Ne pregatim usor, usor de sarbatorile de iarna si in special de vizita lui Mos Craciun. Cu ce sa il intampinam? Ce ziceti de o delicioasa acadea de Craciun cu ricotta si gem de visine? Un desert ce ne aminteste de gustul copilariei, mai exact de clasicul strudel cu branza, dar cu tenta usor acrisoara a visinelor.

(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)
- 350 grame aluat pentru croissante / 350 grams croissant dough
- 100 grame ricotta / 100 grams ricotta
- 100 grame gem de visine / 100 grams sour cherry jam

Desfacem aluatul de croissante in triunghiuri si le asezam pe o hartie de copt suprapunandu-le pe latura scurta. Lasam 2 cm liberi si avem grija sa aliniem bazele paralel.
Pe marginea dreapta constituita asezam cate o lingurita de ricotta si intindem intr-o banda de 3 – 4 cm si apoi repetam operatia cu gemul de visine. Acoperim cu varful lasat liber tragand usor in diagonala, apoi modelam sub forma de acadea. Recomand consultarea detaliilor video.

Introducem in cuptorul incins la 200 grade Celsius pentru 12 minute. Dupa primele 6 minute, acoperim acadeaua cu o hartie de copt astfel incat sa nu se rumeneasca prea tare.

Pudram cu zahar si servim cu multa pofta.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Acadea de Craciun, va recomand sa incercati si:

English version
Christmas Candy Cane
We are slowly preparing for the Christmas holidays and especially for Santa’s visit. What should we meet him with? How about a delicious candy cane with ricotta and sour cherry jam? A dessert that reminds us of the taste of childhood, more precisely the classic strudel with cheese, but with the slightly sour taste of cherries.
Roll out the croissant dough into triangles and place them on a baking paper, overlapping them on the short side. Leave 2 cm free and take care to align the bases parallel.
Place a teaspoon of ricotta on the formed right edge and spread it in a 3-4 cm strip and then repeat the operation with sour cherry jam. Cover with the tip left free by pulling slightly diagonally, then shape it into a lollipop shape. I recommend consulting the video details above.
Place in the oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius for 12 minutes. After the first 6 minutes, cover the candy cane with a baking paper so that it does not brown too much.
Sprinkle with sugar and serve with great appetite.
If you liked the Christmas lollipop recipe, I recommend you also try a Sour cherry Crostata, a Sour Cherry Cake or Puff Pastry Christmas Stars.
- Supa de rosii, linte si cimbru
- Salata de ardei copti cu burrata
- Calamari la cuptor cu rosii si masline
- Perfect Wedges
- Salata de cartofi cu caracatita