Azi incercam Parmesan Blini, un fel de mini clatite cu parmezan ideale pentru micul dejun sau de ce nu, ca aperitiv pentru o masa festiva. Servim aceste blini cu o crema fina de lamaie cu branza si somon afumat sau prosciutto.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 75 grame faina / 75 grams flour
- 1/4 lingurita sare / 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 lingurita praf de copt / 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 125 ml lapte (la temperatura camerei) / 125 ml milk (room temperature)
- 1 ou / 1 egg
- 25 grame unt topit / 25 grams melted butter
- 15 grame parmezan ras / 15 grams grated parmesan
- Somon afumat / Smoked salmon
- Prosciutto / Prosciutto
- 125 grame crema de branza / 125 grams cream cheese
- 1/2 lingura coaja de lamaie / 1/2 tablespoon lemon zest
- 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 1/2 lingura chives taiat marunt / 1/2 tablespoon chopped chives
Pentru blini punem intr-un bol faina, sarea si praful de copt. Intr-un alt bol adaugam laptele si oul. Mixam usor si adaugam untul topit, apoi rasturnam amestecul lichid peste cel de faina. Incorporam bine apoi adaugam parmezanul.
Ungem o tigaie cu foarte putin ulei si o incalzim, apoi prajim mini clatitele pe ambele parti.
Intr-un bol mixam crema de branza cu sucul si coaja de lamaie si verdeata.
Pentru servire asezam pe fiecare blini, cate o lingura de crema de branza, felii de somon sau prosciutto, dupa cum va place. Decoram cu verdeata si felii de lamaie.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Parmesan Blini va recomand sa incercati si un brunch cu bagels si somon afumat sau cu prosciutto crudo si melone.
English version
Parmesan Blini
Today we are trying Parmesan Blini, a kind of mini pancakes with parmesan ideal for breakfast or, why not, as an appetizer for a festive meal. We serve these blini with a fine lemon cream with cheese and smoked salmon or prosciutto.
For blini, put flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl. In another bowl, add milk and egg. Mix gently and add the melted butter, then pour the liquid mixture over the flour mixture. Incorporate well, then add the parmesan.
Grease a pan with a small quantity oil and heat it, then fry the mini pancakes on both sides.
In a bowl, mix cream cheese with lemon juice and zest and chives.
To serve, place a spoonful of cream cheese, slices of salmon or prosciutto, as you like, on each blini. Decorate with greens and lemon slices.
If you liked the Parmesan Blini recipe, I recommend you also try a brunch with bagels and smoked salmon or with prosciutto crudo and melone.
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