In calatoria noastra culinara, ne oprim astazi in bucataria libaneza si incepem cu celebrele mezze. Nu vom avea o reteta clasica ci o colectie spectaculoasa care include din abundenta cereale, lactate, legume si foarte putina carne roșie. De asemenea, vom folosi cantitati mai mari de usturoi si ulei de masline, condimentate cu suc de lamaie. Nautul, patrunjelul si menta desavarsesc cu siguranta acest platou libanez.
English version:
Lebanese Mezze
On our culinary journey, we stop today in Lebanese cuisine and start with the famous mezze. We will not have a classic recipe but a spectacular collection that includes plenty of cereals, dairy products, vegetables and a small quantity of red meat. We will also use larger amounts of garlic and olive oil, seasoned with lemon juice. Chickpeas, parsley and mint definitely complete this Lebanese dish.
Delicious mezze includes baba ghanouj, hummus, muttabal, labneh and obviously the famous Lebanese flatbreat.
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