In peisajul culinar al Romaniei, exista un fel de mancare care strabate generatii si aduce un confort inegalabil in zilele reci: supa de pui cu galuste. Aceasta reteta traditionala este un adevarat monument al bucatariei, aducand in fiecare lingura bucuria gustului autentic si amintiri pline de caldura din copilarie. Pregatita cu ingrediente locale, supa de pui strabate secole de traditie culinara romaneasca. Este mai mult decat o masa, este un ritual, o calatorie prin aminitirile gustative ale meselor in familie.

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 8 portii)
Pentru supa de pui:
- 1 kg pulpe de pui
- 5 morcovi
- 2 radacini pastarnac
- 1 radacina patrunjel
- 1/4 telina
- 2 cepe
- Sare
- Patrunjel verde
Pentru galuste:
- 2 oua
- 2 linguri ulei
- 130 grame gris
- 1/4 lingurita bicarbonat
- Sare

Eu am ales si de aceasta data sa folosesc Tefal One Pot, una dintre cele mai bune achizitii pentru supe si ciorbe. Insa, cu cresterea timpilor de gatire, supa se poate pregati similar si in varianta clasica.
Asadar punem in Tefal One Pot, 2 litri de apa calda si pulpele de pui. Acoperim cu capac si alegem functia de gatit sub presiune pentru 30 de minute.

Dupa ce punem carnea la fiert, pregatim galustele. Mixam ouale cu uleiul si sarea timp de 5 minute. Adaugam grisul si bicarbonatul in ploaie si mixam. Pastram compozitia de galuste la frigider pana cand supa va fi gata.
La expirarea timpului, depresurizam oala si scoatem pulpele de pui. Adaugam legumele si o lingura de sare si alegem functia de gatit sub presiune pentru 15 minute. La expirarea timpului, depresurizam oala si strecuram supa intr-o oala adanca.

Punem oala pe foc si cand incepe sa fiarba, formam galustele cu ajutorul unei linguri si le punem in supa. Fierbem galustele timp de 10 minute, intorcand ocazional galustele de pe o parte pe alta.
Adaugam legumele in supa, dupa plac si presaram patrunjel verde tocat marunt.
Servim cu multa pofta si daca va este pe plac puteti presara putin piper macinat.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Supa de pui cu galuste, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Chicken Soup with Semolina Dumplings
In the culinary landscape of Romania, there is a kind of food that crosses generations and brings incomparable comfort on cold days: chicken soup with semolina dumplings. This traditional recipe is a true monument of taste and tradition, bringing in every spoonful the joy of authentic taste and warm memories from childhood. Prepared with local ingredients, the chicken soup goes back centuries of Romanian culinary tradition. It is more than a meal, it is a ritual, a journey through the gustatory memories of family meals.
INGREDIENTS (for 8 servings)
For the chicken soup:
- 1 kg of chicken thighs
- 5 carrots
- 2 parsnip roots
- 1 parsley root
- 1/4 celery
- 2 onions
- Salt
- Green parsley
For dumplings:
- 2 eggs
- 2 tablespoons oil
- 130 grams semolina
- 1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate
- Salt
This time I chose to use the Tefal One Pot, one of the best purchases for soups and stews. However, with the increase in cooking time, the soup can be prepared similarly in the classic version.
So we put 2 liters of hot water and the chicken thighs in the Tefal One Pot. Cover with a lid and choose the pressure cooking function for 30 minutes.
After boiling the meat, prepare the dumplings. Mix eggs with oil and salt for 5 minutes. Add the semolina and bicarbonate and mix. Keep the dumpling mixture in the refrigerator until the soup is ready.
At the end of the time, depressurize the pot and remove the chicken legs. Add the vegetables and a spoonful of salt and choose the pressure cooking function for 15 minutes. At the end of the time, depressurize the pot and strain the soup into a deep pot.
Put the pot on the fire and when it starts to boil, form the dumplings with the help of a spoon and put them in the soup. Boil the dumplings for 10 minutes, occasionally turning the dumplings from one side to the other.
Add the vegetables to the soup, as you like, and sprinkle the finely chopped green parsley.
Serve with great appetite and if you like it, you can sprinkle with ground pepper.
If you liked the recipe for Chicken Soup with Dumplings, I invite you to try Oxtail noodles soup, Tomato Soup with Noodles or (The best) Chicken Soup.
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