Descoperiti o reteta speciala de waffle care imbina traditia gusturilor autentice romanesti cu prospetimea unui mic dejun modern si hranitor. Waffle cu malai si cascaval Cris-Tim iti aduc in farfurie savoarea cascavalului fin si cremozitatea malaiului, perfecte pentru a va incepe dimineata cu un preparat cald, crocant si irezistibil. Aceasta reteta este nu doar simpla, dar si versatila, ideala pentru a fi servita cu oua ochiuri si o salata proaspata de rosii si ceapa verde, adaugand un plus de culoare si prospetime fiecarei portii. Preparatul este de asemenea o optiune excelenta pentru brunch, fiind usor de realizat si versatil, incantand atat pe cei care apreciaza bucataria traditionala, cat si pe cei care cauta gusturi noi.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- 70 grame faina
- 60 grame malai
- 50 grame cascaval Cris-Tim
- 1/2 ardei iute
- 1 lingurita sare
- 1 ou mic
- 15 ml ulei de masline
- 365 ml apa
- 30 grame unt
- 40 grame ardei gras
- 30 grame ceapa
- 1 catel de usturoi
- 1/2 cub de legume bio
- Ulei
Cantarim 30 de grame de faina si o intindem uniform pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. Introducem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade Celsius si coacem timp de 18 minute.
In acest timp, intr-un castron incapator, combinam malaiul, ardeiul iute tocat fin, o lingurita de sare si faina ramasa. Turnam 225 ml de apa fierbinte deasupra si amestecam energic pana la omogenizare. Acoperim castronul cu folie alimentara si lasam amestecul deoparte.
Intr-un alt bol, amestecam cascavalul Cris-Tim ras cu uleiul de masline si oul pana la integrarea completa, apoi punem deoparte acest amestec.
Intr-o tigaie, topim untul si adaugam ardeiul gras, ceapa si usturoiul tocate marunt, calindu-le timp de 3 minute, amestecand constant. Incorporam faina coapta, cubul de legume bio si 140 ml de apa. Fierbem amestecul la foc mediu timp de 15 minute, amestecand ocazional, pana cand capata o consistenta cremoasa. Turnam acest amestec peste compozitia de malai, adaugand si mixul de cascaval, amestecand pana cand obtinem o compozitie uniforma.
Incalzim aparatul de waffle si il ungem cu foarte putin ulei. Asezam in centrul fiecarei forme o cupa din compozitie si prajim pentru aproximativ 5 minute, pana cand wafflele devin aurii si crocante. Repetam procesul pana cand epuizam intreaga compozitie.
Servim wafflele cu malai si cascaval alaturi de oua ochiuri si salata proaspata de rosii cu ceapa verde, pentru un mic dejun savuros si plin de arome.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Waffle cu malai si cascaval Cris-Tim, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Cornmeal and Cheese Cris-Tim Waffles
Discover a special waffle recipe that combines the tradition of authentic Romanian flavors with the freshness of a modern, nutritious breakfast. Cornmeal and Cheese Cris-Tim Waffles bring the rich taste of fine cheese and the creaminess of cornmeal to your plate, perfect for starting your morning with a warm, crispy, and irresistible dish. This recipe is not only simple but also versatile, ideal to be served with fried eggs and a fresh salad of tomatoes and green onions, adding extra color and freshness to each portion. This dish is also an excellent choice for brunch, being easy to prepare and versatile enough to please both traditional cuisine enthusiasts and those seeking new flavors.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- 70 grams flour
- 60 grams cornmeal
- 50 grams Cris-Tim cheese
- 1/2 hot pepper
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 small egg
- 15 ml olive oil
- 365 ml water
- 30 grams butter
- 40 grams bell pepper
- 30 grams onion
- 1 garlic clove
- 1/2 organic vegetable bouillon cube
- Oil, as needed
Measure 30 grams of flour and spread it evenly on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Place the tray in a preheated oven at 180°C and bake for 18 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine the cornmeal, finely chopped hot pepper, a teaspoon of salt, and the remaining flour. Pour 225 ml of hot water over this mixture, stirring vigorously until smooth. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set aside.
In another bowl, mix the grated Cris-Tim cheese with olive oil and the egg until fully incorporated, then set this mixture aside.
In a skillet, melt the butter and add the diced bell pepper, onion, and garlic, sautéing them for 3 minutes while stirring constantly. Add the roasted flour, the vegetable bouillon cube, and 140 ml of water. Let the mixture simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it reaches a creamy consistency. Pour this mixture over the cornmeal base, add the cheese mixture, and stir until well combined.
Preheat the waffle maker and lightly grease it with a small amount of oil. Place a scoop of the batter in the center of each waffle mold and cook for approximately 5 minutes, until the waffles are golden and crispy. Repeat the process until all the batter is used.
Serve the cornmeal and cheese waffles with fried eggs and a fresh salad of tomatoes and green onions for a flavorful and delightful breakfast.
If you enjoyed the Cris-Tim Cornmeal and Cheese Waffle recipe, I invite you to also try Fruity Bubble Waffle, Waffle with Zucchini, Feta and Poached Eggs or Waffle Cake.
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