Desi pentru mine galustele cu prune au fost mereu asociate cu traditionalele gomboti pe baza de aluat din cartofi fierti, aceasta reteta de galuste cu prune la tava a fost o surpriza extrem de placuta. Initial, am descoperit varianta cu aluat din gris intr-un cunoscut restaurant din Brasov, dar am ramas fidela ideii ca o adevarata galusca trebuie sa fie rotunda si sa aiba aluat de cartof. Totusi, avand acum o abundenta de prune proaspete din gradina, am decis sa incerc aceasta reteta diferita. Rezultatul a fost o prajitura care aduce foarte bine la gust cu clasicele galuste cu prune si care a fost o adevarata desfatare pentru toata familia. Daca sunteti in cautarea unui desert reconfortant si delicios, merita cu siguranta sa ii dati o sansa!

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)
- 160 grame gris
- 1 litru lapte
- 160 grame zahar
- 1 praf de sare
- 1 ou
- 100 grame unt
- 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie
- 400 grame prune
- 200 grame pesmet
- 1 lingurita scortisoara

Incepem aceasta reteta prin pregatirea pesmetului auriu. Incalzim o tigaie adanca si adaugam 50 de grame de unt. Lasam sa se topeasca, apoi adaugam pesmetul. Amestecam constant pana se rumeneste frumos. Luam tigaia de pe foc si adaugam 60 de grame de zahar.
Spalam prunele si le taiem in jumatati. Adaugam 30 de grame de zahar si scortisoara, amestecand bine. Lasam deoparte pana pregatim crema de gris.

Intr-un bol adanc, amestecam grisul cu 70 de grame de zahar si 400 ml de lapte. Adaugam oul si vanilia, amestecand bine. Punem la fiert restul de lapte si, cand ajunge la punctul de fierbere, turnam amestecul de gris. Fierbem budinca, amestecand constant pana se ingroasa. Luam de pe foc si incorporam untul, amestecand pana se topeste.
Ungem o tava cu putin unt si asezam pe fundul acesteia jumatate din cantitatea de pesmet, apoi intindem jumatate din budinca de gris cu ajutorul unei linguri umezite. Asezam jumatatile de prune, apoi restul de budinca de gris si pesmetul ramas. Daca va place un gust mai intens de scortisoara, puteti presara scortisoara deasupra pesmetului.

Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 de grade Celsius pentru 40 de minute. Lasam sa se raceasca la temperatura camerei, apoi punem tava in frigider pentru 3-4 ore inainte de servire.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut retete de Galuste cu prune la tava, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
One Pan Plum Dumplings
Although for me dumplings with plums have always been associated with the traditional dough based on boiled potato, this recipe for dumplings with plums in a pan was an extremely pleasant surprise. Initially, I discovered the version with semolina dough in a well-known restaurant in Brasov, but I remained faithful to the idea that a real dumpling must be round and have potato dough. However, now having an abundance of fresh plums from the garden, I decided to try this different recipe. The result was a cake that tastes very well with the classic dumplings with plums and which was a real treat for the whole family. If you are looking for a comforting and delicious dessert, it is definitely worth giving it a chance!
INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)
- 160 grams semolina
- 1 liter of milk
- 160 grams sugar
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 egg
- 100 grams butter
- 1 teaspoon vanilla flavour
- 400 grams plums
- 200 grams breadcrumbs
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
Start this recipe by preparing the golden breadcrumbs. Heat a deep frying pan and add 50 grams of butter. Let it melt, then add the breadcrumbs. Stir constantly until it browns nicely. Take the pan off the heat and add 60 grams of sugar.
Wash the plums and cut them in half. Add 30 grams of sugar and cinnamon, mixing well. Leave aside until we prepare the semolina cream.
In a deep bowl, mix semolina with 70 grams of sugar and 400 ml of milk. Add the egg and vanilla, mixing well. Boil the rest of the milk and, when it reaches the boiling point, pour in the semolina mixture. Boil the pudding, stirring constantly until it thickens. Remove from the heat and add the butter, stirring until it melts.
Grease a pan with a small quantity of butter and place half of the amount of breadcrumbs on the bottom of the pan, then spread half of the semolina pudding with the help of a moistened spoon. Place the plum halves, then the rest of the semolina pudding and the remaining breadcrumbs. If you like a more intense cinnamon taste, you can sprinkle cinnamon on top of the breadcrumbs.
Place the tray in the oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes. Let it cool to room temperature, then put the tray in the fridge for 3-4 hours before serving.
If you liked the recipes of Dumplings with plums in the pan, I invite you to try Plum Dumplings, Galette aux prunes or Crumble with Peanut Butter, Peaches and Plums.
- Supa de rosii, linte si cimbru
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