Daca esti in cautarea unei retete rapide, gustoase si iubite de cei mici, Cheesy Dog este alegerea perfecta! Aceasta combinatie savuroasa de paine crocanta, cascaval topit si crenwursti este ideala pentru un mic dejun ocazional, dar plin de savoare. Usor de preparat si gata in doar cateva minute, acest sandwich cald va deveni cu siguranta un favorit in familie. Fie ca il pregatesti dimineata, ca gustare sau chiar pentru o cina rapida, Cheesy Dog se remarca prin gustul sau bogat si textura apetisanta.

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 4 felii de paine toast
- 4 crenwursti
- 100 grame cascaval
- 50 grame unt
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 4 fire patrunjel verde

Pentru aceasta reteta, vom folosi felii de paine toast, pe care le vom aplatiza delicat cu ajutorul unui sucitor.

Pe fiecare felie de paine asezam o felie de cascaval si crenwursti, apoi pliem diagonala, asigurand marginile superioare cu doua scobitori.

Intr-o tigaie mica, topim untul si adaugam usturoiul zdrobit impreuna cu patrunjelul verde fin tocat. Ungem sandwichurile cu acest amestec aromat, apoi le asezam in ActiFry pentru aproximativ 10 minute, pana cand painea devine crocanta, iar cascavalul se topeste uniform.
Se servesc calde, alaturi de mustar si ketchup.

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English version
Cheesy Dog
If you’re looking for a quick, delicious recipe that kids will love, Cheesy Dog is the perfect choice! This savory combination of crispy bread, melted cheese, and hot dogs is ideal for an occasional breakfast treat, packed with flavor. Easy to prepare and ready in just a few minutes, this warm sandwich is sure to become a family favorite. Whether you make it in the morning, as a snack, or even for a quick dinner, Cheesy Dog stands out with its rich taste and appetizing texture.
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 4 slices of toast bread
- 4 hot dogs
- 100 grams of cheese
- 50 grams of butter
- 2 garlic cloves
- 4 sprigs of fresh parsley
For this recipe, we will use slices of toast bread, which we will gently flatten with a rolling pin.
On each slice of bread, place a slice of cheese and a hot dog, then fold diagonally, securing the top edges with two toothpicks.
In a small pan, melt the butter and add the crushed garlic along with finely chopped fresh parsley. Brush the sandwiches with this flavorful mixture, then place them in the ActiFry for about 10 minutes, until the bread becomes crispy and the cheese melts evenly.
Serve warm, with mustard and ketchup on the side.
If you liked the Cheesy Dog recipe, I invite you to also try Danish-Style Hot Dogs, Chicken Sausages or a Vintage ParizBurger.
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