Portobello Burger


Sunt convinsa ca aproape fiecare dintre noi a incercat celebrii burgeri in diverse variante… cu vita, cu branza, cu falafel sau alte combinatii.

Astazi, insa vreau sa va fac cunostinta cu burgerii portobello: chifle integrale “homemade”, ciuperci portobello marinate, sos aioli si un ou ochi care sa ii desavarseasca.


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings):

Pentru chifle integrale:

  • 125 grame faina integrala / 125 grams wholemeal flour
  • 125 grame faina alba tip 650 / 125 grams white flour type 650
  • 1/2 lingurita miere / 1/2 teaspoon honey
  • 125 ml lapte / 125 ml milk
  • 1 ou / 1 egg
  • 3,5 grame drojdie uscata / 3,5 grams dry yeast
  • 15 grame unt / 15 grams butter
  • 1 lingurita de sare / 1 teaspoon salt
  • Seminte de susan / Sesam seeds
  • 1 galbenus de ou / 1 egg yolk
  • 1 lingura de lapte / 1 tablespoon milk

Pentru burgeri:

  • 4 ciuperci portobello / 4 portobello mushroooms
  • 2 linguri otet balsamic / 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 2 linguri sos de soia / 2 tablespoons soya sauce
  • 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
  • Sare / Salt
  • 4 oua / 4 eggs
  • 50 grame mozzarela uscata / 50 grams dried mozzarella
  • Castraveti murati / Pickles
  • Valeriana / Valerian
  • Rosii / Tomatoes
  • Ceapa rosie / Red onion
  • 4 linguri iaurt grecesc / 4 tablespoons greek yogurt
  • 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 lingura ulei masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 4 linguri ketchup / 4 tablespoon ketchup

Pentru chifle am framantat aluatul cu ajutorul celui mai bun prieten, Kitchen Aid. Amestecam intr-un bol cele 2 tipuri de faina, drojdia uscata, mierea si laptele caldut. Incepem sa mixam si adaugam apoi oul, untul la temperatura camerei si sarea. Lasam aluatul la dospit o ora. Apoi il impartim in 4 parti egale si ii dam forma de bila. Cu ajutorul unui sucitor, aplatizam fiecare bila pana obtinem un cerc cu diametrul de 10 cm. Punem chiflele intr-o tava si le mai lasam la dospit 30 de minute acoperite cu un prosop. Le ungem cu galbenusul de ou amestecat cu o lingura de lapte si le presaram cu seminte de susan (eu am avut un amestec de seminte albe si negre). Le coacem in cuptorul incins la 200 de grade timp de 25 de minute. Le lasam apoi la racit pe un gratar de bucatarie.

Pentru burgeri, spalam ciupercile si le uscam cu un servetel absorbant. Amestecam otetul balsamic, sosul de soia, fulgii de chilli, uleiul de masline si usturoiul zdrobit (sare adaugam dupa gust cu atentie deoarece si sosul de soia este sarat). Marinam ciupercile in acest amestec timp de o ora.

Intre timp pregatim sosul de usturoi, amestecand usturoiul pisat cu iaurtul si uleiul de masline.

Intr-o tigaie grill incinsa, punem ciupercile cu lamelele in jos timp de 5 minute. Intoarcem si adaugam branza rasa. Mai lasam 5 minute si scoatem ciupercile pe o farfurie. In aceeasi tigaie incalzim usor chiflele taiate in doua. Intre timp pregatim si ouale ochiuri.

Asezam jumatatile de chifle pe un platou si ungem cu sosul aioli, adaugam valeriana si castravetii murati taiati felii, apoi ciupercile, ouale ochi, feliile de rosii si ceapa. Celelalte jumatati de chifle le ungem cu ketchup si le asezam peste burgeri.

Servim cu multa pofta!

English version:

I am sure that almost every one of us has tried the famous burgers in various variants … with beef, cheese, falafel or other combinations.

Today, however, I present you portobello burgers: homemade wholemeal buns, marinated portobello mushrooms, aioli sauce and a delicious fried egg to complete them.

For the buns, I kneaded the dough with the help of my best friend, Kitchen Aid. Mix in a bowl the 2 types of flour, dry yeast, honey and warm milk. We start mixing and then add the egg, butter at room temperature and salt. Let the dough rise for an hour. Then we divide it into 4 equal parts and give it the shape of a ball. Flatten each ball until we obtain a circle with a diameter of 10 cm. Put the buns in a tray and leave them to rise for another 30 minutes covered with a towel. Grease them with egg yolk mixed with a tablespoon of milk and sprinkle with sesame seeds (I had a mixture of black and white seeds). Bake in the hot oven at 200 degrees for 25 minutes. Leave them to cool on a kitchen grill.

For burgers, wash the mushrooms and dry them with an absorbent napkin. Mix balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, chilli flakes, olive oil and crushed garlic (add salt to taste carefully because the soy sauce is salty). Marinate the mushrooms in this mixture for an hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the garlic sauce. Mix the crushed garlic with yogurt and olive oil.

In a hot grill pan, grill the mushrooms for 5 minutes. Turn and add the grated cheese. Leave for another 5 minutes and remove the mushrooms on a plate. In the same pan, lightly heat the buns cut in half. In the meantime, prepare the fried eggs.

Place the halves of the buns on a plate and grease with the aioli sauce, add the sliced valerian and pickles, then the mushrooms, fried eggs, tomato slices and onion. Knead the other halves of the buns with ketchup and place them over the burgers.


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