Cu arome proaspete de citrice, acest cheescake vegan cu portocale va fi cu siguranta pe placul tuturor. O imbinare perfecta de blat crocant si crema fina vegana cu tenta de ciocolata cu citrice.

(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
Pentru crusta / For the crust tart:
- 100 grame fulgi de ovaz / 100 grams oats
- 100 grame migdale crude / 100 grams raw almond
- 20 grame faina de cocos / 20 grams coconut flour
- 7 linguri de zahar brun sau de cocos / 7 tablespoons brown or coconut sugar
- 1 lingura cacao / 1 tablespoon cocoa
- 5 linguri unt de cocos topit / 5 tablespoons melted coconut butter
- 1 praf de sare / A pinch of salt
Pentru crema / For cream:
- 200 grame caju hidratat / 200 grams soaked caju
- 120 ml suc de portocale / 120 ml orange juice
- 120 ml lapte de cocos / 120 ml coconut milk
- 6 linguri unt de cacao topit / 6 tablespoons melted cocoa butter
- 8 linguri sirop de artar / 8 tablespoons maple syrup
- 5 linguri suc de lamaie / 5 tablespoon lemon juice
- 4 lingurite coaja de portocala / 4 teaspoons orange zest

Pentru pregatirea crustei, adaugam toate ingredientele uscate in vasul robotului si le mixam bine. Adaugam untul de cocos topit si amestecam pana obtinem un aluat de consistenta nisipului umed. Rasturnam intr-o forma de tarta cu pereti detasabili si presam bine. Coacem crusta in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius timp de 15 minute. Lasam crusta sa se raceasca.
Intre timp, pregatim crema. Adaugam toate ingredientele in vasul robotului si mixam pana obtinem o crema fina. Rasturnam crema in crusta de tarta racita si lasam la frigider timp de cateva ore.
Scurte indicatii video:
Decoram cu felii de portocala confiata si frunze de menta proaspata. Servim cu pofta!

Daca v-a placut reteta de cheescake vegan cu portocale, puteti incerca si tarta vegana cu zmeura si ciocolara alba sau cheescake cu portocale si lamaie.
Vegan orange cheesecake
With fresh citrus flavors, this vegan cheesecake with oranges will please everyone. A perfect combination of crispy top and fine vegan cream with a hint of chocolate with citrus.
To prepare the crust, add all the dry ingredients to the robot bowl and mix well. Add the melted coconut butter and mix until you get a dough of wet sand consistency. Turn over in a tart shape with removable walls and press well. Bake the crust in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes. Let the crust cool.
Meanwhile, prepare the cream. Add all the ingredients in the robot and mix until you get a fine cream. Pour the cream into the cooled tart crust and leave to cool until the next day.
Decorate with slices of candied orange and fresh mint leaves. We serve with great appetite!
If you liked the recipe for vegan cheesecake with oranges, you can also try vegan tart with raspberries and white chocolate or cheescake with oranges and lemons.
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