Galette aux prunes


Galette aux prunes sau tarta delicioasa cu prune cu arome subtile de migdale, vanilie si scortisoara. Aceasta tarta aduce mult cu o placinta, aparent, fara prea multe pretentii, insa extrem de fina si delicata. O crusta crocanta umpluta cu frangipane si prune, presarata cu zahar si fulgi de migdale. Nici nu am cuvinte sa va spun cu ce arome s-a imbracat bucataria mea! 😎

Galette aux prunes


(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)

Pentru crusta de tarta / For the pie crust

  • 175 grame faina / 175 grams flour
  • 2 linguri zahar brun / 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 115 grame unt / 115 grams butter
  • 1 galbenus de ou / 1 egg yolk
  • 50 ml apa rece / 50 ml cold water
  • 1 praf de sare / 1 pinch of salt

Pentru frangipane / For frangipane

  • 50 grame unt la temperatura camerei / 50 grams butter at room temperature
  • 2 linguri zahar brun / 2 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 1 galbenus / 1 egg yolk
  • 1/2 lingurita esenta de vanilie / 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 50 grame faina de migdale / 50 grams almond flour
  • 1 praf de sare / 1 pinch of salt

Pentru umplutura de fructe / Fot fruits filling

  • 500 grame prune / 500 grams plums
  • 2 linguri zahar brun / 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 lingura amidon / 1 tablespoon cornstarch
  • 1 lingurita scortisoara / 1 teaspoon cinnamon

Pentru decor / For finish

  • 1 galbenus / 1 egg yolk
  • 1 lingura apa rece / 1 tablespoon cold water
  • 1 lingura zahar brun/ 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2 linguri fulgi de migdale / 2 tablespoons almond flakes
Galette aux prunes

Desi pare o reteta complicata, in fapt este destul de usor de facut. Pentru crusta punem toate ingredientele intr-un bol si mixam cu ajutorul unui robot pana cand obtinem un aluat omogen. Il modelam sub forma de bila si il lasam la frigider sa se odihneasca minim 1 ora.

Pentru crema frangipane, mixam untul la temperatura camerei cu galbenusul, zaharul, sarea si esenta de vanilie. Adaugam la sfarsit faina de migdale.

Pentru umplutura de fructe, spalam prunele si le taiem in sferturi. Adaugam zaharul, amidonul si scortisoara si amestecam.

Pe o hartie de copt intindem aluatul rece. Intindem deasupra crema frangipane pastrand o margine de 4 cm. Aranjam prunele, apoi ridicam marginile tartei, acoperind putin umplutura. Ungem aluatul cu un galbenus amestecat cu apa si presaram toata tarta cu fulgi de migdale si zahar. Coacem tarta la 180 grade Celsius pentru 40 – 45 de minute pana cand este frumos rumenita.

Servim tarta rece cu multa pofta si de ce nu, cu o cupa de inghetata de vanilie.

Galette aux prunes

Daca v-a placut reteta Galette aux prunes, puteti incerca si o Tarta vegana cu zmeura, ciocolata alba si cocos sau o Tarta Panna Cotta cu fructe.

English version:

Galette aux prunes

Galette aux prunes or delicious plum tart with subtle aromas of almond, vanilla and cinnamon. This tart looks like a baked pie on a baking paper, apparently, not si fancy. A crispy crust filled with frangipane and plums, sprinkled with sugar and almond flakes. I have no words to tell you what flavors were in my kitchen! 😎

Although it seems like a complicated recipe, it’s actually quite easy to make. For the crust, put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix with a robot until you get a homogeneous dough. Shape it in the form of a ball and leave it in the fridge to rest for at least 1 hour.

For the frangipane cream, mix the butter at room temperature with the yolk, sugar, salt and vanilla essence. Add the almond flour at the end and mix.

For the fruit filling, wash the plums and cut them into quarters. Add sugar, starch and cinnamon and mix.

Roll out the cold dough on a baking sheet. Spread frangipane cream on top, keeping a 4 cm edge. Arrange the plums, then lift the edges of the tart, covering a part of the filling . Brush the dough with a yolk mixed with water and sprinkle the whole tart with almond flakes and sugar. Bake the tart at 180 degrees Celsius for 40-45 minutes until it is nicely browned.

Serve the cold tart with great appetite and why not, with a cup of vanilla ice cream.

If you liked the Galette aux prunes recipe, you can also try a vegan tart with raspberries, white chocolate and coconut or a panna cotta tart with fruit.


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