Recent am descoperit in Bucuresti un restaurant in care realmente m-am simtit exact ca in Italia! Atmosfera, muzica dar mai ales preparatele de la Pippo’s te fac sa crezi ca esti intr-o cantina veritabila din Peninsula, nicidecum pe strada Paris din Capitala. Dintre preparatele pe care le-am descoperit acolo, am ramas cu gandul la Branzino al forno a la Pippo pe care m-am gandit sa il incerc si eu, iar pentru ca a iesit cum trebuie, iata-l si aici. Ei bine, Pippo nu-i spune chiar asa, insa va asigur ca reteta contine toate ingredientele si secretele simpaticului Chef italian, cele mai importante fiind: simplitatea retetelor, calitatea si prospetimea ingredientelor folosite si, as mai adauga eu, bucuria cu care gatesti!
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 1 biban de mare (aproximativ 1,5 kg) / 1 seabass (arround 1,5 kg)
- 1 vanata medie / 1 medium eggplant
- 1 zucchini mediu / 1 medium zucchini
- 2 cartofi / 2 potatoes
- 1 ardei kapia / 1 kapia pepper
- 500 grame rosii cherry / 500 grams cherry tomatoes
- 2 linguri ulei de masline extra-virgin / 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- Mix de salata verde / Salad mix
- Sare / Salt
Curatam pestele de solzi si il evisceram. Uscam bine pestele cu un servetel absorbant si il presaram cu sare atat la interior cat si la exterior. Il impachetam in folie de aluminiu si il lasam la frigider cateva ore sau chiar de pe o zi pe alta.
Pentru legume, taiem in felii subtiri vanata, zucchini si cartofii, rosiile pe jumatate si ardeii in bastonase late de aproximativ 1 cm.
Fierbem cartofii timp de 10 minute in apa cu sare sau la abur.
Intr-o tava asezam o hartie de copt, o ungem cu putin ulei de masline si adaugam toate legumele. Presaram cu sare, stropim cu o lingura de ulei de masline si amestecam usor cu mana distribuindu-le uniform in tava. Ungem pestele cu o lingura de ulei de masline pe interior si exterior si il asezam peste legume.
Introducem tava in cuptorul incins la 190 grade Celsius pentru 25 de minute. La expirarea timpului activam functia grill a cuptorului timp de 5 – 7 minute pentru a rumeni usor pestele si legumele.
Pe o jumatate de platou asezam legumele si pe cealalta jumatate mixul de salata. Indepartam pielea pestelului si filetam asezand bucati mari de peste peste legume si salata.
Servim alaturi de un pahar de Alb de Valahia de la Crama Stramutata, un Sauvignon Blanc plin de viata, aromat, cu note de soc.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut Branzino al Forno a la Pippo va recomand sa incercati si un Peste la cuptor cu Salsa de patrunjel si ardei iute, o Dorada la cuptor cu salata Fattoush sau un Peste cu legume la cuptor.
English version
Branzino al Forno a la Pippo
I recently discovered a restaurant in Bucharest where I really felt exactly like I was in Italy! The atmosphere, the music, but especially the dishes at Pippo’s make you think that you are in a real canteen in the Peninsula, by no means on Paris Street in the Capital. Among the dishes I discovered there, I was left with the thought of Branzino al forno a la Pippo, which I thought I would try as well, and because it came out as it should, here it is. Well, Pippo doesn’t call it that, but I assure you that the recipe contains all the ingredients and secrets of the nice Italian Chef, the most important being: the simplicity of the recipes, the quality and freshness of the ingredients used and, I would add, the joy with which you cook!
Clean the fish. Dry the fish well with an absorbent napkin and sprinkle it with salt both inside and outside. Wrap it in aluminum foil and refridgerate for a few hours or even overnight.
For the vegetables, thinly slice the eggplant, zucchini and potatoes, halve the tomatoes and peppers into sticks about 1 cm wide.
Boil the potatoes for 10 minutes in salt water or steam.
Place a baking paper in a tray and grease with a small quantity of olive oil, then add all the vegetables. Sprinkle with salt, sprinkle with a spoonful of olive oil and mix gently, distributing them evenly in the pan. Grease the fish with 1 tablespoon of olive oil on the inside and outside and place it on top of the vegetables.
Place the pan in the oven heated to 190 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes. At the end of the time, activate the grill function of the oven for 5-7 minutes to lightly brown the fish and vegetables.
Place the vegetables on one half of the plate and the salad mix on the other half. Remove the skin of the fish and filet it, placing large pieces of fish on top of the vegetables and salad.
Serve it with a glass of Wallachian White from Crama Stramutata, a full-bodied, aromatic Sauvignon Blanc with notes of elderberry.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked Branzino al Forno a la Pippo, I recommend you also try an Baked fish with parsley and hot pepper salsa, Baked Sea Bream with Fattoush Salad or an Baked Fish with Vegetables.
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