Stelute de Craciun, desertul ideal atat pentru masa festiva de sarbatoare, dar si alaturi de o ciocolata calda intr-o zi linistita de weekend. Stelutele crocante umplute cu un gem dulce acrisor sunt rapid de facut si sunt de mare efect. Eu va recomand dulceata de visine, insa puteti incerca si gem de caise sau crema de ciocolata.

(pentru 6 bucati / for 6 pieces)
- 500 grame aluat foietaj / 500 grams puff pastry
- 6 lingurite dulceata de visine / 6 teaspoons sour cherry jam
- 1 galbenus / 1 egg yolk
- 1 lingura zahar brun / 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 2 linguri zahar pudra / 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
- 4 linguri apa rece / 4 tablespoons cold water
- Stelute de ciocolata alba pentru decor / White chocolate stars for decoration

Din aluatul de foietaj decupam 12 stelute. Asezam 6 dintre ele pe o tava acoperita cu hartie de copt. In mijlocul fiecarei stelute punem cate o lingurita de dulceata de visine si acoperim cu cate o alta steluta.
Sigilam marginile prin presare cu ajutorul unei furculite, apoi ungem stelutele cu galbenus. Presaram zahar brun si le coacem in cuptorul incins la 200 grade, timp 7 minute, apoi reducem temperatura la 180 grade si mai coacem timp de 5 minute.

Intre timp amestecam zaharul pudra cu apa rece. Dupa ce stelele sunt coapte le decoram cu sosul de zahar pudra si le presaram cu stelute de ciocolata alba.

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Daca v-a placut reteta de Stelute de Craciun, va invit sa incercati si cativa Palmieri, un Tort de Waffle cu arome de iarna sau o Crostata cu visine.
English version
Puff Pastry Christmas Stars
Puff Pastry Christmas Stars, the ideal dessert for the festive meal, but also with a hot chocolate on a perfect weekend day. The crispy stars filled with a sweet and sour jam are quick to make and have a great effect. I recommend cherry jam, but you can also try apricot jam or chocolate cream.
Cut 12 stars from the puff pastry. Place 6 of them on a tray covered with baking paper. In the middle of each star, put a teaspoon of cherry jam and cover with another star.
Seal the edges by pressing with a fork, then brush the stars with egg yolk. Sprinkle brown sugar and bake them in the oven heated to 200 degrees for 7 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 5 minutes.
In the meantime, mix the powdered sugar with cold water. After the stars are baked, decorate them with powdered sugar sauce and sprinkle them with white chocolate stars.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Puff Pastry Christmas Stars recipe, I invite you to try some Palmier cookies, a Waffle Cake with winter flavours or a Sour Cherry Tart.
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