Pappardelle al ragu


Pappardelle cu ragu din coaste de vita – cum sa aduci ospatul autentic italian direct in bucataria ta. Coastele de vita sunt gatite lent pana devin fragede, alaturi de legume simple, ierburi aromate, rosii si vin rosu, pentru a crea un sos ragu exceptional. Alege cele mai bune pappardelle si scufunda-le in acest sos savuros. Am mai pregatit coaste de vita si sos ragu separat, dar combinatia lor intrece toate asteptarile. Tot ce mai ai nevoie sunt pastele si un strop de parmezan pentru a te bucura de o cina delicioasa si plina de arome.

Pappardelle al ragu

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)

  • 1 kg coaste de vita
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline
  • 2 morcovi
  • 2 tije telina apio
  • 1 ceapa mare
  • 1 capatana usturoi
  • 200 grame pasta de rosii
  • 200 grame rosii cherry
  • 1 lingurita oregano
  • 1 lingurita cimbru
  • 2 foi de dafin
  • 150 ml vin rosu
  • 200 ml smantana dulce
  • 250 grame pappardelle
  • 50 grame parmezan ras
  • Sare
Pappardelle al ragu

Si de aceasta data am optat pentru utilizarea aparatului Tefal One Pot, deoarece preparatele sunt extrem de gustoase si se gatesc mult mai rapid. Desigur, puteti oricand sa alegeti varianta clasica, prelungind timpii de gatire.

Setam programul „Brown” si incalzim usor vasul, dupa care adaugam uleiul de masline. Rumenim coastele de vita timp de aproximativ 2 minute pe fiecare parte, apoi le scoatem intr-un bol. In aceeasi oala, in grasimea ramasa de la carne, adaugam ceapa, morcovul, telina apio si usturoiul, toate tocate fin. Calim timp de 3 minute, amestecand ocazional, dupa care adaugam sare, pasta de tomate, rosiile cherry taiate pe jumatate si condimentele. Continuam sa gatim inca 3 minute, dupa care adaugam carnea si acoperim cu capac. Selectam programul de gatit sub presiune pentru 30 de minute.

Pappardelle al ragu

Dupa depresurizare, scoatem bucatile de carne intr-o tigaie adanca, indepartam oasele si, cu ajutorul a doua furculite, desfacem carnea in fasii. Adaugam sosul de legume si smantana dulce deasupra si gatim la foc mediu timp de 5 minute.

Intre timp, fierbem pastele conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj, le scurgem si le adaugam in tigaie peste sosul de carne.

Pappardelle al ragu

Servim pastele fierbinti, presarate cu parmezan ras, alaturi de un pahar de vin rosu Negru de Valahia de la Crama Stramutata, un Merlot obtinut din primii struguri culesi din vita-de-vie tanara. Este un vin rosu cu buchet floral caracteristic, cu un continut ponderat de tanin.

Pappardelle al ragu

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Pappardelle al ragu, va invit sa incercati si:

Lasagna Rolls
Linguine cu sos de rosii, burrata si parmezan cu busuioc
Gnocchi al forno

English version

Pappardelle al ragu

Pappardelle with beef ribs ragu – how to bring authentic Italian cuisine directly to your kitchen. Beef ribs are slowly cooked until they become tender, together with simple vegetables, aromatic herbs, tomatoes and red wine, to create an exceptional ragu sauce. Choose the best pappardelle and dip them in this savory sauce. I have prepared beef ribs and ragu sauce separately, but their combination exceeds all expectations. All you need is the pasta and a sprinkle of parmesan to enjoy a delicious dinner full of flavors.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)

  • 1 kg beef ribs
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 carrots
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 head garlic
  • 200 grams tomato paste
  • 200 grams cherry tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 150 ml red wine
  • 200 ml double cream
  • 250 grams pappardelle
  • 50 grams grated parmesan
  • Salt

And this time I chose to use the Tefal One Pot device, because the dishes are extremely tasty and cook much faster. Of course, you can always choose the classic version, extending the cooking times.

Set the „Brown” program and gently heat the pot, then add the olive oil. Brown the beef ribs for about 2 minutes on each side, then remove them to a bowl. In the same pot, in the remaining fat from the meat, add the onion, carrot, celery and garlic, all finely chopped. Saute for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, then add salt, tomato paste, cherry tomatoes cut in half and spices. Continue to cook for another 3 minutes, after which we add the meat and cover with a lid. Select the pressure cooking program for 30 minutes.

After depressurizing, remove the pieces of meat in a deep pan, remove the bones and, with the help of two forks, cut the meat into strips. Add the vegetable sauce and double cream on top and cook on medium heat for 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package, drain it and add it to the pan over the meat sauce.

Serve the pasta hot, sprinkled with grated parmesan cheese, along with a glass of red wine.

If you liked the Pappardelle al ragu recipe, I invite you to try Lasagna Rolls, Tomatoes Sauce, Burrata and Parmesan with Basil Linguine or Gnocchi al forno.


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