Fruity Bubble Waffle


Saptamana aceasta am gasit la prietenii de la Lidl un minunat aparat pentru celebrele Bubble Waffle. Nici nu mai aveam rabdare pana sa il incerc. Asa ca azi am executat Fruity Bubble Waffle. Concluzia? Dati o fuga pana la Lidl!

Fruity Bubble Waffle


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 225 grame faina / 225 grams flour
  • 35 grame amidon / 35 grams cornstarch
  • 5 grame praf de copt / 5 grams backing powder
  • Esenta de vanilie / Vanilla flavour
  • 50 grame zahar / 50 grams sugar
  • 60 ml ulei / 60 ml oil
  • 375 ml lapte batut / 375 ml buttermilk
  • 3 oua / 3 eggs
  • 50 ml lapte / 50 ml milk
  • Sare / Salt
Fruity Bubble Waffle

In bolul mixerului punem faina, amidonul, zaharul, praful de copt, esenta de vanilie, un praf de sare, uleiul, laptele batut si ouale. Mixam pana cand sunt incorporate toate ingredientele si adaugam usor laptele.

Fruity Bubble Waffle

Incalzim forma de waffle si o ungem cu putin ulei. Cu ajutorul unui polonic umplem forma si coacem timp de 2-3 minute pana cand este frumos rumenita.

Servim bubble waffle cu fructe dupa plac, nutella, sirop de artar si frisca. Noi am ales capsuni, ananas, banane, fructul pasiunii si kiwi.

Fruity Bubble Waffle

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Fruity Bubble Waffle

Daca v-a placut reteta Fruity Bubble Waffle, va invit sa incercati si Fluffy Belgian Waffles, o portie de Clatite Americane sau varianta sarata de Blini cu Parmezan.

English version

Fruity Bubble Waffle

This week I found a wonderful maker for the famous Bubble Waffle at our friends from Lidl. I didn’t even have the patience to try it. So today I made Fruity Bubble Waffle. Conclusion? Run to Lidl!

Put the flour, cornstarch, sugar, baking powder, vanilla essence, a pinch of salt, oil, buttermilk and eggs in the mixer bowl. Mix until all the ingredients are incorporated and slowly add the milk.

Heat the waffle form and grease it with a small quantity of oil. Pour the mix in the form and bake for 2-3 minutes until it is nicely browned.

Serve bubble waffle with fruits of your choice, nutella, maple syrup and whipped cream. We chose strawberries, pineapples, bananas, passion fruit and kiwi.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked the Fruity Bubble Waffle recipe, I invite you to try Fluffy Belgian Waffles, a portion of American Pancakes or the salty version of Blini with Parmesan.


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