(Altfel de) Strudel cu mere


De ce „Altfel”? Pentru ca astazi il servim intr-o noua prezentare. Acelasi gust magnfic, sub o alta forma. Mere proaspete in aluat crocant de foietaj cu aroma de scortisoara servite cu inghetata de vanilie. Nu mai punem la socoteala ca totul se pregateste extrem de repede iar impresia artistica atinge cote maxime.

(Altfel de) Strudel cu mere


(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)

  • 275 grame aluat foietaj / 275 grams puff pastry
  • 2 mere mari / 2 big apples
  • 6 lingurite zahar / 6 teaspoons sugar
  • 1 lingurita scortisoara / 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 galbenus / 1 egg yolk
  • 6 cupe de inghetata de vanilie / 6 scoops vanilla icecream
(Altfel de) Strudel cu mere

Spalam merele si le taiem in felii groase de aproximativ 1 cm. Pastram feliile mai mari din mijloc si scotem cotorul cu ajutorul unei forme rotunde.

Intr-un bol amestecam zaharul cu scortisoara si trecem feliile de mar prin acest amestec.

(Altfel de) Strudel cu mere

Taiem aluatul de foietaj in fasii de 1 cm. Luam cate o felie de mar si trecem fasiile de foitaj prin mijlocul acestora astfel incat sa obtinem un aspect de floare. Va invit sa urmariti reteta video pentru detalii.

(Altfel de) Strudel cu mere

Asezam feliile de mar cu foietaj in tava, le ungem cu galbenus de ou si le introducem in cuptorul incins la 200 de grade Celsius pentru 15 minute.

Servim strudelul cald cu inghetata de vanilie presarata cu zahar amestecat cu scortisoara.

(Altfel de) Strudel cu mere

Detaliile vide ale retetei le gasiti aici:

Daca v-a placut un (Altfel de) Strudel cu mere, va invit sa incercati si:

Kanelbullar – Rulouri suedeze cu scortisoara
Clatite cu mac si sos de visine
Crumble cu unt de arahide, piersici si prune

English version

Apple Strudel

Today we are serving an Apple Strudel in a new presentation. The same great taste, in a different form. Fresh apples in crispy puff pastry with cinnamon flavor served with vanilla ice cream. We don’t take into account that everything is prepared extremely quickly and the artistic impression is at its highest.

Wash the apples and cut them into slices about 1 cm thick. keep the bigger slices in the middle and remove the backbone with the help of a round shape.

In a bowl, mix the sugar with cinnamon and pass the apple slices through this mixture.

Cut the puff pastry into 1 cm strips. Take a slice of apple each and pass the strips of foil through the middle of the apple so as to obtain a flower appearance. I invite you to watch the video recipe for details.

Place the apple slices with puff pastry in the pan, brush them with egg yolk and put them in the oven heated to 200 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.

Serve the warm strudel with vanilla ice cream sprinkled with sugar mixed with cinnamon.

If you liked a (Different) Strudel with apples, I invite you to try Kanelbullar – Swedish Cinnamon Buns, Pancakes with poppy seeds and sourcherry sauce or a Crumble with Peanut Butter, Peaches and Plums.


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