Intr-o binemeritata pauza de la „papucit” prin Verona am decis sa incerc o alta recomandare a lui Lorenzo, de aceasta data o locatie plina de istorie si traditie in ceea ce priveste arta ospitalitatii din frumosul oras al Julietei. Fiind amplasat in inima Veronei, am trecut de cateva ori pe langa el, mi-a placut ceea ce am vazut si am decis sa il incercam. Si pentru ca a fost o experienta de impartasit am decis sa apara cateva impresii si aici: Caffè Monte Baldo – Tartine si vin de la 1909.

Caffè Monte Baldo a inceput in 1909 dintr-o poveste de dragoste pentru pamantul si traditiile sale culinare si vinicole, care a durat peste un secol, ceea ce i-a permis sa obtina premiile prestigioase de „Restaurant tipic” si „Magazin istoric” din partea Municipalitatii Verona si Loc istoric din Regiunea Veneto din partea Regiunii.

Aici pot fi savurate un aperitiv grozav cu celebrele tapas sau cu o selectie de mezeluri si branzeturi, insotite evident de un pahar de vin excelent, sau un pranz sau o cina cu mancaruri de inalta calitate, cu materii prime de casa si cu atentie pentru alternative gustoase fara gluten si vegane.

Lista de vinuri este generoasa si premiata cu peste 300 de etichete adapostite chiar in pivnita restaurantului si o mare selectie de Amarone della Valpolicella si alte licori bahice locale.

Multe etichete sunt disponibile si la pahar datorita utilizarii tehnologiei CORAVIN(r).
Caffè Monte Baldo este, de asemenea, WINE SHOP: toate etichetele sunt disponibile pentru take away si livrare la cele mai bune preturi de pe piata.
Experienta placuta a fost insa intregita de prezenta uneia dintre gazde, Estera Elena Jeciu, care auzindu-ne cum incercam sa ne hotaram in limba natala asupra a ceea ce urma sa comandam, a intervenit in discutie (si bine a facut!).

Am incercat cateva modele de tartine (dupa aspect le-as fi numit bruschete, insa am aflat tot de la gazda noastra ca acestea sunt doar cele cu rosii), unele alese de noi iar altele recomandate si oferite de Estera pe care le-am acompaniat de un pahar Verona Bianco IGT „Hey French, you could have made this but you didn’t” de la Pasqua.

Caffè Monte Baldo, cu familia Vesentini, a facut istoria tartinelor din Verona. Canapeul sau „cicchetto”, asa cum este cunoscut printre localnicii din regiunea Veneto, este o felie mica de paine, moale sau crocanta, acoperita cu o mancare simpla: peste, carne sau mezeluri, branzeturi, sosuri si legume. Proprietarul Gianni si echipa sa le pun la dispozitie imediat ce sunt acoperite cu alimente autentice si gustoase, cu o atentie deosebita clientilor vegetarieni si vegani.

De peste 40 de ani, pasiunea gazdelor pentru mancarea buna a pus la dispozitie peste 35 de tipuri diferite de tapas servite singure sau intr-o „selectie” de zece bucati colorate si gustoase.

Aceste tapas fac parte din traditia gastronomica autentica a Veronei si reprezinta o oportunitate excelenta de a petrece momente placute in compania celor dragi. Un sfat?!? Pe langa tartine, incercati chiftele si arancini „Veronese” facute cu Risotto all’Amarone della Valpolicella cu o inima moale de branza Monte Veronese. Dupa varietatea de bruschete incercate nu am mai avut loc pentru arancini insa puteti gasi reteta aici.

Asadar, descoperiti Caffè Monte Baldo si bucurati-va de toata savoarea simplitatii!

Daca v-a placut articolul Caffè Monte Baldo – Tartine si vin de la 1909, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Caffè Monte Baldo – Canapes and Wine since 1909
In a well-deserved break from „walking” around Verona, I decided to try another Lorenzo’s recommendation, this time a location full of history and tradition in terms of the art of hospitality from the beautiful city of Juliet. Being located in the heart of Verona, I passed by it several times, I liked what I saw and decided to try it. And because it was an experience to share, I decided to show some impressions here: Caffè Monte Baldo – Canapés and wine since 1909.
Caffè Monte Baldo started in 1909 from a love story for the land and its culinary and wine traditions, which lasted over a century, which allowed it to obtain the prestigious awards of „Typical Restaurant” and „Historical Shop” from the Municipality Verona and Historical place in the Veneto Region from the region.
Here you can enjoy a great aperitif with the famous tapas or a selection of charcuterie and cheeses, obviously accompanied by a glass of excellent wine, or a lunch or dinner with high-quality food, with homemade ingredients and with attention to alternatives tasty gluten-free and vegan.
The wine list is generous and award-winning with over 300 labels housed right in the restaurant’s cellar and a large selection of Amarone della Valpolicella and other local Bacchus liqueurs.
Many labels are also available by the glass due to the use of CORAVIN(r) technology.
Caffè Monte Baldo is also a WINE SHOP: all labels are available for take away and delivery at the best prices on the market.
However, the pleasant experience was completed by the presence of one of the hosts, Estera Elena Jeciu, who, hearing us try to decide in our native language about what we were going to order, intervened in the discussion (and she did well!).
We tried several types of canapes (according to their appearance I would have called them bruschetta, but we also learned from our host that these are only the ones with tomatoes), some chosen by us and others recommended and offered by Estera, who accompanied us of a glass of Verona Bianco IGT „Hey French, you could have made this but you didn’t” from Pasqua.
Caffè Monte Baldo, with the Vesentini family, made the history of canapes in Verona. Canape or „cicchetto”, as it is known among the locals of the Veneto region, is a small slice of bread, soft or crispy, covered with a simple food: fish, meat or sausages, cheeses, sauces and vegetables. The owner Gianni and his team make them available as soon as they are covered with authentic and tasty food, with special attention to vegetarian and vegan customers.
For over 40 years, the hosts’ passion for good food has made available over 35 different types of tapas served alone or in a „selection” of ten colorful and tasty pieces.
These tapas are part of the authentic gastronomic tradition of Verona and represent an excellent opportunity to spend pleasant moments in the company of loved ones. Any advice?!? Besides canapés, try the „Veronese” meatballs and arancini made with Risotto all’Amarone della Valpolicella with a soft heart of Monte Veronese cheese. After the variety of bruschettas I tried, I didn’t have room for arancini, but you can find the recipe here.
So, discover Caffè Monte Baldo and enjoy all the flavor of simplicity!
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