Tocanita de curcan


Tocanita de curcan este un preparat traditional, ideal pentru momentele in care ne dorim o masa gustoasa, hranitoare si plina de savoare. Gatita cu ingrediente simple si naturale, tocanita imbina perfect aromele legumelor cu delicatetea carnii de curcan, rezultand un preparat fraged si aromat. Reteta aceasta pune in valoare gaturile si pipotele de curcan, bucati de carne suculente, adesea trecute cu vederea, dar pline de savoare. Perfecta alaturi de mamaliga si presarata cu patrunjel proaspat, tocanita de curcan este o alegere excelenta pentru o masa calda si reconfortanta in familie.

Tocanita de curcan

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)

  • 500 grame gaturi de curcan
  • 500 grame pipote
  • 3 cepe
  • 1 si 1/2 ardei gras
  • 2 rosii
  • 3 linguri pasta de ardei
  • 2 linguri ulei
  • Sare
Tocanita de curcan

Pentru aceasta reteta, am ales sa folosesc Tefal One Pot, deoarece este ideal pentru prepararea ciorbelor si tocanitelor. Totusi, reteta poate fi gatita si in mod traditional, adaptand timpii de preparare.

Tocanita de curcan

Incepem prin a incalzi oala selectand functia „Brown” si adaugam uleiul. Presaram gaturile de curcan cu sare si le rumenim cate doua minute pe fiecare parte, apoi le scoatem pe o farfurie. Procedam la fel cu pipotele de curcan, dupa care punem toata carnea inapoi in oala, adaugam 50 ml de apa, ceapa si ardeii taiati fasii subtiri. Sotam usor, completam cu 150 ml de apa si setam programul de gatit sub presiune pentru 20 de minute.

Tocanita de curcan

La finalul programului, eliberam presiunea, adaugam pasta de ardei si rosiile taiate cubulete. Selectam programul „Bake” si continuam gatirea pentru inca 30 de minute.

Servim tocanita presarata cu patrunjel proaspat tocat si o acompaniem cu mamaliga si o salata de muraturi asortate.

Tocanita de curcan

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Tocanita de curcan, va invit sa incercati si:

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Tocanita cu inimi, pipote si ficatei de pui
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English version

Turkey Stew

Turkey stew is a traditional dish, ideal for when you’re craving a tasty, nourishing, and flavorful meal. Cooked with simple, natural ingredients, this stew perfectly combines the flavors of vegetables with the tenderness of turkey meat, resulting in a succulent and aromatic dish. This recipe highlights turkey necks and gizzards—often overlooked but wonderfully flavorful cuts of meat. Paired with polenta and sprinkled with fresh parsley, turkey stew is an excellent choice for a warm, comforting family meal.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)

  • 500 grams turkey necks
  • 500 grams turkey gizzards
  • 3 onions
  • 1 ½ bell peppers
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 3 tablespoons red pepper paste
  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • Salt

For this recipe, I chose to use the Tefal One Pot as it’s ideal for soups and stews. However, the recipe can also be prepared traditionally by adjusting the cooking times.

Start by heating the pot on the “Brown” setting and add the oil. Sprinkle salt on the turkey necks, then brown them for about two minutes on each side. Set them aside on a plate. Do the same with the gizzards, browning them before adding all the meat back to the pot. Add 50 ml of water, along with the thinly sliced onions and peppers. Sauté lightly, then add an additional 150 ml of water and set the pressure cooking program for 20 minutes.

Once the program ends, release the pressure and add the red pepper paste and diced tomatoes. Select the “Bake” program and continue cooking for another 30 minutes.

Serve the stew garnished with freshly chopped parsley alongside polenta and pickles.

If you enjoyed this Turkey Stew recipe, I invite you to also try Chicken giblets and liver stew, Veal stew with potatoes or Veal Stew with Baguette Gratin.


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