La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ


Cand ati mancat ultima data paste la un restaurant? Dar cand le-ati comandat undeva pentru acasa? Ei bine, am descoperit in Verona, la recomandarea lui Lorenzo de la Agriturismo Ai Dossi, un loc in care pastele au cel mai autentic gust pe care il visezi atunci cand iti comanzi acest fel de mancare. Este lesne de inteles ca fiind atat de impresionata de gust si locatia inedita va voi povesti in acest articol despre La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ!

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

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Dupa cum v-am spus, venisem in Verona cu temele pregatite si cu o rezervare facuta pentru cina, insa Lorenzo mi-a dat o lista scurta cu recomadari si odata cu aceasta si toate planurile peste cap, intrucat era complet diferita fata de ceea ce pregatisem eu.

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

Cea mai inedita si provocatoare in acelasi timp era La bottega della Gina XXL care parea mai degraba o locatie pentru takeaway. Provocare acceptata: urma sa ne delectam cu paste pregatite de Gina!

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

La fata locului am descoperit ca existau si mese (pe o mica terasa si in interior la etaj) asa ca am ales sa le mancam acolo.

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

Am incercat Truffle tortelloni si Paccheri with tomato sauce, absolut senzationale! N-as putea spune care mi-au placut mai mult insa cu siguranta le-as reincerca pe ambele! De mai multe ori.

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

Am luat si o sticla mica de prosecco care s-a potrivit la fix.

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

Interesant si inedit este si modul de servire, fiind unul specific pentru varianta takeaway, chiar daca am savurat pastele acolo, in restaurant.

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

Am aflat apoi ca inainte de pandemie La bottega della Gina XXL era un restaurant autentic, insa odata cu aceasta si din motive legate de dorinta de a satisface cat mai multi clienti, locatia s-a transformat in ceva mult mai versatil, fiind posibil consumul pastelor preparate in restaurant sau acasa sau achizitia de paste proaspete semipreparate. Este posibila (si chiar recomandata pe durata sezonului vacantelor) rezervarea pastelor si ridicarea lor din restaurant.

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

Dupa experienta petrecuta la Gina as putea spune fara sa gresesc ca pastele pregatite aici sunt atat de bune incat singul lucru pe care trebuie sa stii sa il faci este sa fierbi apa pentru a te bucura de un pranz sau de o cina senzationale chiar la tine acasa.

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

Si da, La bottega della Gina XXL chiar este ‘A must try in Verona’!

La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ

Daca v-a placut articolul La bottega della Gina XXL sau paste la superlativ, va invit sa incercati si:

Agriturismo Ai Dossi – de la productie agricola la agroturism
R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci
La Pequeña Pastelería de Mamá Valencia

English version

La bottega della Gina XXL or superlative pasta

When was the last time you ate pasta at a restaurant? But when did you order them somewhere for home? Well, I discovered in Verona, on the recommendation of Lorenzo from Agriturismo Ai Dossi, a place where pasta has the most authentic taste that you dream of when you order this kind of food. It is easy to understand why she was so impressed by the taste and the unique location. I will tell you in this article about La bottega della Gina XXL or superlative pasta!

As I told you, I had come to Verona with my homework ready and a reservation made for dinner, but Lorenzo gave me a short list of recommendations and all the plans were upside down, because it was completely different from what I had prepared.

The most original and challenging at the same time was La bottega della Gina XXL, which looked more like a takeaway location. Challenge accepted: we were going to enjoy pasta prepared by Gina!

On the spot I discovered that there were also tables (on a small terrace and inside upstairs) so we chose to eat them there.

I tried Truffle tortelloni and Paccheri with tomato sauce, absolutely sensational! I couldn’t say which I liked more, but I would definitely try them both again! Several times..

I also took a small bottle of prosecco which was perfect.

The serving method is also interesting and unique, being a specific one for the takeaway version, even though I enjoyed the pasta there, in the restaurant.

I then found out that before the pandemic La bottega della Gina XXL was an authentic restaurant, but at the same time and for reasons related to the desire to satisfy as many customers as possible, the location turned into something much more versatile, being possible to eat pasta prepared in restaurant or at home or the purchase of fresh semi-prepared pasta. It is possible (and even recommended during the holiday season) to reserve pasta and pick it up from the restaurant.

After my experience here, I could say without fail that the pasta prepared here is so good that the only thing you need to know how to do is boil water to enjoy a sensational lunch or dinner right at home.

And yes, La bottega della Gina XXL really is ‘A must try in Verona’!

If you liked the article La bottega della Gina XXL or superlative pasta, I invite you to try Agriturismo Ai Dossi – from agricultural to agrotourism, R Box Forest – The Tree House or La Pequeña Pastelería de Mamá Valencia.


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