R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci


Sunt inca multe momentele cand ma inchipui citind sau pur si simplu stand intr-o casuta intr-un copac… Ei bine, daca in vremea copilariei mele nu am avut ocazia sa am un astfel de locsor de basm, niste iepurasi Finuti s-au ocupat in primavara acestui an si au facut o rezervare surpriza! Marturisesc ca desi in ultima perioada au aparut multe astfel de casute, mai mult sau mai putin suspendate, nu am stiu absolut nimic de existenta acesteia. R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci, locul unde linistea nu este deranjata decat de susurul Raului Ghia care curge in vale, unde luna te trimite la culcare iar soarele are grija sa te trezeasca cu razele sale.

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R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

Este locul de poveste unde prin ferestrele mari poti admira verdele padurii in toata splendoarea lui chiar din cada freestanding, rasfatata fiind de o procedura SPA cu bile efervescente de baie si spumant de lavanda pregatite de gazde.

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

Dar sa o iau cu inceputul. Cu voucherul in mana am ales (atunci) unul dintre cele doua weekend-uri care mai erau disponibile din luna Iulie. In ziua cazarii am primit, virtual (pe WhatsApp), instructiunile referitoare la locatie: cum ajungem (Str. Bradatel, Carpinis, Gorj sau R Box Forest in Waze) unde parcam, unde gasim ceea ce avem nevoie pentru ca sederea noastra sa fie una de poveste.

Si chiar asa a si fost. Zona in sine nu spune mare lucru, insa Cabana spune totul! Inaugurata in 26 aprilie 2024, R Box Forest este una dintre locatiile pentru care nota 10 nu este suficienta! De obicei, in postarile mele caut sa pun in evidenta lucrurile care mi-au placut si mai putin pe cele care nu le-am gasit pe placul meu, insa aici chiar nu am gasit nimic de care sa spun sau macar sa gandesc ca l-as fi dorit altfel. Elementele de design, conceptul, peisajul, calitatea materialelor, curatenia, atentia la detalii, totul la superlativ.

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

Nu este de mirare ca mai sunt foarte putine locuri disponibile pentru acest an, chiar si in timpul saptamanii.

Cabana este utilata cu tot ceea ce trebuie pentru a-ti putea prepara masa in regim propriu (frigider, cuptor cu microunde, sandwich maker, inclusiv un gratar exterior electric), insa se poate comanda “a la carte” de la un restaurant partener (L’Invidia din Novaci situat cca. 9 km/12 minute de mers cu masina) pe care l-am incercat si este chiar ok. In zona mai este si Hanul Banului care este situat ceva mai aproape, la cca. 3 km (4 minute de mers cu masina) de locatie dar pe care nu l-am testat.

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

Pentru cei care sunt conectati cu tehnologia, casuta nu are TV sau WiFi, elemente complet incompatibile cu acest concept, inlocuite fiind de cateva titluri de carti, propuse cu multa inspiratie as spune eu, de catre gazde. 

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

Seara aduce alte surprize pe care aceasta minunata locatie le rezerva pentru oaspetii ce ii calca pragul. Va puteti racori pe terasa cozy alaturi de un pahar cu vin acompaniati de un cor impresionant de greieri sau in cada freestanding, la lumina romantica a lumanarilor in incercarea de a termina de citit una dintre cartile propuse de gazde.

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

Experienta in casuta a fost una teribil de reusita. Am venit cu asteptari mari care mi-au fost pe deplin satisfacute. Cel mai probabil voi reveni si cu siguranta voi recomanda aceasta locatie tuturor acelora care au visat sa locuiasca macar pentru cateva ore intr-o casuta in copaci, fie ea si varianta 2.0!

R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci

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Daca v-a placut articolul R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci, va invit sa incercati si:

Jelna – Amprenta Transilvaniei
Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran
Atra Doftana

English version

R Box Forest – The Tree House

There are still many moments when you imagine me reading or simply sitting in a house in a tree… Well, if during my childhood I didn’t have the opportunity to have such a fairytale place, some special friends took care of it in the spring of this year and they made a surprise reservation! I confess that although recently many such houses have appeared, more or less suspended, I knew absolutely nothing about its existence.

R Box Forest – the house suspended between the trees, the place where the silence is only disturbed by the murmur of the Ghia River that flows in the valley, where the moon sends you to sleep and the sun takes care to wake you up with its rays. It is a fairytale place where through the large windows you can admire the green of the forest in all its splendor right from the freestanding bathtub, being pampered by a SPA procedure with effervescent bath balls and lavender foam prepared by the hosts.

But let me start with the beginning. With the voucher in hand, I chose (then) one of the two weekends that were still available from July. On the day of the stay, I received, virtually (on wapp) the instructions regarding the location: how to get there (Str. Bradatel, Carpinis, Gorj or R Box Forest in Waze) where to park, where to find what we need to make our stay one of story.

And that’s exactly how it was. The area itself does not say much, but the House says everything! Inaugurated on April 26, 2024, R Box Forest is one of the locations for which a grade of 10 is not enough! Usually, in my posts I try to highlight the things that I liked and less the things that I didn’t like, but here I really didn’t find anything to say or even think that I would have liked otherwise. The design elements, the concept, the landscape, the quality of the materials, the cleanliness, the attention to detail, everything is superlative.

It is not surprising that there are still very few places available for this year, even during the week.

The cottage is equipped with everything you need to prepare your own meal (fridge, microwave oven, sandwich maker, including an outdoor electric grill), but you can order „a la carte” from a partner restaurant ( L’Invidia in Novaci located approx. 9 km/12 minutes by car) which I tried and it’s really ok. In the area there is also the Banului Inn, which is located a little closer, approx. 3 km (4 minutes by car) from the location but which I have not tested.

For those who are connected with technology, the house does not have TV or WiFi, elements completely incompatible with this concept, replaced by several book titles, proposed with great inspiration, I would say, by the hosts.

The evening brings other surprises that this wonderful location reserves for the guests who step on its threshold. You can cool off on the cozy terrace with a glass of wine accompanied by an impressive chorus of crickets or in the freestanding bathtub, by the romantic light of the candles, trying to finish reading one of the books proposed by the hosts.

The experience in the cottage was a terribly successful one. I came with high expectations that were fully satisfied. I will most likely come back and I will definitely recommend this location to all those who have dreamed of living at least for a few hours in a treehouse, be it version 2.0!

If you liked the article R Box Forest – The Tree House I invite you to try Jelna – Transylvania Imprint, Where to eat (the best cakes) in… Bran or Atra Doftana.


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