Fritto misto este un aperitiv italian constand in „prajeli mixte”. In cazul de fata fructe de mare. Puteti sa va intampinati musafirii cu acest fel de mancare si cu un pahar de Prosecco si cu siguranta toti vor fi incantati de gustul Italiei chiar la voi acasa. Pentru diversitate puteti adauga si morcovi sau dovlecei, pe care sa ii pregatiti similar. Serviti fritto misto alaturi de cel mai delicios sos tartar pregatit acasa.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
Pentru fructele de mare / For the seafood
- 400 grame creveti / 400 grams shrimps
- 300 grame caracatita taiata in felii / 300 grams octopus pieces
- 300 grame inele calamar / 300 grams squid rings
- 100 grame faina / 100 grams flour
- 100 grame faina de orez / 100 grams rice flour
- 75 grame malai / 75 grams corn flour
- Sare / Salt
- Piper / Pepper
- 1/2 litru ulei / 1/2 liter oil
Pentru sosul tartar / For the tartar sauce
- 150 grame maioneza / 150 grams mayonnaise
- 100 grame smantana / 100 grams sour cream
- 50 grame capere / 50 grams capers
- 1 ceapa rosie / 1 red onion
- 100 grame castraveti murati / 100 grams pickles
- Sucul de la 1/4 lamaie / Juice from 1/4 lemon
- Sare

Curatam bine fructele de mare, le spalam si le lasam la scurs intr-o sita, apoi le stergem cu un servetel absorbant. Le presaram cu sare si le lasam la rece timp de o ora.

Intr-un bol amestecam cele 3 tipuri de faina cu sare si piper. Trecem fiecare bucata de fructe de mare prin amestecul de faina si o aruncam in uleiul bine incins. Prajim timp de 2 minute la foc mediu pana cand sunt frumos rumenite, apoi le scoatem pe un servet absorbant.

Intre timp pregatim sosul. Taiem marunt ceapa, castravetii murati si caperele. Amestecam maioneza cu smantana si adaugam legumele, sucul de lamaie sarea si piperul.
Servim frito misto alaturi de cartofi, sosul tartar si un pahar cu Prosecco rece.

Daca v-a placut Fritto misto, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Fritto Misto
Fritto misto is an Italian appetizer consisting of „mixed fries”. In this case, seafood. You can welcome your guests with this kind of food and a glass of Prosecco and everyone will surely be delighted by the taste of Italy right at your home. For diversity, you can also add carrots or zucchini, which you can prepare similarly. Serve fritto misto with the most delicious tartar sauce prepared at home.
Clean the seafood well, wash them and leave them to drain in a sieve, then wipe them with an absorbent napkin. Sprinkle them with salt and let them cool for an hour.
In a bowl, mix the 3 types of flour with salt and pepper. Pass each piece of seafood through the flour mixture and throw it into the well-heated oil. Fry for 2 minutes on medium heat until they are nicely browned, then remove them on an absorbent napkin.
In the meantime, prepare the sauce. Finely chop the onion, pickled cucumbers and capers. Mix the mayonnaise with the cream and add the vegetables, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
Serve fritto misto with potatoes, tartar sauce and a glass of cold Prosecco.
If you liked the cool Fritto, I invite you to try Prosecco Butter Shrimps, Grilled octopus with hummus and Meunier sauce or Chilli Lime Prawns & Feta Avocado Salsa.
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