Mancare de mazare


Mancare de mazare, o alegere excelenta pentru un pranz sau o cina rapida, echilibrata si plina de savoare. Delicata, aromata si foarte usor de preparat, aceasta reteta poate fi servita fie ca fel principal intr-o zi de post, fie ca o garnitura delicioasa alaturi de alte preparate. Ingrediente simple, precum mazarea dulce, morcovii fragezi si ceapa calita, sunt completate perfect de aroma proaspata a mararului si gustul usor dulceag al pastei de tomate. Este o mancare care iti aduce aminte de mesele copilariei si care poate fi pregatita fara prea mult efort, chiar si atunci cand timpul este limitat.

Mancare de mazare

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)

  • 400 grame mazare
  • 2 cepe
  • 5 baby morcovi sau 2 morcovi mai mari
  • 200 grame pasta de tomate
  • 1 legatura de marar
  • 1 lingura stevie sau zahar
  • 1 lingura de ulei
  • Sare
Mancare de mazare

Incalzim o cratita, adaugam uleiul, ceapa tocata fin si 50 ml de apa. Calim ceapa la foc mic pana devine translucida, completand, daca este necesar, cu putina apa. Adaugam morcovii taiati in bucati de aproximativ 2 cm si inca 100 ml de apa. Acoperim cratita cu un capac si gatim timp de 20 de minute, pana cand morcovii sunt fragezi. Daca apa se evapora, mai adaugam treptat apa pentru a ne asigura ca morcovii se gatesc corespunzator.

Mancare de mazare

Cand morcovii sunt usor al dente, adaugam o lingura de zahar sau stevie si lasam sa se caramelizeze usor. Incorporam pasta de tomate, 50 ml de apa si un praf de sare. Adaugam mazarea si continuam sa gatim la foc mic timp de 10 minute.

Mancare de mazare

La final, presaram mararul tocat marunt si servim cu multa pofta, fie ca fel principal intr-o zi de post, fie ca garnitura.

Mancare de mazare

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English version

Peas Stew

Peas Stew, an excellent choice for a quick, balanced, and flavorful lunch or dinner. Delicate, aromatic, and very easy to prepare, this recipe can be served either as a main course on a fasting day or as a delicious side dish alongside other preparations. Simple ingredients, such as sweet peas, tender carrots, and sautéed onions, are perfectly complemented by the fresh aroma of dill and the slightly sweet taste of tomato paste. It’s a dish that reminds you of childhood meals and can be prepared with minimal effort, even when time is limited.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings):

  • 400 grams peas
  • 2 onions
  • 5 baby carrots or 2 larger carrots
  • 200 grams tomato paste
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • 1 tablespoon stevia or sugar
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • Salt

Heat a pot, add the oil, finely chopped onion, and 50 ml of water. Sauté the onion over low heat until it becomes translucent, adding a little more water if needed. Add the carrots cut into approximately 2 cm pieces and another 100 ml of water. Cover the pot with a lid and cook for 20 minutes until the carrots are tender. If the water evaporates, add a little more gradually to ensure the carrots cook properly.

When the carrots are slightly al dente, add one tablespoon of sugar or stevia and let them caramelize lightly. Stir in the tomato paste, 50 ml of water, and a pinch of salt. Add the peas and continue cooking on low heat for another 10 minutes.

Finally, sprinkle with finely chopped dill and serve with great appetite, either as a main dish for a fasting day or as a side dish.

If you enjoyed this Peas Stew recipe, I invite you to also try Lamb Chops with Pea and Spinach Puree and Carrots Sauteed in Butter, Bean Cream with Truffles and Mushrooms or Espresso Beans.


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