Tarta cu smochine, ricotta si Camembert


Daca esti in cautarea unui aperitiv satios, care sa impresioneze invitatii la o cina sau pur si simplu sa iti rasfete papilele gustative, tarta cu smochine, ricotta si Camembert este alegerea perfecta. Aceasta combinatie inedita de ingrediente ofera o explozie de arome si texturi, cu dulceața smochinelor ce contrasteaza minunat cu cremozitatea ricottei si a branzei Camembert. Fiecare felie este o adevarata experienta culinara, iar prepararea ei nu necesita abilitati deosebite in bucatarie. Cu doar cateva ingrediente simple, dar rafinate, aceasta tarta devine rapid un favorit al mesei, fie ca o servesti ca aperitiv sau ca un fel principal usor. Asadar, hai sa descoperim impreuna cum se prepara aceasta delicatesa!

Tarta cu smochine, ricotta si Camembert

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)

  • 1 foaie foietaj (400 grame)
  • 200 grame ricotta
  • 1 lingura ulei de masline
  • 125 grame Camembert
  • 5 smochine
  • 50 grame nuci
  • 1 ou
  • Sare
  • Cimbru
  • 2 linguri otet balsamic fructat
Tarta cu smochine, ricotta si Camembert

Intr-un bol amestecam ricotta cu putina sare, cimbru si ulei de masline. Intindem foaia de foietaj intr-o tava. Cu ajutorul unui cutit marcam o margine de aproximativ 2 cm, cu mare grija fara a taia aluatul.

Tarta cu smochine, ricotta si Camembert

Intindem in zona marcata crema de ricotta si adaugam felii de Camembert si felii de smochine. Presaram nucile tocate grosier si cimbru.

Ungem marginile aluatului cu ou batut si introducem in cuptorul incins la 200 grade Celsius pentru 10 minute, reducem apoi temperatura la 180 grade si mai coacem 10 minute pana cand tarta este frumos rumenita.

Tarta cu smochine, ricotta si Camembert

Stropim tarta cu otet balsamic si servim ca aperitiv sau ca fel principal, alaturi de un pahar cu vin.

Tarta cu smochine, ricotta si Camembert

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Tarta cu smochine, ricotta si Camembert, va invit sa incercati si:

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English version

Tart with Figs, Ricotta and Camembert

If you are looking for a satisfying appetizer that will impress your guests at a dinner party or simply pamper your taste buds, the tart with figs, ricotta and Camembert is the perfect choice. This unique combination of ingredients offers an explosion of flavors and textures, with the sweetness of figs contrasting wonderfully with the creaminess of ricotta and Camembert cheese. Each slice is a real culinary experience, and its preparation does not require special skills in the kitchen. The puff pastry sheet adds a crunchy note, and the walnuts bring a touch of crunch and a subtle nutty taste. With only a few simple but refined ingredients, this tart quickly becomes a favorite of the table, whether you serve it as an appetizer or as a light main course. So, let’s discover together how to prepare this delicacy!

INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)

  • 1 sheet puff pastry (400 grams)
  • 200 grams ricotta
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 125 grams Camembert
  • 5 figs
  • 50 grams walnuts
  • 1 egg
  • Salt
  • Thyme
  • 2 tablespoons fruity balsamic vinegar

In a bowl, mix ricotta with a little salt, thyme and olive oil. Spread the sheet of puff pastry in a tray. With the help of a knife, mark an edge of approximately 2 cm, very carefully without cutting the dough.

Spread the ricotta cream in the marked area and add Camembert slices and fig slices. Sprinkle the coarsely chopped walnuts and thyme.

Brush the edges of the dough with beaten egg and place in the oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 10 minutes until the tart is nicely browned.

Sprinkle the tart with balsamic vinegar and serve as an appetizer or as a main course, along with a glass of wine.

If you liked the recipe for Tart with figs, ricotta and Camembert, I invite you to try Feta & Figs Tart, Oven Baked Eggplant with Cheese and Figs or Burrata with Fig Carpaccio.


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