaturi de oua turcesti cu sos de iaurt sau de ce nu, de un platou de mezeluri si branzeturi.

Focaccine cu pesto si mozarella

Detaliile video ale retetei:

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English version

Focaccine with Pesto and Mozzarella

Focaccine with pesto and mozzarella are a delicious option for a starter or a light snack. These little crispy focaccine are filled with aromatic pesto and mozzarella, creating a balanced taste between the aroma of basil and the creaminess of mozzarella. They are perfect to be enjoyed alone or accompanied by a bowl of eggs in yogurt sauce, as we served. These focaccine are versatile and can be prepared with other ingredients such as dried tomatoes, olives or cheeses of your choice.

INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)

  • 400 grams of flour
  • 220 ml warm water
  • 25 grams of fresh yeast
  • 30 grams of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 150 grams of pesto sauce
  • 75 grams of fresh mozzarella
  • 12 teaspoons of parmesan with basil
  • 6 teaspoons of olive oil

Put warm water in a bowl and add sugar and yeast. Let it rest for 15 minutes, then add the flour, salt, oil and knead, either with the help of the mixer or by hand.

Shape the dough into a ball and place it in a bowl greased with a small quantity of olive oil. Leave to rise, covered with a towel, for an hour. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and divide it into 6 equal pieces. Form spheres and leave to rise, covered with a towel, for 30 minutes.

On a floured surface, spread each ball in the shape of a circle. Put 1 spoon each of pesto sauce, mozzarella and a spoonful of parmesan with basil in the middle. Tighten the edges until we get a ball again. Gently stretch until we get a foccacine with a diameter of about 10 cm.

Grease the pies with a teaspoon of olive oil each, sprinkle with parmesan with basil and put the focaccini in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes until they are crispy and nicely browned.

To get the parmesan with basil, you need to mix the parmesan with fresh basil leaves in a high-powered blender.

Serve plain foccacine or alongside Turkish eggs with yogurt sauce or, why not, with a platter of charcuterie and cheeses.

If you liked the recipe for Focaccine with pesto and mozzarella, I invite you to try Skillet Cheese Pie, Za’atar Flatbread or Pita Bread with Garlic and Parsley.


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