“Unde mancam in … Cluj-Napoca” continua seria locurilor faine pe care Inspiratie la Fix le recomanda. Dupa un “research” aprofundat, am decis sa incerc Restaurant Nativ. Alegerea facuta depaseste cu mult nivelul asteptarilor fiind o surpriza extrem de placuta pentru turismul romanesc.
Ce m-a atras? In primul rand atitudinea gazdelor. Este cunoscut faptul ca, in general, ardelenii sunt oameni calzi si faini, insa gazdele noastre au intrecut toate asteptarile. Nu as vrea sa le pun eticheta de “ospatar”, deoarece cele doua fete prezente in locatie nu au nimic in comun cu ceea ce se intampla in general in Horeca actuala. De cand calci pragul restaurantului esti intampinat cu zambetul pe buze, cu o scurta poveste despre local, detalii legate de provenienta materiei prime si cu recomandari pertinente din meniu, adaptate preferintelor tale.
De la carnea de provenienta locala de inalta calitate, la branzeturi gustoase, legume proaspete, ierburi romanesti perfect puse in valoare, bere artizanala, vinuri romanesti, sucuri si siropuri ca la bunica acasa pana la deserturi inedite, toate va vor oferi o experienta culinara de povestit prietenilor dragi.
Meniul este foarte original si cu mare greutate te decizi la ceva. Toate preparatele sunt adaptate astfel incat sa includa produse locale. Intr-un final am ales la aperitiv un pate de mangalita cu unt aromatizat si sfecla, acompaniat de o paine integrala cu maia si de asemenea un hummus de fasole alba cu legume coapte servite alaturi de un iaurt de capra si bivolita.
Pentru felul principal am ales un confit de pui cu cartofi prajiti in untura de magalita. Din pacate nu am reusit sa pozez acest preparat, insa trebuie sa ma credeti pe cuvant cand va spun ca era absolut delicios.
Desi in meniu nu veti gasi deserturile, gazdele va imbie cu povestea acestora. A fost sa fie tarta de mere cu sfecla si sos de crema de zahar ars, papanasi reinterpretati cu branza de vaca si menta (nota 10 cu felicitari) si deoarece eram curiosi (dar in acelasi timp foarte rezervati 😇) de aromele neobisnuite ale inghetatei, am primit din partea casei celebra lor inghetata de paine si de urda.
Asadar aplauze pentru tot ce ati facut acolo, de la concept, la gazduire, meniu si mai ales pentru incurajarea producatorilor locali. Si nu in ultimul rand, un mare DA pentru atitudinea pozitiva si inspiratia colectivului!
Daca v-a placut articolul “Unde mancam in … Cluj-Napoca”, va invit sa incercati si alte locuri faine in tara sau in afara.
English version
Nice places in … Cluj-Napoca
„Nice places to eat in… Cluj-Napoca” continues the series of fine places that Inspiratie la Fix recommends. After a „research”, I decided to try Restaurant Nativ. The choice made, far exceeds the level of expectations, being an extremely pleasant surprise for Romanian tourism.
What attracted me? First of all, the attitude of the hosts. It is known that, in general, Transylvanians are warm and nice people, but our hosts exceeded all expectations. I would not want to label them as „waiters”, because the two girls present at the location have nothing in common with what is generally happening in the current Horeca. Ever since you step in there, you are greeted with a smile on your face, with a short story about the place, details about the origin of the raw material and with pertinent recommendations from the menu, adapted to your preferences.
From high quality locally sourced meat, to tasty cheeses, fresh vegetables, perfectly enhanced Romanian herbs, craft beer, Romanian wine, juices and syrups like at grandma’s home to unique desserts, all will offer you an unique culinary experience that needs to be told to your dearest friends.
The menu is very original and you have a hard time deciding on something. All dishes are adapted to include local products. In the end, we chose an appetizer of pork pate with flavored butter and beets, accompanied by a wholemeal bread and also a white bean hummus with baked vegetables served with a goat yogurt.
For the main course, I chose a chicken confit with french fries. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to take a photo of this dish, but you have to take my word for it when I tell you that it was incredibly delicious.
Although you will not find desserts on the menu, the hosts will entice you with their story. We have tried the apple tart with beets and caramelized sugar cream sauce, cheese balls reinterpreted with cow’s cheese and mint (grade 10 with congratulations) and because we were curious (but at the same time very reserved 😇) of the unusual flavors of ice cream, we got on the house their famous bread and cheese ice cream.
So a round of applauses for everything you did there, from concept, to hosting, menu and especially to encouraging local producers. And last but not least, a big YES for the positive attitude and inspiration of the team!
If you liked the article „Nice places in… Cluj-Napoca”, I invite you to try other great places in the country or abroad.
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