In bucataria franceza, arta culinara se impleteste cu traditia si rafinamentul, iar reteta de tarta sarata cu Camembert si pere straluceste prin aceste trasaturi. Cu o combinatie inedita intre savuros si crocant, aceasta tarta isi incanta fiecare musafir. Perfectiunea se dezvaluie in fiecare strat de foi subtiri de placinta imbinate armonios cu cremozitatea branzei Camembert si completata cu dulceata subtila a perelor. Aceasta retetea exceptionala aduce bucuria gustului autentic francez la fiecare masa.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- 400 grame foi de placinta
- 1 para
- 120 grame Camembert
- 2 oua
- 100 grame smantana dulce
- 50 grame unt
- 30 grame nuci
- Sare
Ungem o tava termorezistenta cu putin ulei de masline. Desfacem cu atentie ambalajul foilor de placinta si extragem cate 3 foi pe care le aranjam sub forma de acordeon in tava. Continuam acest proces pana cand utilizam toate foile de placinta disponibile. Ungem apoi foile cu unt topit.
Taiem branza Camembert si perele in felii subtiri, apoi le asezam alternativ intre pliurile formate din foile de placinta.
Batem ouale pana obtinem o spuma, adaugam putina sare si smantana de gatit. Turnam aceasta compozitie peste foi si presaram nuca taiata marunt.
Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade Celsius pentru 30 – 40 de minute pana cand tarta capata o culoare frumos rumenita.
Servim tarta calda simpla sau alaturi de o garnitura de salata verde mixta.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Tarta sarata cu Camembert si pere, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Salted Tart with Camembert and Pear
In the French kitchen, culinary art is intertwined with tradition and refinement, and the recipe for salty tart with Camembert and pears shines through these features. With a unique combination between savory and crunchy, this tart delights every guest. Perfection is revealed in each layer of thin pie sheets harmoniously combined with the creaminess of Camembert cheese and complemented with the subtle sweetness of pears. This exceptional recipe brings the joy of authentic French taste to every meal.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- 400 grams pie sheets
- 1 pear
- 120 grams Camembert
- 2 eggs
- 100 grams double cream
- 50 grams butter
- 30 grams walnuts
- Salt
Grease a heat-resistant pan with a little olive oil. Carefully open the packaging of the pie sheets and extract 3 sheets each, which will be arranged in the form of an accordion in the tray. Continue this process until we use all the available pie sheets. Then grease the sheets with melted butter.
Cut the Camembert cheese and the pears into thin slices, then place them alternately between the folds formed by the pie sheets.
Beat the eggs until get a foam, add salt and double cream. Pour this composition over the sheets and sprinkle finely chopped walnuts.
Place the tray in the oven preheated to 180 degrees Celsius for 30-40 minutes until the tart gets a nice brown color.
Serve the hot tart plain or with a side of mixed green salad.
If you liked the recipe for Salted Tart with Camembert and pears, I invite you to try Tart with Figs, Brie and Pistachio, Chicken, Leek and Mushroom Tart or a Carbonara Quiche.
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