Tarta cu feta si smochine este cea mai buna alegere pentru a marca sfarsitul de vara si implicit sezonul smochinelor … smochine proaspat culese, dulci si aromate. Am ales sa le pun in valoare intr-o tarta sarata cu branza feta. Dulceata naturala a smochinelor completeaza perfect gustul sarat al tartei.
(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)
- 200 grame aluat foietaj / 200 grams puff pastry
- 5 oua / 5 eggs
- 200 ml smantana dulce / 200 ml double cream
- 250 grame branza feta / 250 grams feta cheese
- 5 smochine / 5 figs
- Sare / Salt
Modul de preparare este extrem de simplu. Intr-un bol amestecam ouale, sarea si smantana. Adaugam branza feta sfaramata. Intindem aluatul foietaj intr-o tava mai mare (puteti folosi forme mai micute) si turnam deasupra amestecul de branza. Decoram tarta cu felii de smochine si o coacem in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade Celsius timp de 45 de minute pana cand este frumos rumenita.
Servim tarta calda sau rece alaturi de dulceata de ardei iute sau o putem include cu succes pe un platou de branzeturi si fructe.
Daca v-a placut tarta cu feta si smochine, va invit sa incercati si o placinta cu branza sarata, o placinta cu branza si marar sau de ce nu, in varianta dulce o budinca de paste cu branza de vaci.
English version
Feta & Figs Tart
The end of summer is also the season of figs… freshly figs, sweet and flavored. I chose to highlight them in a salty tart with feta cheese. The natural jam of figs completes the salty taste of the tart.
The cooking method is extremely simple. In a bowl mix eggs, salt and sour cream. Add the crushed feta cheese. Spread the puff pastry dough in a larger tray or you can use smaller shapes and pour the cheese mixture on top. Decorate the tart with fig slices and bake in the preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 45 minutes.
We serve hot or cold tart with hot pepper jam or we can successfully include it on a plate of cheese and fruit.
If you liked the tart with feta and figs, I invite you to try a pie with salted cheese, a pie with cheese and dill or why not, in the sweet version a pasta pudding with cottage cheese.
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