Destinatia finala si scopul calatoriei din acest an a fost Menton, un orasel mic, cochet cunoscut si sub titulatura de Perla Frantei. Fiind o locatie preponderent de vacanta, micuta localitate, care vara se umple de turisti iar in restul anului este populata de studenti, nu are foarte multe atractii care pot fi mentionate, insa are cu siguranta multe de oferit in materie de locuri de servire a mesei. Si pentru ca bucataria mentoneza nu este foarte variata, gasim aici multe influente internationale, cele mai bine reprezentate fiind gusturile italienesti, cu celebrele pizza, paste si gelato. Dar unde mancam cea mai buna pizza in Menton?

Situat pe uimitoarea coasta a Côte d’Azur, Menton straluceste cu nuante pastelate care pot fi vazute de departe din care se remarca galbenul-lamaie. La doar cateva minute de granita cu Italia, Menton face legatura intre istoria Italiei si viata franceza de astazi. Fiind de dimensiuni mici, este usor de vizitat intr-o zi si se intampla sa fie una dintre destinatiile ceva mai ieftine din sudul Frantei.

Desprinsa cu greu din mrejele Artisan Boulanger-Pâtissier-Snacking – Jean Luc Pelé m-am lasat usor convinsa sa incerc o experienta foarte populara in randurile studentilor SceincePo si des mentionata pe grupurile lor de WhatsApp si anume pizza si prosecco sau vin pe plaja, dupa apusul soarelui.
Am ales, as putea spune la intamplare, insa teribil de bine, (poate) cea mai buna pizzerie din Menton si anume Vesuvio si am luat pentru acasa (mai precis pentru la plaja) una dintre pizzele albe (Les blanches) – Quattro Formaggi si doua dintre cele rosii (Pizze Rose) – Diavola si Margherita.

Am ales un Chablis alb direct din frigider de la Carrefour care a mers la fix cu cele trei variante de pizza. Bugetul a fost unul modest insa preparatele si experienta – nepretuite!

O cina teribil de reusita intr-o locatie inedita, situata chiar pe malul marii, cu multe stele…

Daca v-a placut articolul Unde mancam cea mai buna pizza in Menton, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Where We Eat the Best Pizza in Menton
The final destination and purpose of this year’s trip was Menton, a small, charming town also known as the Pearl of France. Being a predominantly vacation location, the small town, which is filled with tourists in the summer and is populated by students during the rest of the year, does not have many attractions that can be mentioned, but it certainly has a lot to offer in terms of places to eat . And because Mentonese cuisine is not very varied, we find here many international influences, the best represented being Italian tastes, with the famous pizza, pasta and gelato. But where do we eat the best pizza in Menton?
Located on the stunning coast of the Côte d’Azur, Menton shines with pastel shades that can be seen from afar, with lemon-yellow standing out. Just a few minutes from the border with Italy, Menton makes the connection between Italian history and French life today. Being small in size, it is easy to visit in one day and happens to be one of the somewhat cheaper destinations in the south of France.
Hardly separated from the networks of Artisan Boulanger-Pâtissier-Snacking – Jean Luc Pelé I allowed myself to be easily convinced to try an experience very popular among SceincePo students and often mentioned on their WhatsApp groups, namely pizza and prosecco or wine on the beach, after sunset.
I chose, I could say by chance, but terribly well, (perhaps) the best pizzeria in Menton, namely Vesuvio, and I took one of the white pizzas (Les blanches) – Quattro Formaggi and two of the red ones (Pizze Rose) – Diavola and Margherita.
I chose a white Chablis directly from the refrigerator at Carrefour, which went well with the three pizza options. The budget was modest, but the dishes and the experience – priceless!
A terribly successful dinner in an original location, located right on the seashore, with many stars…
If you liked the article Where we eat the best pizza in Menton, I invite you to try Artisan Boulanger-Patissier-Snacking – Jean Luc Pelé, Tapassio – Passion for Mediterranean and Hungarian tapas or Le Rune Genova – Ristorante con Funicolare.
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