Crêpes Suzette sunt o comoara nationala a bucatariei franceze. Gatite atat in restaurante cat si preparate proaspat acasa pentru diverse ocazii, aceste clatite subtiri si moi cu arome pregnante de unt si lichior de portocale Cointreau pot fi servite ca desert la pranz, cina sau chiar la un brunch decadent. Indiferent cand sau cum alegeti sa le serviti, nu ratați sansa de a incerca acest preparat clasic.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
Pentru clatite / For crêpes:
- 30 grame unt / 30 grams butter
- 240 ml lapte / 240 ml milk
- 55 grame suc portocala / 55 grams organe juice
- 15 ml lichior portocale Cointreau / 15 ml Cointreau
- 2 oua / 2 eggs
- 130 grame faina / 130 grams flour
- 15 grame zahar / 15 grams sugar
- 1 praf de sare / 1 pinch of salt
Pentru sosul de portocale / For the orange sauce
- 1 lingurita coaja de portocala / 1 teaspoon orange zest
- 1 lingurita coaja de lamaie / 1 teaspoon lemon zest
- 85 grame zahar / 85 grams sugar
- 85 ml lichior portocale Cointreau / 85 ml Cointreau
- 1 praf de sare / 1 pinch of salt
- 100 grame unt / 100 grams butter
Pentru clatite punem intr-un bol faina, sarea si zaharul. Adaugam ouale si incepem sa mixam. Turnam treptat laptele, lichiorul si sucul de portocale mixand in continuu. La sfarsit adaugam untul topit si amestecam pana cand este incorporat. Lasam compozitia la rece pentru 30 de minute.
Intre timp pregatim sosul de portocale. Intr-o tigaie amestecam coaja de portocale, coaja de lamaie si zaharul. Adaugam sucul de portocale, lichiorul de portocale si sarea si punem la fiert timp de 5 minute. Adaugam untul si amestecam constant pana cand acesta este topit si incorporat in sosul de portocale. Pastram la cald pana cand pregatim clatitele.
Ungem o tigaie cu foarte putin ulei si incepem sa prajim clatitele pe ambele parti. Impatruim clatitele prajite in sferturi si asezam in tigaie cate 4 clatite. Pe fiecare clatita turnam cate o lingura generoasa de sos si incepem sa gatim la foc mediu pana cand clatitele sunt incalzite si incep sa se caramelizeze.
Servim clatitele alaturi de sos si felii de portocala.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Crêpes Suzette, va recomand sa incercati si Waffle cu Carpaccio de ananas, Bubble Waffle sau Clatite cu mac si sos de visine.
English version
Crêpes Suzette
Crêpes Suzette are a national treasure of French cuisine. Found both in restaurants and freshly prepared at home for various occasions, these thin and soft pancakes with rich flavors of butter and Cointreau orange liqueur can be served as dessert for lunch, dinner or even a decadent brunch. No matter when or how you choose to serve them, don’t miss the chance to try this classic dish.
For pancakes, put flour, salt and sugar in a bowl. Add eggs and start mixing. Gradually pour in the milk, liqueur and orange juice, mixing continuously. At the end, add the melted butter and mix until incorporated. Let the composition cool for 30 minutes.
In the meantime, prepare the orange sauce. In a pan, mix orange peel, lemon peel and sugar. Add the orange juice, orange liqueur and salt and boil for 5 minutes. Add the butter and stir constantly until it is melted and incorporated into the orange sauce. Keep warm until prepare the pancakes.
Grease a pan with a small quantity of oil and start frying the pancakes on both sides. Cut the fried pancakes into quarters and place 4 pancakes each in the pan. Pour a generous spoonful of sauce on each pancake and start cooking on medium heat until the pancakes are heated and start to caramelize.
Serve the pancakes with sauce and orange slices.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the Suzette Crêpes recipe, I recommend you also to try Waffle with pineapple Carpaccio, Bubble Waffle or Pancakes with poppy seeds and cherry sauce.
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