Tagliatelle cacio e pepe cu creveti


Tagliatelle cacio e pepe cu creveti este una dintre cele mai cunoscute si apreciate delicii traditionale din Italia. Aceasta reteta se remarca prin simplitatea sa uluitoare, fiind compusa in principal din doua ingrediente de baza: cacio (branza) si pepe (piper negru). Aceste doua elemente, desi aparent simple, se combina intr-un echilibru perfect, oferind o experienta gustativa desavarsita. Pentru un plus de rafinament, puteti adauga si cativa creveti, pentru a imbogati si mai mult aroma si textura acestui preparat exceptional. Tagliatelle cacio e pepe cu creveti va deveni curand reteta voastra preferata pentru o cina perfecta.

Tagliatelle cacio e pepe cu creveti

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)

  • 200 grame tagliatelle
  • 100 grame branza Pecorino
  • 1 lingurita piper boabe
  • 200 grame creveti
  • Sare
Tagliatelle cacio e pepe cu creveti

Intr-o oala adanca punem apa la fiert impreuna cu o lingurita de sare. Cand apa fierbe adaugam pastele si le fierbem conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj, reducand timpul de pregatire cu 2 minute.

Intre timp, razuim branza Pecorino si sfaramam boabele de piper intr-un mojar.

Tagliatelle cacio e pepe cu creveti

Incingem o tigaie si adaugam jumatate din cantitatea de piper. Incalzim timp de cateva secunde si adaugam un polonic din apa in care au fiert pastele. Cand tagliatellele sunt pregatite, le scurgem, pastrand 200 ml din apa in care au fiert.

Adaugam pastele peste piperul din tigaie impreuna cu 100 ml de apa, continuand sa gatim. Amestecam ocazional cu ajutorul unui cleste de bucatarie, pana cand apa este evaporata.

Tagliatelle cacio e pepe cu creveti

Intr-un bol incalzit adaugam jumatate din cantitatea de branza Pecorino si 50 ml apa de la paste. Amestecam pana obtinem o pasta si apoi adaugam succesiv restul de branza si de apa pana obtinem o crema fina.

Rasturnam crema de branza peste paste si gatim la foc mic inca un minut amestecand constant pana cand tagliatellele sunt complet acoperite de sos.

Tagliatelle cacio e pepe cu creveti

Pentru pregatirea crevetilor, ii tragem la tigaie timp de 5 minute cu sare si piper si ii taiem in cubulete mici.

Servim pastele cacio e peppe presarate cu restul de piper, alaturi de cubulete delicioase de creveti.

Tagliatelle cacio e pepe cu creveti

Daca v-a placut reteta de Tagliatelle cacio e pepe cu creveti, va invit sa incercati si:

Paste integrale cu sos de lamaie si burrata
Linguine cu sos de rosii, burrata si parmezan cu busuioc
Linguine alla Puttanesca

English version

Tagliatelle Cacio e Pepe with Shrimps

Tagliatelle cacio e pepe is one of the most famous and appreciated traditional delicacies in Italy. This recipe stands out for its astonishing simplicity, being mainly composed of two basic ingredients: cacio (cheese) and pepe (black pepper). These two elements, although apparently simple, combine in a perfect balance, offering a perfect taste experience. In addition, to add an extra touch of sophistication, you can also add some shrimps, to further enrich the flavor and texture of this exceptional dish.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)

  • 200 grams of tagliatelle
  • 100 grams of Pecorino cheese
  • 1 teaspoon peppercorns
  • 200 grams of shrimps
  • Salt

In a deep pot, boil water with a teaspoon of salt. When the water boils, add the pasta and cook according to the instructions on the package, reducing the preparation time by 2 minutes.

Meanwhile, grate the Pecorino cheese and crush the peppercorns.

Heat a pan and add half the amount of pepper. Heat for a few seconds and add a spoonful of the water in which the pasta was cooked. When the pasta is ready, drain it, keeping 200 ml of the water in which it was cooked.

Add the pasta over the pepper from the pan together with 100 ml of water, continuing to cook. Mix occasionally until the water is evaporated.

In a heated bowl, add half the amount of Pecorino cheese and 50 ml of pasta water. Mix until we get a paste and then successively add the rest of the cheese and water until get a fine cream.

Pour the cream cheese over the pasta and cook on low heat for another minute, stirring constantly, until the pasta is completely covered by the sauce.

To prepare the shrimp, fry them in a pan for 5 minutes with salt and pepper and cut them into small cubes.

Serve the cacio e pepe tagliatelle sprinkled with the rest of the pepper, alongside delicious shrimp cubes.

If you liked the Cacio e Pepe tagliatelle recipe with shrimps, I invite you to try Wholemeal Pasta with Lemon Sauce and Burrata, Tomatoes Sauce, Burrata and Parmesan with Basil Linguine or Linguine alla Puttanesca.


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