Descoperirea unei retete autentice de salata de cartofi vieneza poate fi o experienta culinara revelatoare, mai ales cand vine direct din bucataria unui restaurant renumit precum Figlmuller din Viena. Cunoscut pentru snitelul sau urias, Figlmuller este, de asemenea, locul unde multi gurmanzi au avut placerea de a gusta o salata de cartofi facuta dupa o reteta traditionala, care imbina simplitatea cu gustul intens. Salata de cartofi, sau „Kartoffelsalat” cum este cunoscuta in Austria, este un fel de mancare care se serveste adesea ca garnitura alaturi de diferite tipuri de carne. Reteta mea se distinge prin utilizarea unei combinatii de cartofi albi si mov, o alegere neconventionala care adauga o nota de originalitate si culoare. Pentru cei care doresc sa recreeze aceasta experienta acasa, cartea de bucate Figlmuller ofera o fereastra spre lumea gastronomiei vieneze, permitandu-le sa aduca un strop de Viena in propriile lor bucatarii. Fie ca este servita alaturi de un snitel crocant sau ca fel principal, salata de cartofi vieneza ramane o marturie a bogatiei culturale si a pasiunii pentru mancarea bine facuta.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 8 portii)
- 1 kg cartofi
- 2 bucati ceapa alba
- 1 legatura ceapa verde
- 75 grame mustar clasic
- 50 ml ulei
- 3 linguri otet din cidru de mere
- 200 ml supa de pui
- Piper negru
- Sare
- 2 ridichi pentru decor
- Valeriana pentru servit
Retetea originala este cu cartofi albi, insa eu am ales cartofi albi si mov din productie proprie. Ii spalam foarte bine si ii punem la fiert in apa cu o lingura de sare. Ii fierbem aproximativ o ora (in functie de dimensiunea lor) pana cand pot fi strapunsi usor cu furculita.
Intre timp, curatam si taiem foarte marunt ceapa alba. Fierbem supa si o turnam fierbinte peste ceapa, acoperind bolul. Lasam ceapa la infuzat in supa pana cand se fierb cartofii.
Ii scurgem apoi de apa si ii curatam cat sunt inca fierbinti. II taiem rondele groase de 0,5 cm pe care le asezam intr-un bol incapator si ii presaram cu sare. Scurgem ceapa si recuperam supa intr-un ibric pe care o punem din nou pe foc. Presaram ceapa peste cartofi.
Intr-un bol mixam mustarul cu otet, ulei, sare, piper negru pana obtinem o emulsie fina. Rasturnam sosul peste salata si apoi turnam deasupra supa fierbinte. Amestecam cu grija, acoperim castronul si lasam la temperatura camerei pana cand se raceste, amestecand ocazional.
Cand salata se raceste adaugam ceapa verde tocata marunt si pastram salata la frigider timp de cateva ore inainte de servire, ideal de pe o zi pe alta.
Decoram salata cu ridichi tocate foarte marunt si servim cu valeriana ca si garnitura langa o friptura de miel, de porc sau ca fel principal intr-o zi de post.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta Kartoffelsalat – Salata vieneza de cartofi, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Kartoffelsalat – Viennese Potato Salad
Discovering an authentic Viennese potato salad recipe can be a revelatory culinary experience, especially when it comes straight from the kitchen of a renowned restaurant like Figlmuller in Vienna. Known for its huge schnitzel, Figlmuller is also the place where many gourmets have had the pleasure of tasting a potato salad made according to a traditional recipe, which combines simplicity with intense taste. Potato salad, or „Kartoffelsalat” as it is known in Austria, is a kind of food that is often served as a side dish with different types of meat. My recipe is distinguished by the use of a combination of white and purple potatoes, an unconventional choice that adds a touch of originality and color. For those who want to recreate this experience at home, the Figlmuller cookbook offers a window into the world of Viennese gastronomy, allowing them to bring a touch of Vienna into their own kitchens. Whether it is served alongside a crispy schnitzel or a steak, the Viennese potato salad remains a testament to the cultural richness and passion for well-made food.
INGREDIENTS (for 8 servings)
- 1 kg potatoes
- 2 pieces white onion
- 1 bunch green onion
- 75 grams classic mustard
- 50 ml oil
- 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 200 ml chicken soup
- Black pepper
- Salt
- 2 radishes for decoration
- Valerian for serving
The original recipe is with white potatoes, but I chose white and purple potatoes from my own production. Wash them very well and boil them in water with a spoonful of salt. Boil them for about an hour (depending on their size) until they can be easily pierced with a fork.
In the meantime, clean and chop the white onion very finely. Boil the soup and pour it hot over the onion, covering the bowl. Let the onion infuse in the soup until the potatoes are cooked.
Drain the water and clean them while they are still hot. Cut the potatoes in slices 0.5 cm thick, place them in a large bowl and sprinkle them with salt. Drain the onion and recover the soup in a kettle that we put back on the fire. Sprinkle the onion over the potatoes.
In a bowl, mix the mustard with vinegar, oil, salt, black pepper until we get a fine emulsion. Pour the sauce over the salad and then pour the hot soup over it. Mix carefully, cover the bowl and leave at room temperature until it cools down, stirring occasionally.
When the salad cools down, add finely chopped green onions and keep the salad in the fridge for a few hours before serving, ideally overnight.
Decorate the salad with very finely chopped radishes and serve with valerian as a side dish next to a roast lamb, pork or even chicken.
If you liked the recipe Kartoffelsalat – Viennese potato salad, I invite you to try Potatoes with Yogurt Sauce, Pork Ribs with Baked Potatoes or Baked potatoes stuffed with bacon and green onions.
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