Bacardi Rum Cocktail


Mojito este una dintre cele mai populare bauturi ale noului mileniu, insa asa cum se intampla in cazul celor mai multe dintre cocktail-uri, originile Bacardi Rum Cocktail se pierd în istorie. Gustul de-a dreptul fabulos al acestui Mojito (caci acesta este o varianta a celebrului cocktail) a parcurs un traseu putin spus interesant de la momentul inventiei sale in Havana si pana in zilele noastre, cand cocktail-ul este savurat undeva in lume, la fiecare cinci minute. Bacardi aduce mai aproape de noi aroma faimosului mix, combinand ingrediente. precum rom, menta, suc de lamaie si zahar.

Bacardi Rum Cocktail


(pentru 1 pahar / for 1 serving)

  • 2 capsuni / 2 strawberries
  • 1/4 lime / 1/4 lime
  • 30 ml sirop de menta / 30 ml mint syrop
  • 50 ml rom Bacardi / 50 ml Bacardi rum
  • 2 lingurite zahar brun / 2 teaspoons brown sugar
  • Frunze de menta / Mint leaves
  • Gheata / Ice
Bacardi Rum Cocktail

Umezim marginea paharului cu putina apa, apoi o stergem usor cu cateva frunze de menta si o trecem prin zahar brun.

Adaugam in pahar felii de capsuni si lime, 2 lingurite de zahar brun, sirop de menta si gheata maruntita.

Bacardi Rum Cocktail

Introducem in gheata maruntita cate o sticla miniatura de rom Bacardi si decoram cu menta.

Bacardi Rum Cocktail

Servim rece cu multa placere.

Bacardi Rum Cocktail

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Bacardi Rum Cocktail

Daca v-a placut reteta de Bacardi Rum Cocktail, va invit sa incercati si un Clasic Mojito, Caramel Mojito, un Special Flavored Hugo (Strawberry & Limoncello) sau un Grapefruit Gin & Tonic.

English version

Bacardi Rum Cocktail

Mojito is one of the most popular drinks of the new millennium, but as happens with most cocktails, the origins of the Bacardi Rum Cocktail are lost in history. The downright fabulous taste of this Mojito (because this is a variant of the famous cocktail) has traveled a somewhat interesting route from the time of its invention in Havana until today, when the cocktail is enjoyed somewhere in the world, at every five minutes. Bacardi brings the flavor of the famous mix closer to us, combining ingredients such as rum, mint, lemon juice and sugar.

Moisten the rim of the glasses with water, then gently wipe them with a few mint leaves and roll them in brown sugar.

Add to glass slices of strawberry and lime, 2 teaspoons of brown sugar, mint syrup and crushed ice.

Add a miniature bottle of Bacardi rum to each glass and decorate with mint.

Serve cold with great pleasure.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked the Bacardi Rum Cocktail recipe, I invite you to try a Classic Mojito, Caramel Mojito, a Special Flavored Hugo (Strawberry & Limoncello) or a Grapefruit Gin & Tonic.


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