Mini tort cu biscuiti si coaja de portocala confiata in miere


Ciocolata + Portocala = ♥️

Am incercat sa spun mai multe despre aceasta combinatie, insa afirmatia de mai sus graieste de la sine. Iubesc coaja de portocala confiata. In Thassos, mai exact satul Theologos, exista o doamna care vinde miere si cateva produse ce au la baza mierea. Doamna este cunoscuta tuturor romanilor care viziteaza satul sub numele de “Femeia cu barba”. O doamna cu un limbaj colorat, dar amuzant in acelasi timp, insa cu produse extraordinar de bune. Daca ajungeti in zona nu trebuie sa ratati mierea de rodie sau de pin si ciresele, smochinele sau coaja de portocala in miere.

Nu stiu cum se face dar am ratacit acest borcan de coaja de portocala confiata in miere prin camara si recent l-am descoperit ca pe o comoara ce trebuie pusa in valore.


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)

  • 150 grame de biscuiti / 150 grams biscuits
  • 10 grame cacao / 10 grams cacao
  • 50 grame zahar / 50 grams sugar
  • 60 ml lapte / 60 ml milk
  • 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
  • 1 lingurita esenta de rom / 1 teaspoon rum flavour
  • 50 grame coaja de portocala confiata / 50 grams candied orange

Intr-un bol, rupem biscuitii in bucati marunte. Adaugam cacao, coaja de portocala confiata si esenta de rom. Intr-un ibric incalzim laptele cu zaharul si untul (fara a fierbe, doar pana cand untul este topit). Turnam amestecul peste biscuiti si amestecam. Aranjam compozitia intr-o forma rotunda si lasam la frigider cateva ore inainte de servire.

Decoram folosind coaja de portocala confiata si servim cu multa pofta!

English version:

Mini biscuites cake with honey candied orange

Chocolate + Orange = ♥️

I tried to say more about this combination, but the above statement says it all. I love candied orange. In Thassos, more precisely the village of Theologos, there is a lady who sells honey and some honey-based products. The lady is known to all Romanians who visit the village as the „Bearded Woman”. A lady with a funny colorful language, but with extraordinarily good products. If you arrive in the area, you should not miss the pomegranate or pine honey and the cherries, figs or orange peel in honey.

I don’t know how I did this, but I lost the jar of candied orange peel in honey through the pantry and I recently discovered it as a treasure that must be valued.

In a bowl, break the biscuits into small pieces. Add cocoa, candied orange and rum essence. In a bowl, heat the milk with the sugar and butter (without boiling, just until the butter is melted). Pour the mixture over the biscuits and mix. Arrange the composition in a round shape and leave in the fridge for a few hours before serving.

Decorate with candied orange peel and serve with appetite!


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