Crumble cu unt de arahide, piersici si prune este una dintre cele mai inspirate idei pentru un mic dejun de toamna. Sau de ce nu, chiar un desert delicios. Sa zicem asa.. servit cu iaurt avem un mic dejun pe cinste, servit cu inghetata de vanilie, un desert surprinzator! 😊
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 500 grame piersici si prune / 500 grams peach and plums
- 1 lingura zahar sau Green Sugar / 1 tablespoon sugar or Green Sugar
- 1 lingurita scortisoara / 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 50 grame faina / 50 grams flour
- 50 grame fulgi de ovaz / 50 grams oat flakes
- 25 grame zahar sau Green Sugar / 25 grams sugar or Green Sugar
- 25 grame fulgi de migdale / 25 grams almond flakes
- 2 linguri unt de arahide crocant / 2 tablespoons crunchy peanut butter
- 25 grame unt / 25 grams butter
- Sare / Salt
Spalam fructele, indepartam samburii si le taiem in cubulete mici. Adaugam zaharul sau indulcitorul Green Sugar si scortisoara. Amestecam si lasam de o parte.
Intr-un bol adaugam faina, fulgii de ovaz si de migdale, zaharul sau Green Sugar, un praf de sare, untul de arahide si untul topit. Amestecam bine cu mana pana obtinem un aluat sfaramicios.
Rasturnam fructele intr-un vas termorezistent (sau 2 vase mai mici). Distribuim deasupra amestecul de ovaz si coacem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 30 de minute.
Lasam crumble-ul la racit timp de 5-10 minute si il servim alaturi de iaurt si siropul secret pe baza de agave de la Green Sugar.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Crumble cu unt de arahide, piersici si prune, va invit sa incercati si o tarta cu prune, un cheesecake vegan cu portocale sau o budinca cu chia si cocos.
English version
Crumble with Peanut Butter, Peaches and Plums
Crumble with peanut butter, peaches and plums is one of the most exciting ideas for an autumn breakfast. Or why not, even a delicious dessert. Let’s put it this way.. served with yogurt we have a decent breakfast, served with ice cream, a surprising dessert! 😊
Wash the fruits, remove the seeds and cut them into small cubes. Add sugar or Green Sugar sweetener and cinnamon. Mix and leave aside.
In a bowl, add flour, oat flakes and almonds, sugar or Green Sugar, a pinch of salt, peanut butter and melted butter. Mix well by hand until you get a crumbly dough.
Pour the fruit into a heat-resistant bowl (or 2 smaller bowls). Spread the oat mixture on top and bake in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.
Let the crumble cool for 5-10 minutes and serve it with yogurt and the secret agave syrup from Green Sugar.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Crumble recipe with peanut butter, peaches and plums, I invite you to try a plum tart, a vegan cheesecake with oranges or a pudding with chia and coconut.
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