Tarta vegana cu zmeura, ciocolata alba si cocos


Unul dintre cele mai bune deserturi este tarta vegana cu zmeura si ciocolata alba fina cu un usor iz de cocos. Un mix desavarsit intre gustul acrisor al limonadei cu zmeura subliniat de gustul dulce al ciocolatei albe pe un pat crocant aromat cu migdale.


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

Pentru crusta / For the crust:

  • 50 grame faina de migdale / 50 grams almond flour
  • 35 grame migdale crude / 35 grams raw almond
  • 75 grame curmale fara samburi / 75 grams pitted dates
  • 40 grame nuca de cocos fulgi / 40 grams coconut flakes
  • 1 lingura unt de alune / 1 tablespoon nut butter
  • 1 praf de sare / a pinch of salt
  • 3 linguri apa rece / 3 tablespoons cold water

Pentru jeleul de zmeura / For raspberry jelly

  • 250 grams zmeura inghetata / 250 grams frozen raspberries
  • 50 grams zahar brun sau zahar de cocos / 50 grams brown sugar or coconut sugar
  • Sucul de la 1/2 lamaie / Juice from 1/2 lemon
  • 5 grame gelatina / 5 grams gelatine powder

Pentru stratul de ciocolata / For the chocolate layer

  • 120 grame lapte de cocos / 120 grams coconut milk
  • 80 grame ciocolata alba vegana / 80 grams vegan white chicolate
  • 5 grame gelatina / 5 grams gelatine powder

Pentru crusta, adaugam toate ingredientele intr-un blender si mixam timp de 2-3 minute. Impartim amestecul in 4 forme de tarta, tapetate anterior cu folie alimentara si il presam acoperind toata forma. Introducem tartele astfel formate la frigider pentru 30 de minute.

Tips: eu am ales untul de alune Hazel Dates de la Sunday Bites. Este cel mai bun unt avand la baza alune de padure coapte, indulcit de curmale si aromatizat cu cacao.

Pentru stratul de zmeura, punem gelatina la hidratat in 25 ml apa rece. Intr-o craticioara adaugam zmeura inghetata, zaharul si sucul de lamaie. Punem pe foc mic si lasam pana cand zmeura este dezghetata. Mixam amestecul cu ajutorul unui blender si il trecem prin sita pentru a indeparta semintele. Mai incalzim usor siropul si adaugam gelatina amestecand pana cand este topita. Lasam jeleul la racit timp de 15 minute apoi il turnam peste crusta de migdale si dam la frigider pentru 2 ore.

Pentru stratul de ciocolata, hidratam gelatina similar cu pasul 2. Amestecam laptele cu ciocolata intr-o craticioara aflata pe foc mic pana cand ciocolata este topita. La sfarsit adaugam gelatina si amestecam bine pana cand aceasta este incorporata. Lasam la racit timp de 15 minute apoi turnam peste stratul de jeleu de zmeura.

Tips: in cazul in care nu veti gasi ciocolata vegana alba simpla, puteti sa o inlocuiti cu o ciocolata alba fina de calitate.

Tips: alegeti lapte de cocos din conserva si amestecati bine partea solida cu cea lichida inainte de a-l folosi.

Scurte indicatii video:

Lasam tartele la frigider cateva ore, ideal peste noapte si le servim cu fructe proaspete.

Daca v-a placut aceasta tarta vegana cu zmeura, ciocolata alba si cocos, va invit sa incercasi si: budinca de chia cu fructe de padure, budinca de chia cu porridge si mango sau o budinca de chia cu ciocolata neagra si cocos.

English version

Vegan tart with raspberries, white chocolate and coconut

One of the best desserts is the vegan tart with raspberries, fine white chocolate with a light coconut scent. A perfect mix between the sour taste of raspberry lemonade underlined by the sweet taste of white chocolate on a crunchy crust with almonds.

For the crust, add all the ingredients in a blender and mix for 2-3 minutes. Divide the mixture into 4 cake tins, previously lined with cling film and press it covering the whole shape. Put the tarts thus formed in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Tips: I chose the butter Hazel Dates from Sunday Bites. This is the best hazelnut butter with baked nuts, dates and cocoa.

For the raspberry layer, hydrated gelatin in 25 ml of cold water. In a saucepan add the frozen raspberries, sugar and lemon juice. Put on low heat and leave until the raspberries are thawed. Mix the mixture with a blender and pass it through a sieve to remove the seeds. Heat the syrup slightly and add the gelatin, stirring until it is melted. Let the jelly cool for 15 minutes then pour it over the almond crust and refrigerate for 2 hours.

For the chocolate layer, moisturize the gelatin similar to step 2. Mix the milk with the chocolate in a saucepan over low heat until the chocolate is melted. At the end add gelatin and mix well until it is incorporated. Let cool for 15 minutes then pour over the layer of raspberry jelly.

Tips: if you can’t find white vegan chocolate, you can replace it with a fine quality white chocolate.

Tips: choose canned coconut milk and mix the solid part with the liquid part before using it.

Leave the tarts in the fridge for a few hours, ideally overnight and serve them with fresh fruit.

If you liked this vegan tart with raspberries, white chocolate and coconut, I invite you to try: chia pudding with berries, chia pudding with porridge and mango or a chia pudding with dark chocolate and coconut.


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