Gallant Galata


Cofetaria Gallant Galata, aflata langa celebrul Turn cu acelasi nume din Istanbul, ofera o experienta deosebita intr-un cadru fermecator si istoric. Terasa localului ofera o priveliste unica asupra orasului este impresionant Turnului, fiind o locatie ideala pentru o pauza de cafea sau un desert, numai bune de postat pe Instagram si Facebook.

Gallant Galata

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Prajiturile sunt delicioase si rafinate, cu arome autentice si preparate cu ingrediente de calitate. Sortimentul de dulciuri este variat, de la clasica baklava turceasca intr-o forma reinterpretata Dubai Ball, pana la prajituri occidentale, toate fiind bine prezentate. Poate prea bine, deoarece cu greu te poti abtine sa te limitezi la un model de persoana.

Gallant Galata

Am fost mai multi, asa ca am putut sa gustam (aproape) din toate, inclusiv mult mediatizatul Cheesecake San Sebastian, o prajitura celebra, originara din Spania, mai precis din San Sebastian, care se remarca prin textura sa cremoasa si consistenta foarte moale, avand un gust intens de branza si o crusta exterioara usor rumenita. Spre deosebire de alte cheesecake-uri, aceasta nu este coapta uniform, ci este lasata sa aiba o „crusta” intunecata pe partea de sus, iar interiorul ramane moale si fin. Se prepara cu ingrediente simple, precum branza de vaci, oua, zahar si smantana, dar secretul este in proportiile perfecte si in timpul de coacere. Acesta este un desert popular in toata lumea, apreciat pentru simplitatea si gustul sau unic. Si pentru ca este plin pe peste tot de el, nu putea sa lipseasca fix de aici…

Gallant Galata

Am ales glazura de fistic in detrimentul celei de ciocolata, insa as putea spune, dupa un tur de lingurite printre meseni, ca nu a prins primul loc, nici pe departe.

Gallant Galata

Daca ar fi sa realizez un top, pe primul loc ar fi Dubai Ball, secondat indeaproape de Pistachio tart la egalitate cu Lotus cake si Snickers.

Gallant Galata

Gallant Galata

Gallant Galata

Serviciul este atent, iar atmosfera este relaxanta, ceea ce face din aceasta cofetarie un loc perfect pentru o experienta dulce si de neuitat intr-unul dintre cele mai pitoresti cartiere ale Istanbulului. Preturile sunt usor mai mari, avand in vedere locatia, dar calitatea produselor compenseaza pe deplin.

Gallant Galata

Trebuie luata in calcul si aglomeratia, deoarece in zilele insorite cu greu vei gasi un loc pe terasa, iar daca nu esti dispus sa astepti, va trebui sa te multumesti doar cu gustul desavarsit al preparatelor, fara a te bucura insa de privelistea maiestuosului turn si de atmosfera vibranta de pe straduta ce se asterne pana la baza sa.

Gallant Galata

Daca v-a placut articolul Gallant Galata va invit sa incercati si:

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran
Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran
Artisan Boulanger-Patissier-Snacking - Jean Luc Pelé
Artisan Boulanger-Patissier-Snacking – Jean Luc Pelé
Unde savuram o cafea cu iz de lavanda ... Brasov
Unde savuram o cafea cu iz de lavanda … Brasov

English version

Gallant Galata

Gallant Galata Confectionery, located next to the famous tower of the same name in Istanbul, offers a unique experience in a charming and historic setting. The terrace provides a unique view of the city and the impressive tower, making it an ideal spot for a coffee break or dessert, perfect for posting on Instagram and Facebook.

The cakes are delicious and refined, with authentic flavors and made with quality ingredients. The variety of sweets is diverse, from the classic Turkish baklava in a reinterpreted form called Dubai Ball, to Western cakes, all beautifully presented. Perhaps too beautifully, as it’s hard to limit yourself to just one.

We were a group, so we got to taste (almost) everything, including the much-publicized San Sebastian Cheesecake, a famous cake originating from Spain, specifically San Sebastian, known for its creamy texture and very soft consistency, with an intense cheese flavor and a slightly browned outer crust. Unlike other cheesecakes, this one is not baked evenly but is left to have a “dark crust” on top, while the interior remains soft and smooth. It is made with simple ingredients like cottage cheese, eggs, sugar, and cream, but the secret lies in the perfect proportions and baking time. This is a popular dessert worldwide, appreciated for its simplicity and unique taste. And because it’s everywhere, it couldn’t be missing from here…

I chose the pistachio glaze over the chocolate one, but I could say, after a round of spoonfuls among the diners, that it didn’t take first place, not by a long shot.

If I were to make a top, first place would go to Dubai Ball, closely followed by Pistachio Tart tied with Lotus Cake and Snickers.

The service is attentive, and the atmosphere is relaxing, making this confectionery a perfect place for a sweet and unforgettable experience in one of Istanbul’s most picturesque neighborhoods. The prices are slightly higher, considering the location, but the quality of the products fully compensates.

Crowds should also be considered, as on sunny days it’s hard to find a spot on the terrace, and if you’re not willing to wait, you’ll have to settle for the exquisite taste of the dishes without enjoying the majestic view of the tower and the vibrant atmosphere of the street that stretches to its base.

If you liked the Gallant Galata article, I invite you to try Where to eat (the best cakes) in… Bran, Artisan Boulanger-Patissier-Snacking – Jean Luc Pelé or Where We Enjoyed a Coffee with Lavender … Brasov.


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