Toamna isi intra in drepturi, iar printre vedetele sezonului regasim dovleacul, o leguma adorata pentru aroma sa dulce si versatilitatea in bucatarie. Ce mod mai bun de a-l valorifica decat intr-un risotto catifelat, unde dovleacul placintar, dulce si cremos, se combina cu gustul intens al baconului afumat. Aceasta reteta simpla, dar rafinata, transforma fiecare ingredient intr-un element al unei simfonii de toamna. Acest risotto cu dovleac si bacon nu este doar o mancare, ci o simfonie de gusturi tomnatice.

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 160 grame orez Arborio
- 150 grame dovleac placintar
- 20 grame parmezan ras
- 1 lingura ulei de masline extravirgin
- 1 ceapa mica
- 50 grame bacon afumat
- 20 grame unt
- 30 ml vin alb sec
- 350 ml apa
- 1 cub de supa de legume bio
- Frunze busuioc pentru decor
- Sare
- Piper

Incepem prin a pregati dovleacul placintar: il curatam atent de coaja, indepartam semintele din mijloc si il taiem in cuburi uniforme de aproximativ 1,5 cm. Presaram sare si piper, il stropim cu putin ulei de masline, apoi il gatim la abur timp de 15 minute pentru o textura perfecta.

Intre timp, tocam marunt ceapa si taiem baconul in cubulete fine. Intr-o craticioara, incalzim untul si adaugam ceapa impreuna cu baconul, lasandu-le la calit circa 5 minute, pana ce arome bogate se imbina in bucatarie. Adaugam orezul si continuam sa-l sotam timp de 3 minute la foc mediu spre mic. Turnam vinul alb si gatim inca un minut, apoi adaugam 350 ml apa si cubul de legume bio, atent ales cu ingrediente curate. Acoperim si lasam risotto-ul sa fiarba la foc mediu timp de 10 minute. In cele din urma, adaugam dovleacul si mai gatim alte 5 minute.

Dupa ce stingem focul, lasam risotto-ul sa se aseze timp de 3 minute, apoi incorporam parmezanul ras pentru o textura cremoasa si catifelata.
Servim acest risotto fierbinte, decorat cu fasii de parmezan si alaturi de un pahar din noul si elegantul Sauvignon Blanc Protocol de la Crama Stramutata, un vin plin de viata, cu arome delicate de soc si note vibrante de agrise, ierburi salbatice si lime, proaspat si mineral – perfect pentru a acompania acest preparat de toamna.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Risotto cu dovleac si bacon, va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Risotto with Pumpkin and Bacon
Autumn is coming into its own, and among the stars of the season we find the pumpkin, a vegetable adored for its sweet flavor and versatility in the kitchen. What better way to capitalize on it than in a velvety risotto, where the sweet and creamy pie pumpkin is combined with the intense taste of the smoked bacon. This simple but refined recipe transforms each ingredient into an element of an autumn symphony. This risotto is not just a dish, but a symphony of fall tastes.
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 160 grams Arborio rice
- 150 grams pumpkin
- 20 grams grated parmesan
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- 1 small onion
- 50 grams smoked bacon
- 20 grams butter
- 30 ml dry white wine
- 350 ml water
- 1 organic vegetable soup cube
- Basil leaves for decoration
- Salt
- Pepper
Start by preparing the pie pumpkin: carefully clean it of the skin, remove the seeds from the middle and cut it into uniform cubes of approximately 1.5 cm. Sprinkle salt and pepper, drizzle with a little olive oil, then steam it for 15 minutes for a perfect texture.
Meanwhile, finely chop the onion and cut the bacon into fine cubes. In a saucepan, heat the butter and add the onion together with the bacon, leaving them to cook for about 5 minutes, until the rich flavors combine in the kitchen. Add the rice and continue to sauté it for 3 minutes on medium to low heat. Pour in the white wine and cook for another minute, then add 350 ml of water and the cube of organic vegetables, carefully chosen with clean ingredients. Cover and let the risotto boil on medium heat for 10 minutes. Finally, add the pumpkin and cook another 5 minutes.
After turning off the heat, let the risotto sit for 3 minutes, then add the grated parmesan for a creamy and velvety texture.
Serve this hot risotto, decorated with strips of parmesan and alongside a glass of the new and elegant Sauvignon Blanc Protocol from Crama Stramutata, a lively wine with delicate aromas of elderberry and vibrant notes of gooseberries, wild herbs and lime, fresh and mineral – perfect to accompany this autumn dish.
If you liked the Risotto with pumpkin and bacon, I invite you to try Seafood Risotto, Sous vide Chicken & Creamy Risotto with Lemon and Thyme or a Slow Cooked Veal Ribs & Parmesan Risotto.
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