Dupa ce am incercat Mini Bagels Brunch – Somon afumat & Labneh, incercam in aceeasi idee mini bagels brunch – prosciutto crudo si melone. Mana sus cine s-a mai trezit tarziu azi si haideti cu totii la brunch! ♥️
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 4 mini bagels / 4 mini bagels
- 150 grame prosciutto crudo / 150 grams prosciutto crudo
- 150 grame labneh / 150 grams labneh
- 4 fire de ceapa verde / 4 green onions
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 felii pepene galben / 2 melon slices
- 1 para / 1 pear
- Valeriana / Valerian
Reteta de bagels o gasiti aici. Deoarece am dorit o varianta de bagels intergrali, am folosit 200 grame de faina integrala si 300 grame de faina alba, pastrand in continuare aceeasi reteta. Pentru a obtine varianta mini, am impartit aluatul in 15 parti egale.
Pentru crema de branza, am amestecat labneh cu 2 fire de ceapa verde taiata marunt, sare si ulei de masline. In cazul in care nu gasiti labneh, puteti folosi o crema de branza natur (gen Almette sau Philadelphia).
Aranjam pe platou bagels, prosciutto crudo, crema de labneh, pepenele galben, para, salata verde si servim cu foarte multa pofta!
Daca v-a placut Mini Bagels Brunch – Prosciutto Crudo & Melone, puteti incerca si un brunch perfect, crostini in the mix sau un mic dejun intr-un platou.
English version
Mini Bagels Brunch – Prosciutto Crudo & Melone
After we tried Mini Bagels Brunch – Smoked Salmon & Labneh, we go on in the same idea mini bagels brunch – prosciutto cotto and melon. Hands up who woke up late today and let’s have a brunch! ♥ ️
You can find the bagel recipe here. Because I wanted a variant of wholemeal bagels, I used 200 grams of wholemeal flour and 300 grams of white flour, keeping the same recipe. To obtain the mini version, we divided the dough into 15 equal parts.
For the cream cheese, I mixed labneh with 2 finely chopped green onions, salt and olive oil. If you can’t find labneh, you can use a natural cheese cream (like Almette or Philadelphia).
Arrange all the ingredients on the plate and serve with great appetite!
If you liked Mini Bagels Brunch – Prosciutto Crudo & Melone, you can also try a perfect brunch, crostini in the mix or a breakfast on a plate.
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