Brunch cu prosciutto sau somon


Brunch cu prosciutto sau somon? Eterna dilema marca “Inspiratie la Fix” 😜 … si tare ma tem ca nu va fi clarificata vreodata aceasta intrebare. Insa, oricare ar fi alegerea noastra, daca o asortam cu un croissant proaspat si o portie de oua ochiuri ne vom bucura de un brunch super fain.

Brunch cu prosciutto sau somon


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 serving)

  • 2 croissant / 2 croissant
  • 1 avocado / 1 avocado
  • 1 ceapa rosie mica / 1 small red onion
  • 1/2 lime / 1/2 lime
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tabelspoons olive oil
  • 50 grame somon afumat / 50 grams smoked salmon
  • 50 grame prosciutto / 50 grams prosciutto
  • 4 oua / 4 eggs
  • Mix de salata verde / Mix green salad
Brunch cu prosciutto sau somon

Taiem avocado in doua si scoatem miezul intr-un bol. Adaugam sucul de la jumatate de lime, sare, uleiul de masline si ceapa rosie taiata marunt. Amestecam cu ajutorul unei furculite pana cand obtinem crema de avocado. Taiem croissantele in doua si distribuim pe baza cate 2 linguri de crema de avocado. Aranjam deasupra felii de prosciutto sau somon si mix de salata verde.

Brunch cu prosciutto sau somon

Servim alaturi de oua ochiuri presarate cu fulgi de chilli.

Brunch cu prosciutto sau somon

Daca v-a placut reteta Brunch cu prosciutto sau somon, va recomandam sa incercati si Mini Bagels Brunch – Prosciutto Crudo & Melone, Mini Bagels Brunch – Somon afumat & Labneh sau un Ultimate Breakfast.

English version

Prosciutto or Salmon Brunch

Brunch with prosciutto or salmon? The eternal dilemma of „Inspiration to Fix”…… and I am afraid that this question will never be clarified. But, whatever our choice is, if we match it with a warm croissant and a portion of fried eggs you will enjoy a super brunch.

Cut the avocado in half and take it out in a bowl. Add the juice of half a lime, salt, olive oil and finely chopped red onion. Mix with a fork until you get the avocado cream. Cut the croissants in half and distribute 2 tablespoons of avocado cream. Arrange the prosciutto or salmon slices on top and the green salad mix.

Serve with fried eggs sprinkled with chilli flakes.

If you liked the Brunch with prosciutto or salmon, we recommend to try Mini Bagels Brunch – Prosciutto Crudo & Melone, Mini Bagels Brunch – Smoked Salmon & Labneh or an Ultimate Breakfast.


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