Rice Cake Tiramisu


Rice Cake Tiramisu pentru un mic dejun plin de proteine, absolut potrivit dupa excesele de sarbatori. Super gustos si rapid de facut, acest tiramisu va va satisface pofta de dulce si va va acoperi in acelasi timp necesarul proteic pentru un start de zi plin de energie.

Rice Cake Tiramisu


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)

  • 450 grame iaurt grecesc 2% grasime / 450 grams greek yoghurt 2% fat
  • 6 rondele de orez / 6 rice cakes
  • 3 linguri indulcitor Sirop Secret Green Sugar/ 3 tablespoons Secret Syrup Green Sugar sweetener
  • 2 lingurite vanilie / 2 tablespoons vanilla
  • 3 espresso / 3 espresso
  • 1 lingurita cacao / 1 teaspoon cocoa
Rice Cake Tiramisu

Intr-un bol amestecam iaurtul grecesc cu indulcitorul si vanilia. Separat pregatim cafeaua si trecem fiecare rondela de orez prin espresso.

Asezam in boluri rondele de orez si crema de iaurt in straturi alternative. Incheiem cu un strat de iaurt si lasam la frigider cateva ore pana in momentul servirii.

Rice Cake Tiramisu

Presaram cu cacao si servim cu multa pofta alaturi de afine sau alte fructe.

Rice Cake Tiramisu

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Rice Cake Tiramisu

Daca v-a placut reteta de Rice Cake Tiramisu va invit sa incercati si o Budinca de Chia, Coconut Chocolate Chia Pudding sau un Double Mango Pudding.

English version

Rice Cake Tiramisu

Rice Cake Tiramisu for a protein breakfast, absolutely suitable after the excesses of the holidays. Super tasty and quick to make, this tiramisu will satisfy your sweet appetite and at the same time cover the protein requirements for an energetic start to the day.

In a bowl, mix Greek yogurt with sweetener and vanilla. Separately, prepare the coffee and pass each round of rice through espresso.

Place the rice rounds and yogurt cream in alternate layers in bowls. Finish with a layer of yogurt and leave in the refrigerator for a few hours until serving.

Sprinkle with cocoa and serve with great appetite with blueberries or other fruits.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked the Rice Cake Tiramisu recipe, I invite you to try a Chia Pudding, Coconut Chocolate Chia Pudding or a Double Mango Pudding.


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